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Ok So I have this PHP class that talks to a Javascript class that basically creates a table of information from a database query and puts it in a sortable, filterable table. This all works fine and dandy.


Well, i have had the need for some semi-dynamic functionality (changing the table of the query, or changing some other detail) which I accomplished using GETS. This also worked perfectly


I wanted to try to add some AJAX functionality in place of the GET functionality, so I changed things around a bit, and now I am sending an xmlhttprequest to my php page. this requests fine. however, I do not get back the information I want. Here is the PHP page that I send the request to


function getAssoc($query, $table){
$svname = 'list_users';
$svuser = 'dmitriyy';
$svpass = 'dmitriyy';
$oracle = new oracle($svname, $svuser, $svpass);
$query = str_replace('REPLACE_ME', $table, $query);
//echo $query."<br />";
//echo "execute is here bitch";
echo $query;
$execute = $oracle->query$query);
while(OCIFetchInto($execute, $results, OCI_ASSOC)){
	if ($data == null){
		$data = array();
		$data[] = $results;
	else {
		$data[] = $results;
return $data;


$query = $_GET['q'];
$table = $_GET['t'];

print_r(getAssoc($query, $table));
echo "done with print_r";
//echo json_encode(getAssoc($query, $table));


page.php (just a small class that does some oracle database connection and query stuff. This class DOES work, as I use it everywhere)

class oracle {
	//class variables
	var $connection;

	*Input (Server name, server usename, server password. By default
	*server name is localhost, and password and user are blank
	*returns true if connection was successful, false if not
	function oracle($svname, $svuser, $svpass){
		//echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('".$svname."');</script>";
		try {
			$conn = oci_connect($svuser, $svpass, $svname);
			if (!$conn){
				throw new Exception("Error");
		catch(Exception $e){
		$this->connection = $conn;
		if (!$conn){
			echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('COULD NOT CONNECT');</script>";
			return false;
		return true;
	}//end Constructor

	//class functions

	*Input: A query String
	*Returns the string if it is valid. String cannot have insert or update commands
	*returns false if it does
	public function is_valid($string){
		$temp = strtoupper($string);
		$invalid_commands = array("INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "DROP", "TRUNCATE", "APPEND");
		foreach($invalid_commands as $c){
			if (strpos($temp, $c) !== false){
				return false;
		return true;

	*Input: A (hopefully valid) oracle query
	*returns the parsed query if execution was valid
	*returns false if not
	public function query($query){
		if (!$this->is_valid($query)){
			die ("Query Contains Illegal Command! Exiting script");

		$do = oci_parse($this->connection, $query);
		$go = oci_execute($do);

		if (!$go){
			return false;
		return $do;

	*Sorts a 2d array, based on a certain column (sorts numerically)
	*returns the sorted array
	public function BubbleSort2($sort_array,$column = 0,$reverse = true){	
	  for ($i = 0; $i < $lunghezza ; $i++){
		for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $lunghezza ; $j++){
			if ($sort_array[$i][$column] < $sort_array[$j][$column]){
			  $tmp = $sort_array[$i];
			  $sort_array[$i] = $sort_array[$j];
			  $sort_array[$j] = $tmp;
			if ($sort_array[$i][$column] > $sort_array[$j][$column]){
			  $tmp = $sort_array[$i];
			  $sort_array[$i] = $sort_array[$j];
			  $sort_array[$j] = $tmp;
	  return $sort_array;



ignore the bubblesort


On the ajax page (the first snippet) everything seems to work fine until I try to build that data array. It just returns empty. I have verified that it is the exact same query on the main page (which executes the query successfully) and the ajax page.


One thing to note. I pass the query from php to javascript, and then back to PHP again. I use json_decode when passing to javascript from PHP. However, this doesn't seem to have an effect on the query, as I checked them, and they appear to be the same. Im really at a loss for why this isn't working.


is what i'm trying to do possible? I think it is but im not sure any more... anyone have any insight

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