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How do I get $_FILES['photo'] to pass to AJAX.php file?

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Among other inputs, my HTML form contains an input file selector for an image (jpeg).


In non-AJAX, the php file opens the $_FILES['photo'] and retrieves the tmp_name, name, size, type, and error values and posts the image data to a mysql database table correctly.


In the AJAX version, the ..._xml.php file appears to work, but the image values are all null or empty.




if ($_FILES['photo']) {

$img = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name];

$img_name = $_FILES['photo']['name'];

$img_size = $_FILES['photo']['size'];

$img_type = $_FILES['photo']['type'];

$img_error = $_FILES['photo']['error'];


$binary_data = addslashes(fread(fopen($img, "rb"), filesize($img)));

$sql = "INSERT INTO binary_data VALUES



$r = mysql_query($sql, $dbc);

if (mysql_affected_rows($dbc) == 1) {

  //do something



...where '' is the auto incremented db record, and $rec is defined elsewhere as a key to a record in a related table.


The only data that makes it to the database is the auto incremented record number and the $rec value. None of the image data appears. No error shows, and AJAX reports the image added correctly in the <result> area of the form.


Do I need to use a different syntax in the ...xml.php file? When tested the non-AJAX way, the data is properly added to the db using this code. I haven't been able to find any examples addressing using $_FILES() for images in a ..._xml.php file, so any assistance would be appreciated.


Thank you,







Ok - It does not show a "required field" error, when I add that error code.


But it does show a $img_error as 1 on the ..._xml.php results, which means that the file exceeds the max_file_size allowed by php.ini.


On the .php handler, it shows a $img_error of 0 or no error for the same file.


The file is only 44KB

The max_file_upload_size in php.ini is 4M (increased from default 2M)


What gives? anybody know?

Thank you for the link.


I am wondering if this solution requires a separate form from other form elements that can be handled by AJAX, or if it can be worked into the single form? I have not had time yet to study on it, so maybe that answer will be obvious once I look closer at the work around.


Appreciate your help,


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