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[SOLVED] preg-match with a string and numbers


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Hi, I can't get the expression to work for my preg_match, what I'd like is for it to match the string, but only if it is accompanied by a letter, not a number. So if a string was found with a number after it, it would pass, but fail if there where letters.

I have this but it doesn't work:

if(!preg_match("/table-/+[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]", $string, $dump)) {
//do stuff

Thanks for any help.

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Can you give an example of what your expect to pass and fail


A. table-12 = pass

B. table-123 = pass

C. table-1a3 = fail or pass ?

D. table-abc = fail

E. mytable-1 = fail or pass ?


With C/E would it pass as its "table-1" ?

What does it match up to ?



would match the text from " to "

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Great resource is right here


its mainly simple ones and practice



if (preg_match('/id="table-\d+"/', $string)) {
echo "valid"

finds id="table- then a \d (digit) + (means 1 or more) and then finds a "

Now if it finds the digits but then NOT a " it won't match so 12b" would fail


on my second example i put () around the \d+ this means capture (store in $dump) now

$dump[0] = the full matched string

$dump[1] = the first captured item


okay that's a break down of what you have.. hope that helps and doesn't scare you away :)

it takes time when I first saw them i was :wtf:

but they seam simpler now :)

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