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Here is my SESSIONS array:


$_SESSION[$_POST['item_number']]=array($_POST['item_number'], $_POST['item_name'], $_POST['options'], $_POST['amount']);


Somewhere in this array I want to include a $quantity variable - the way the site is designed there is currently no quantity field on the product pages so I want to be able to set this on the checkout page as follows:


1) If the $_POST['item_number'] is POSTed for the first time, $quantity is set to 1.


2) If the same $_POST['item_number'] is POSTed again, the $quantity of that session item is increased


3) If the same $_POST['item_number'] is POSTed again but the $options variable is different then a new session item is added to $_SESSION

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OK I managed to figure out the first two but the last one is now proving to be very difficult - any help would be appreciated. It's difficult because $_POST['item_number'] has to be unique, so I probably need to add on a counter or something..

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It looks like it's not really item_number that defines an item, but "item_number + options".  So you might use a combination of both as a key, for example:


$key = $_POST['item_number'] . "|" . $_POST['options'];
$_SESSION['items'][$key] = array($_POST['item_number'], $_POST['item_name'], $_POST['options'], $_POST['amount']);


I've also added ['items'] into the session variable - the reason is that there may be a security issue by setting these items at the top level of $_SESSION.  If someone sends an unexpected value for item_number they might be able to overwrite other entries in $_SESSION.  If you know this won't be a problem then you can remove the ['items'].

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Well the problem with item_number is it doesn't uniquely identify an item.  So the question is do you store your items as "widget|red" and "widget|green" or "widget" - "red" and "widget" - "green".


The first option is using a combined key of item number and options.


The second option would fit a 2 level array like this:


$_SESSION[$_POST['item_number']][$_POST['options']] = ...;


From a technical perspective, there's nothing wrong with using a long string as an array key.



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