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Using Months As Its Own Table?


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Hello All,

I am new to the forum and I would like to ask a question. Any advice would be appreciated.


I work for a monthly advertising publication In Michigan. I am in the process of creating an application to stream line our business. I have a very good idea how to do this with the exception of entering contracts. When someone signs up they can run in our publication for as many months as they want and they do not have to be concurrent. When these are being entered, whoever is entering needs to be able to select months. Would it be best to set up a table for Months? Would there be a better way to do this?


This is actually a very complex application that I have been working on and to tell you the truth I am a little befuddled that I am stuck on this seemingly simple dilemma. Any help, queries, theories or suggestions would be most appreciated. :confused:

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While there are ways around (for a start you could just use an array of months in php) it I would be tempted to just have a table of months and use that. I presume you have a table of adverts and a table linking those adverts to when they are run with a field for the month and year(so multiple rows per advert on the link table, one per year month).


All the best



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