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[SOLVED] excluding values from a regex


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Hi everyone,


I have a regex that is looking for URLs in a line of text (actually I have several but only one is giving me problems that I know of).  The idea is that I want to find strings of the form  something <dot> something <dot> (2|3 characters).  This will allow me to find things like:






So here is the current line of code I am using:


preg_match('/.+\..+\.([a-zA-Z]{2}|[a-zA-Z]{3})/i', $msg)



The problem is that it is matching strings such as "forever...or" and I see why, I just don't know how to avoid it.  Is there any way that I can specify in my regex to match everything of that form EXCEPT a string that contains "..." in it?  Or do I simply need to rewrite the entire regular expression in a different way?



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instead of using ".+", try specifying the valid domain characters explicitly, cause a .+ will actuall match a '.'

also, you don't need to use the pipe to match 2 or 3 chars, see below...

$msg = "skdaj www.google.com asd hello.world.tv jaksdjflajsk forever...or dfas as d.s.as askajjsl ke jhash kj";
preg_match_all('/[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}/i', $msg, $matches);



btw... i posted this in opera and it stripped certain characters, should be good now...

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Actually, I'm not. I'll show you





[^.] means any character that's not a dot (If it's the first character in a character class, it means whatever is NOT in this class)

+ means more than one

\. is dot

{2,3] is two OR three times.


So it all means

Match any character that's not a dot, any number of times. Then Dot. Then anything that's not a dot, any amount of times. Then dot. Then [a-zA-Z] two or three times

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