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Artist Website Redesign / Upgrade


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I have worked on my site and continue to work on it.  I am in the midst of adding new content and thought it would be a good time to take a step back to see if I could make some improvements to the design and the usability of the site. 


I think the inner pages are stronger than the homepage but am not sure what to do.  Any thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance.



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Thanks for the feedback.


There are thumbnails used for the images on both the portfolio page and the interior pages of each piece. 


What did you mean by a thumbnail gallery for videos and images?  Could you give a page example so I can try changing it?


Thanks a lot.

each project has a thumb gallery but the actual portfolio doesnt. you can thumbnail a vertical column for projects and a small horizontal scrolling for thumbs relative to the project. it will be clear to the visitor as the horizontal thumbs will obviously be from the full size image and a single word description over the vertical so they know that is the project list. this would cut down on the kinda maze feel a lot of sites have. just an idea.

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my suggestion may be a bit complicated to use just javascript. if you put the current thumbs under the full size image you could use dynamic links to load from the vertical using php. i would be more then happy to provide you with the php(free, im not trying to sell) if you need.

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Ah, you mean the text links going down the left of the page by year in the sidebar, right?


Yes, I felt that part was a bit confusing for the user.  I thought the page would look to busy with images going down the side but that might be a good idea so users know where they are and how to et to other projects and pieces since the titles are not always descriptive of the piece.


Another page that is troublesome for me is the press page.  I wanted to have images of the different articles but the images are different sizes and it doesn't look good in my opinion.


Thanks again for the advice.

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