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I can't make "Mysql connection" in dreamweaver error: "HTTP error code 405 method not allowed". I have install apache 1.3, PHP 4.xx and Mysql server, I put few lines(from PHP help file) in httpd.conf in apache to support PHP pages but I don't know what else to do to configure my dreamweaver workink whith PHP pages, I have ebook to learn PHP in dream. but a can't start working with recordsets until I create mysql connection.


Thanks and I'm sorry my bad English!

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You would need to be more specific with details like operating system and what code you change in conf. Config of apache and php isnt really a beginers job and half the tutorials I seen on the net are bull. If you need the easy solution go to http://www.firepages.au and download the latest release of GTk. The site is often out of bandwidth so you may have to get it from www.sourceforge.com. Remove all of your old installation and run the installer. Apache will then install to C:/phpdev. Within shall be 2 folder for you to keep files.www and private. Private is above root and should be used for anything you do not wish others to see. www is open to public access via port via http://your ip addy:80 whilst online with server running. Oh and bung the guy a donation.

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My OP is win98se. I wrote this line to apache httpd.confg:


LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll

AddModule mod_php4.c

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


I think that's working, when I put PHP page into apache Htdocs directory I can open it in internet explorer over apache localhost. I think problem is in Mysql server, how to configure mysql that can work with apache.


I need 'only' to make "mysql connection" in dreamweaver and i have rest in my tutorial.

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