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I'm just about to start my email section of the website I'm working on. I don't know much about this and I was looking for some advice. All I'm doing is allowing the user to send an email to the site administrator from the website. That's all. Any ideas what function I should be looking at?



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Not sure if your like me or not but I always need a piece of code that I can reverse engineer.  While the http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php is an excellent resource to start with, email headers can be a bit tricky if your not familiar with them.


In addition to reading the manual, take a look at the script here: http://bit.ly/1Lyoy0 it will send plain text emails and also allow you to send file attachments. Between that and the manual, you should have everything you need.


Do let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

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For my advice.  mail() functions can get a little confusing... especially when you go into trying to attachments.  If your server allows php, they shouldn't have a problem with you installing some pear packages.  I would recommend using the mail factory that pear has.  EXCELLENT!  I love it.  Especially since I can define my SMTP and get attachments done much easier.  For me PEAR has been way less stressful that mail().


Good luck.

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