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Random Sound


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Morning all - I am very new to PHP so please be gentle!


I currently use the <bgsound ...> in an HTML file which plays a .wav sound byte on opening. I want to provide a random sound (from a list of six) but can't seem to find a PHP script anywhere that will provide this for me. I can find random images and have this working just fine!


Could some kind soul point me in the right direction please?



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Hi Traveller29,


You could place the sounds in an array and then use the array_rand() function to choose a random sound.  e.g.:


$sounds = array("sound1.mp3", "sound2.mp3", "sound3.mp3", "sound4.mp3", "sound5.mp3");
$rand_sound = array_rand($sounds);

echo '<BGSOUND SRC="'.$rand_sound.'">';



array_rand() manual: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.array-rand.php


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for that but no luck so far?!


As I said, I am new to PHP so can you confirm what exactly I do?


I put the array into a file (changing the .mp3 to .wav) and made a file called random_sound.php.


I then included in my HTML file a calling line <?php include("random_sound.php"); ?> and put the six sounds in my root directory.


one thing just crossed my mind - the index file I am using is .HTML on the server; does this have to be .PHP also??



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Hi Traveller29,


Don't bother about putting the code into a separate file.  Rename your index.html to index.php and stick the code into the top of your page exactly like:


$sounds = array("sound1.wav", "sound2.wav", "sound3.wav", "sound4.wav", "sound5.wav");
$rand_sound = array_rand($sounds);


Then, scroll down your page until you come across the php code which deals with the background sound and change it to read:


<BGSOUND SRC="<?php echo $rand_sound; ?>">


Hope this helps.

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Thank you gents - BINGO!!


Works a treat now - very greatful for your input.


Just one other question - now I have my index named as a .PHP what is the best way to be able to view locally?


I use CodeLobster for the PHP editing but the viewer doesn't view the files in the entriety.

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Installed both (one at a time!) without a lot of success?


When I click on the index.php it still opens in CodeLobster but if I open it in a server then it says 'localhost' - Viewer is running TeamViewer (I know I am but only when doing some remote work which I am not and the proggy is 'dormant'!?).


Will persist over the weekend ... onwards!


Thanks again for your patience.

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Well, I seem to have WAMPserver working as I can now open my PHP project site in Firefox!


Changed all the HTML links to PHP and they all seem to call OK - with the exception of the sound as previously sorted!? btw, in my original <bgsound src= ...> code line there was 'loop="1" /' afetr the wav file. How do I get that into the array please?


Other than that not really a problem other than I like to have things working entirely for test purposes :-/


I mentioned the 'localhost' and 'TeamViewer' irregulatory. Well the only way I could get the above to work was to remove the TeamViewer files running in the background; now that can't be right can it?


Ho hum ....





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Taa for that - my code is now complete!


TeamViewer: I will have a look at that but I would have preferred a fix for the WAMPserver port listening rather than mess with TeamViewers!


Firefox sound: Seems there is a 'bug' in firefox that stops the <bgsound> statement from working?

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