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I'm needing help with a php/javascript mail service

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I have already gone through the search to see if I could find my problem

I found one that is close but didn't discuss my issue


to view my live sample please visit~~




but what is going on is, it dosen't seem to be reading the JS validation at the top of the page, my submit / onsubmit info looks to be right, the JS looks right

and just goes directly to a error page for the webservice provider  :shrug:


If you can help but need more info please let me know!





ok well here is signup.php








$ContactName = $_POST[ContactName];

$CompanyName = $_POST[CompanyName];

$YourPosition = $_POST[YourPosition];

$ContactEmail = $_POST[ContactEmail];

$Service = $_POST[service];

$WebAddress = $_POST[WebAddress];

$ExistingSite = $_POST[ExistingSite];

$Maintainyoursite = $_POST[Maintainyoursite];

$Content = $_POST[Content];

$Images = $_POST[images];

$Logo = $_POST[Logo];

$WebsiteSize = $_POST[WebsiteSize];

$Competitor1Name = $_POST[Competitor1Name];

$Competitor1URL = $_POST[Competitor1URL];

$Competitor2Name = $_POST[Competitor2Name];

$Competitor2URL = $_POST[Competitor2URL];

$Competitor3Name = $_POST[Competitor3Name];

$Competitor3URL = $_POST[Competitor3URL];

$MainFunctions = $_POST[MainFunctions];

$References1 = $_POST[References1];

$References2 = $_POST[References2];

$References3 = $_POST[References3];

$BetterFeel = $_POST[betterFeel];






      // $msg2 is set in config.inc which formats the body of the message

  mail("$adminemail[$who]", "$subjectheader $subject", "$msg2", "From: $email \nReply-To: $email");


      if ($redirecturl != "") {

        header("Location: $redirecturl");

      } else {

        echo "<br><center>$finishedtext</center><br>";



} else {

      include($script_dir . '/header.php');

  include($script_dir . '/questionare.php');

      include($script_dir . '/footer.php');






here is the header, questionare, and footer




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<title><? echo $scriptname; ?></title>

<META name="description" content="">

<META name="keywords" content="">

<META name="revisit-after" content="7days">

<META name="robots" content="index, follow">


    <link href="../../../NacStyles/Nacota.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">




    <!-- Hide code from non-js browsers

    function validate()


        formObj = document.CustomerForm;

        if ((formObj.Contact Name.value == "") ||

            (formObj.Company Name.value  == "") ||

            (formObj.Your Position.value  == "") ||

            (formObj.Contact Email.value  == ""))


            alert("You have not filled in all required fields.");

            return false;


        else {

            alert('<? echo $finishedtext; ?>');

            return true;




function formReset()


    // end hiding -->




<!-- Head -->

<div id="head"></div>

<!-- end Head -->




<!-- Main -->

<div id="main">

<form name="CustomerForm" method="post" id="CustomerForm" action="<? echo $script_url; ?>/signup.php" onsubmit="return validate()" >

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" class="main">


<td colspan="2" align="center" class="mainbold">Please fill out this questionaire as fully as possible, this will help us in creating your custom website!</td>



    <td align="right">Your name:</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="1" size="20" name="ContactName" /></td>

  </tr><!--contact name-->


    <td align="right">The company name you represent:</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="2" size="20" name="CompanyName" /></td>

  </tr><!--company name-->


    <td align="right">Your position in the company (Owner, CEO, etc.):</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="3" size="20" name="YourPosition" /></td>

  </tr><!--position in company-->


    <td align="right">Your e-mail address:</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="4" size="20" name="ContactEmail" /></td>

  </tr><!--contact e-mail-->


    <td align="right">Have you already purchased your domain name and hosting service?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="domain">Domain:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="5" id="domain" name="Service" value="domain" /><br><label for="hosting">Hosting:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="6" id="hosting" name="Service" value="hosting" /><br><label for="both">Both:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="7" id="domainhosting" name="Service" value="both" /></td>



    <td align="right">What is the web site name(www.your-name.com)?</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="8" id="webaddress" size="20" name="WebAddress" /></td>

  </tr><!--site address-->


    <td align="right">Do you currantly have an existing website?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="existingsiteYes">Yes:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="9" id="existingsiteYes" name="ExistingSite" value="Yes" /><label for="existingsiteNo">No:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="10" id="existingsiteNo" name="ExistingSite" value="No" /></td>

  </tr><!--existing website-->


    <td align="right">Will you be using our services for maintenance, updates and upgrades?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="maintainYes">Yes:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="11" id="maintainYes" name="Maintainyoursite" value="Yes" /><label for="maintainNo">No:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="12" id="maintainNo" name="Maintainyoursite" value="No" /></td>



    <td align="right">Do you have content (text) for the website?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="contentYes">Yes:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="13" id="contentYes" name="Content" value="Yes" /><label for="contentNo">No:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="14" id="contentNo" name="Content" value="No" /></td>



  <td align="right">Do you have the images for the website?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="imagesYes">Yes:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="15" id="imagesYes" name="Images" value="Yes" /><label for="imagesNo">No:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="16" id="imagesNo" name="Images" value="No" /></td>



  <td align="right">Do you have an image of your logo for the website?</td>

<td align="center"><label for="logoYes">Yes:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="15" id="logoYes" name="Logo" value="Yes" /><label for="logoNo">No:</label><input type="radio" tabindex="16" id="logoNo" name="Logo" value="No" /></td>



  <td align="right">How many pages do you expect the site to have? (rough idea)</td>

<td align="center"><input type="text" tabindex="17" id="size" size="20" name="WebsiteSize" /></td>



  <td align="right">Who are your company's closest competitors?</td>

<td align="right"><label for="competitor1name">Company #1<br>Name:</label><input type="text" tabindex="18" size="20" id="competitor1name" name="Competitor1Name" /><br><label for="competitor1url">URL:</label><input type="text" tabindex="19" size="20" id="competitor1url" name="Competitor1URL" /><br>

<label for="competitor2name">Company #2<br>Name:</label><input type="text" tabindex="20" size="20" id="competitor2name" name="Competitor2Name" /><br><label for="competitor2url">URL:</label><input type="text" tabindex="21" size="20" id="competitor2url" name="Competitor2URL" /><br>

<label for="competitor3name">Company #3<br>Name:</label><input type="text" tabindex="22" size="20" id="competitor3name" name="Competitor3Name" /><br><label for="competitor3url">URL:</label><input type="text" tabindex="23" size="20" id="competitor3url" name="Competitor3URL" /></td>



  <td align="right">What would you like your website to do for you?</td>

<td><textarea id="functions"  rows="4" cols="30" tabindex="24" name="MainFunctions"></textarea></td>



  <td align="right">Are there any websites you'd like us to view for style references?</td>

<td align="right"><label for="reference1">URL #1:</label><input type="text" id="reference1" tabindex="25" name="References1" size="20" /><br>

<label for="reference2">URL #2:</label><input type="text" id="reference2" tabindex="26" name="References2" size="20" /><br>

<label for="reference3">URL #3:</label><input type="text" id="reference3" tabindex="27" name="References3" size="20" /></td>



  <td align="right">Is there anything else you'd like to include that might help give us a better 'feel' for your web project, or have any comments that don't fit above?</td>

<td><textarea id="betterfeel"  rows="4" cols="30" tabindex="28" name="BetterFeel"></textarea></td>

  </tr><!--better Idea-->


  <td align="right"></td>





<td align="right"><input class="button" type="reset" value="Clear" /><input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>

  </tr><!--submit buttons-->




<!-- end Main -->




<BR><BR><!--{placeholder for footer html here}--></center>










along with the config.inc ~~




# script name

$scriptname = "CustomerForm";


# use full paths

# not using full paths could prevent the script from functioning properly


# script directory # no trailing slash

$script_dir = "/home/a8420943/public_html/html/mailforms/SignUp";


# script url (url to script directory above)

# no trailing slash

$script_url = "http://www.nacota.comlu.com/html/mailforms/SignUp";


# variables below corresponds to the Email to * in your contact form

# match the numbers to the value for which option maps to a specific email

# you can add more as long as you keep them in sync


$adminemail = "[email protected]";



# preceeds the subject the user puts in on the contact form

$subjectheader = "[Customer Form]:";


# url the form will redirect to after sending email

$redirecturl = "http://www.nacota.comlu.com/html/thankyou.html";


# text that will display if you leave above variable blank

$finishedtext = "Thank you for your interest, We will be contacting you soon!";


# how the message will show in the email

# you can reorder these how you wish or modify the message itself to your liking

# just be sure and leave the $variables in tact


$msg2 = "

    Name: $ContactName

Company: $CompanyName

    Position: $YourPosition

Email: $ContactEmail

Service: $Service

Web Site Address: $WebAddress

Existing Site: $ExistingSite

Maintain your site: $Maintainyoursite

Content Provided: $Content

Images Provided: $Images

Logo Provided: $Logo

Progeted Website Size: $WebsiteSize

Competitor1Name: $Competitor1Name

Competitor1URL: $Competitor1URL

Competitor2Name: $Competitor2Name

Competitor2URL: $Competitor2URL

Competitor3Name: $Competitor3Name

Competitor3URL: $Competitor3URL

Main Functions for site: $MainFunctions

References1: $References1

References2: $References2

References3: $References3

Get a better feel: $BetterFeel






Now not everything do I need validated just the first few (the ones that are listed)


can you tell from this what could be messing it up?




also I should note that this was from this person (and didnt work at all when I got it)



# ContactForm                                          #


#                                                      #

# Created by: Doni Ronquillo                            #

# Modified by: CodeMunkyX                              #

#                                                      #

# This script and all included functions, images,      #

# and documentation are copyright 2003                  #

# free-php.net (http://free-php.net) unless            #

# otherwise stated in the module.                      #

#                                                      #

# Any copying, distribution, modification with          #

# intent to distribute as new code will result          #

# in immediate loss of your rights to use this          #

# program as well as possible legal action.            #

#                                                      #


Well now I really feel like a dunce


looking at my code here I reallized that in the JS part of my form

I am not supposed to have spaces in between the variables name like

>>  if ((formObj.Contact Name.value == "")

should be:

>>  if ((formObj.ContactName.value == "")



it seems to be working but please if your already there send me a test submission!


Thank you!



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