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[SOLVED] PHP and Adsense/Javascript in a table generated from a text


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Ok I have hit a wall.

Im trying to create a simple page that allows me to enter 3 types of data

website, description, adsensecode(javascript)


Currently the webpage takes the input from the forms and saves it in a text file (url.txt) like this:


www.reonomy.com|Real Estate|

www.reonomy.com|Real Estate|


Which is created by my php script here:



$filename = 'url.txt';


$fp = fopen($filename, "a");

//print $a

$write = fputs($fp, $_POST["website"]);

$write = fputs($fp, "|");

$write = fputs($fp, $_POST["description"]);

$write = fputs($fp, "|\n");




header('Location: http://URL/listcreator.php');





I then have listcreator.php do this:




$sortby = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];


$set = '';

if ($sortby == '') {

$header = 'First Name';

$sortby = 'firstname';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'surname') {

$header = 'Surname';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'city') {

$header = 'City';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'points') {

$header = 'Points';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'car') {

$header = 'Car';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'colour') {

$header = 'Colour';

$set = 'y';


if ($sortby == 'age') {

$header = 'Age';

$set = 'y';


if ($set == '') {

echo 'The variable at the end of the web address did not match one required by the code. Please check the web address for errors.';




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />


<title>Adsense Free Web Directory</title>


<style type="text/css">


body, th, td, p, small {

font-family:'Times New Roman',Times,serif;




small {font-size:90%;}

table {

border:1px solid #ccf;



td, th {


padding:7px 20px 7px 20px;


th {background-color:#dee; color:#677;}


h1 {font-size:120%; color:#558;}

h1 .sortby {color:#855;}










echo '<h1>Flat File Database Sorted By <span class="sortby">'.$header.'</span></h1>


<p>To sort the columns click on the headers.</p>


<table summary="List of demo fields">


<th><a href="?">Website</a></th>

<th><a href="?surname">Description</a></th>

<th><a href="?city">Ad</a></th>




$fp = fopen('cookies.txt','r');

if (!$fp) {echo 'ERROR: Unable to open file.</table></body></html>'; exit;}


while (!feof($fp)) {

$line = fgets($fp,2048); //use 2048 if very long lines


list ($website, $description, $adsense)= split ('\|', $line); //$points, $car, $colour, $age)

if ($sortby == 'website') $sortkey = strtolower($website);

if ($sortby == 'description') $sortkey = strtolower($description);

if ($sortby == 'adsense') $sortkey = strtolower($adsense);

//if ($sortby == 'points') $sortkey = $points;

//if ($sortby == 'car') $sortkey = strtolower($car);

//if ($sortby == 'colour') $sortkey = strtolower($colour);

//if ($sortby == 'age') $sortkey = $age;

$col[$row] = array($sortkey, $website, $description, $adsense); //, $points, $car, $colour, $age);








reset ($col);


$arrays = count($col) - 1;


$loop = -1;

while ($loop < $arrays) {


echo '









echo '





<p><small>1 December 2004 · Last updated: '.date('j F Y', getlastmod()); 

$HtmlCode= ob_get_contents();

















I am having trouble with two things:

1. Making the table that is created display the urls as links

2. I want to make a variable equal a google adsense ad and place it in the 3rd colum of my table


Can someone give me some direction?



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