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Nested loops problem.


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I have two tables, one consists of

ID, PlayerName, PlayerID, Height, Weight etc


the other consists of

ID, PlayerIDnumb, PointsScored, Rebounds, Assists, SeasonNumb etc (multiple rows for each PlayerIDnumb)


I need it to print out:


Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb1"

Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb2"

Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb3"


Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb8"

Name: "PlayerName2", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb1"

Name: "PlayerName2", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb2"

Name: "PlayerName2", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb3"


Name: "PlayerName2", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb8"



I tried to do it like this:

$query1="SELECT * FROM table1";

while(list($ID, $PlayerName, $PlayerID)=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){


for($Start_season; $Start_season<=$Season_c; $Start_season++){		

	$query="SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE PlayerIDnumb = '$PlayerID' AND Season=$Start_season";		

	while(list($PlayerIDnumb, $PointsScored) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

	echo "Name: $PlayerName, Points: $PS_sum, Season: $Start_season<br />";




but it prints out:


Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum", Season: "SeasonNumb1"

Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum_all", Season: "SeasonNumb2"

Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum_all", Season: "SeasonNumb3"


Name: "PlayerName1", Points: "PointsScored_sum_all", Season: "SeasonNumb8"





When I echo the "$query", it prints out:


SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE PlayerIDnumb = 'PlayerID1' AND Season=1

SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE PlayerIDnumb = '' AND Season=2

SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE PlayerIDnumb = '' AND Season=3


SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE PlayerIDnumb = '' AND Season=8





Why does

while(list($ID, $PlayerName, $PlayerID)=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){

loop only once?


And why does the PlayerIDnumb disappear?

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Ouch...you really don't need to to loop through the results and execute a query for each player. You can use a join. I think this should work for you:


SELECT table1.PlayerName, SUM(table2.PointsScored),table2.SeasonNum FROM table1,table2 WHERE table1.PlayerID=table2.PlayerIDnumb GROUP BY(table1.PointsScored) ORDER BY table1.PlayerName, table2.SeasonNum


If you then loop through those results, you should get what you need:


$sql = "SELECT table1.PlayerName, SUM(table2.PointsScored),table2.SeasonNum FROM table1,table2 WHERE table1.PlayerID=table2.PlayerIDnumb GROUP BY(table1.PointsScored) ORDER BY table1.PlayerName, table2.SeasonNum";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);

while(list($name,$score,$season) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
    echo "$name, $score, $season <br>";


Edit: You can find a tutorial on joins here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/data-joins-unions

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Can I do it somehow that this

while(list($PlayerIDnumb, $PointsScored) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

remains the same?


I don't really want to change it as it's actually as an include and also used elsewhere.

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Can I do it somehow that this

while(list($PlayerIDnumb, $PointsScored) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

remains the same?


I don't really want to change it as it's actually as an include and also used elsewhere.


Surely it doesn't matter if the end result is the same? All I was saying is that running a query in a loop is a pretty inefficient way of doing things and requires you to write much more code than is necessary.

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Can I do it somehow that this

while(list($PlayerIDnumb, $PointsScored) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

remains the same?


I don't really want to change it as it's actually as an include and also used elsewhere.


Surely it doesn't matter if the end result is the same? All I was saying is that running a query in a loop is a pretty inefficient way of doing things and requires you to write much more code than is necessary.

Well, it does matter as the code I've posted here is a shortened and simplified version (same goes for input and output) and I just wanted to know if it's structurally possible to do it that way, because I really don't want to rewrite the whole thing (at least not right now).

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