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spliting date range into months


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Hi, I am developing a booking system, the start date and end date of the bookings are stored in the database.

Here's the problem: the price of the booking depends on the month of the booking e.g. December the price is hire. However, a user can start the booking in november and end in december, in this case the price is normal for november and higher for december.


If I have a start date of 15-11-2009 and end date of 23-12-2009, what would be the best way to work out the number of days in november and how many days in december?


Thanks in advanced for any suggestions!

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When given the year, if you've checked and know that the booking spans more than one moth, I would do something like this:


$end_of_month = mktime(11, 59, 59, $month, $last_day_in_month, $year); // get the unix timestamp for the end of the month
$start_of_booking_in_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day_booking_starts, $year); // get the unix timestamp for the start of booking
$time_in_first_month = $end_of_month - $start_of_booking_in_month; // get the seconds between the end of the month and the start of booking
$days_in_first_month = ceil($time_in_first_month / 60 / 60 / 24); // convert the seconds to days rounding fractions up


With a little innovation you can figure out how to do this over multiple months using a loop. To get you started, you'll want to do something like this:


$what_year = $year;
$next_month = $month; // You could set this to the previous month (checking to see if you need to subtract a year) which would allow you to process
                     //  the entire booking inside of the loop below, just remember that inside the loop, you're going to have to check if the booking starts in the middle
                    //   of the month, or if starts at the beginning of the month.
if ($month == 12) {
$next_month = 1;
$what_year = $year+1;
// If $end_of_booking is a UNIX timestamp
while ($end_of_booking >= time(0, 0, 0, 1, $next_month, $what_year)) {
/* Process the payment at next month's rate, you can use the above code to help you with this
      keep in mind though - the above works specifically for the 1st month in the booking, you'll have to
      to check to see if the booking ends during the "$next_month" variable or if it goes past it. If it goes past
      just process from the begining of $next_month to the end of $next_month, otherwise process from the
      beginning of $next_month to the end of the booking. */

if ($next_month == 12) {
  $next_month = 1;
  $what_year = $what_year+1;


Hope that helps.

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