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[SOLVED] Simple Scraper... Weird Output


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Okay, maybe I just need a Blue Monster and some sleep, but.... :wtf:


I'm scraping a ringtone site just so that I can download all of the ringtones and add them to my personal library.


The website's code that I am targeting is:

<tr><td><a href="/ringtone/527783/"><img src="/img/icon/ringt.jpg" border=0>Jackson 5                      - Who's Loving You </a> </td><td align=center><a href="/ringtones/classical/" class=cat_link>Classical</a></td><td align=center><img src="/img/rating/star0.gif" border=0></td><td align="right" class=smgrey2>5 months ago</td><td align="center" class=smgrey2><span class="b">13895</span></td><td align="right"><span class="b"><a href="/profile/stambaugh01">stambaugh01</a></span></td></tr>


I would like for it to output the actual filename which in this case would be 527783.  I would also like for it to output the title of the file.


There are about 50 or so listings per page, and would like for it to automatically go to the next page to scrape.


Here is my code:

$data = @file_get_contents("http://www.XXXXXXXXXXXX.com/ringtones/classical/");

preg_match_all('/href="\/ringtone\/.*?\<img src="\/img\/icon\/ringt.jpg" border=0>([^"]*).*?\/"><img src="\/img\/icon\/.*?border=0>([^"]*)<\/td><td align=center>/is',$data,$out);
// preg_match_all('/href="\/ringtone\/.*?\<img src="\/img\/icon\/ringt.jpg" border=0>([^"]*).*?\/"><img src="\/img\/icon\/.*?border=0>([^"]*)<\/td><td align=center>/is',$data,$out);
	if ((isset($out[1]) && isset($out[2])) === FALSE) {	 // Let's do some error checking to see if there is data to insert into the database.  If not let's end the script
	$d = array_combine($out[1], $out[2]);
	 // End Error Checking
		foreach($d as $k=>$v){
			echo $k . " --- " . $v . "<br> ";


The output is skipping and only outputting the title of every other row, but now directory name.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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A way of doing it:


$page = 1;
$ids = array();
while (true) {
$html = file_get_contents('http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtones/classical/?page_ring=' . $page++);
$match_count = preg_match_all('~href="/ringtone/([0-9]+)/~i', $html, $matches);
if ($match_count > 0) {
	$ids = array_merge($ids, $matches[1]);
} else {
	//page doesn't exist
echo '<pre>' . print_r($ids, true) . '</pre>';


Will load all pages though, and thus probably time out, but should work with the appropriate settings (assuming the website in question doesn't cut you off due to too many requests).


I'm not too sure about this, but maybe it could be optimized by loading all the page sources into a single string first, and then run a single preg_match_all() on the huge string. Don't know if it'll be more efficient.

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Addition: Forgot to grab the titles. Although my for loop isn't that elegant.


$page = 1;
$data = array();
while (true) {
$html = file_get_contents('http://www.mytinyphone.com/ringtones/classical/?page_ring=' . $page++);
$match_count = preg_match_all('~href="/ringtone/([0-9]+)/"><img[^>]*>(.*?)</a>~is', $html, $matches);
if ($match_count > 0) {
	for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
		$data[] = array($matches[1][$i], $matches[2][$i]);
} else {
	//page doesn't exist
echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, true) . '</pre>';

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