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I need to add into my database a field that inserts consecutive numbers starting from a 8 digit number I have selected.

I need to be able to add the next number automatically to each row in the database (there are over 100,000) and then add some php code so that when a new entry is added, it adds the next number to the new record.


The problem is I already have an auto increment field in the database, and am not sure how to do this.


Can someone please help me out?


Thanks in advance.


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Only idea I can suggest is to have a 2nd table with a single column which is an autonumber (starting at your start point), and when you want a new number you insert into that and then grab the inserted key value for use in your main table.


All the best



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What's wrong with using a standard auto-increment INT field and start it at whatever value you want. It's true that it won't be padded to 8 characters, but that is a display issue. By keeping the field as an INT type you get much more flexibility; e.g. select where field > [some_value].


Then whenever you want to display the field simply use string_pad() or some other methos to display with it padded to eight characters

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Hi guys,


Thanks for your help, but I managed to do it another way.


I added the code below in case anyone is interested.... just have to add script to insert next number into new record, which is the easy bit.



$db = mysql_connect("$host", "$user", "$pass") or die ("Error connecting to database.");
mysql_select_db("$database", $db) or die ("Couldn't select the database.");
$sql = "select id from $users ORDER by id asc";
$result=mysql_query($sql,$db) or die(mysql_error()); 

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
$sql2= "update $users SET d_id = '$d' WHERE id='$reg'";
$d ++;
$result2=mysql_query($sql2 ,$db) or die(mysql_error());

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Hi Kevin,


This script was only meant to be used once, all I needed to do was add a consecutive number to each record on the database. now I have done that, the script above is going to be binned. I will now use another bit of code to make sure the last record is checked and next number is added to new record.


Thanks for everyones help! :)

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What's wrong with using a standard auto-increment INT field and start it at whatever value you want.


The problem is I already have an auto increment field in the database, and am not sure how to do this.


OK, so use THAT field for this number. Just start the auto-increment from the number you need to start at and, as I stated above, use PHP to format the number appropriately for display purposes. Maybe I am missing something, but it would seem that two auto-increment fields for a table are superfluous.

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