icantcode Posted October 23, 2009 Share Posted October 23, 2009 I've got snipe gallery up and running, but I got one problem. I've added several entries that didn't have any pictures associated with them. Now, when I go to "change the image" in the admin panel, the image doesn't post. It acts like it's saving, but it never makes it into the table. I can change other pictures that do exist with no problem. Here is the code (I think line 106 is the heart of the problem): <?php /** * image_form.php * * The form code for adding/editing an image * * @package admin * @author A Gianotto <snipe@snipe.net> * @version 3.0 * @since 3.0 * */ ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" name="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <center> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#999999"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="resultline"><b> <?php if ((isset($_REQUEST['image_id'])) && (!empty($_REQUEST['image_id']))) { echo "Edit Image "; } else { echo "Add New Image"; } ?> </b></td> </tr> <?php if ((!isset($_REQUEST['image_id'])) && (empty($_REQUEST['image_id'])) && (empty($image_filename))) { ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[0]; ?>: </td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input name="form_image" type="file" size="50"></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" colspan="2"> <?php if (file_exists($cfg_pics_path."/".$image_filename)) { $img_size = @getimagesize($cfg_pics_path."/".$image_filename, $info); echo '<center><img src="'.$cfg_pics_url."/".$image_filename.'?'.date("U").'" '.$img_size[3].'></center></td></tr><tr><td class="resultline-alt" valign="top">'.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[20].':</td><td class="resultline-alt">'; echo "Type: "; // echo " mime: ".$img_size[mime]; if ($img_size[2]==1) { echo "GIF (no thumbnailing)"; } elseif ($img_size[2]==2) { echo "JPG"; if ($img_size[channels] ==3) { echo " (RGB)"; } elseif ($img_size[channels]==4) { echo " (CMYK)"; } //$exif = exif_read_data($cfg_pics_path."/".$image_filename, 0, true); //echo "<br />\n"; //foreach ($exif as $key => $section) { // foreach ($section as $name => $val) { // echo "$key.$name: $val<br />\n"; // } //} } elseif ($img_size[2]==3) { echo "PNG"; } elseif ($img_size[2]==4) { echo "SWF"; } echo "<br>"; echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[19].": ".$img_size[0]." x ".$img_size[1]." pixels<br>"; $picweight=filesize($cfg_pics_path."/".$image_filename); if ($picweight >= 1073741824) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . "g"; } elseif ($picweight >= 1048576) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . "m"; } elseif ($picweight >= 1024) { $picweight = round($picweight / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "k"; } else { $picweight = $picweight . "b"; } echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[14].": ".$picweight."\n<br>"; if ($cfg_use_cache==1) { if (file_exists($cfg_cache_path."/".$image_filename)){ echo "Cache Image: exists<br>"; } else { echo "Cache Image: error - cache file missing \n<br>"; } } echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[15].": ".make_datetime_pretty($image_added)."\n"; //if ((($img_size[2]==2) || ($img_size[2]==3)) && (function_exists('imagerotate'))) { //echo "<br>» <b><a href=\"image.php?gallery_id=".$_REQUEST['gallery_id']."&image_id=".$_REQUEST['image_id']."&rotate=right&page=".$_REQUEST['page']."\">rotate image</a></b>"; //} if (((($img_size[2]==2) || ($img_size[2]==3)) && ($cfg_minthumb_width < $img_size[0]) && ($cfg_minthumb_height < $img_size[1])) && ((isset($cfg_enable_croptool)) && ($cfg_enable_croptool==1))) { echo "<br>» <b><a href=\"crop.php?gallery_id=".$_REQUEST['gallery_id']."&image_id=".$_REQUEST['image_id']."&croptype=full&page=".$_REQUEST['page']."\">".$LANG_IMG_FIELD[16]."</a></b>"; } echo '<br>» <b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="expandcontent(\'uploadbox\')">'.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[22].'</a></b>'; // echo "<br>Font size: ".imagefontwidth($cfg_font_path."".$cfg_font_name); echo '<span id="uploadbox" class="switchcontent"><input name="form_image" type="file" size="30"></span>'; echo '</td></tr>';[/b][/b][/b][/b] if ((count(iptcparse($info["APP13"])) > 1) && ($cfg_use_iptc_meta==1)){ ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top">META data: </td> <td class="resultline-alt"><span class="smadmin"> <?php $iptc = iptcparse($info["APP13"]); if (is_array($iptc)) { $iptc_caption = $iptc["2#120"][0]; $iptc_creation_date = $iptc["2#055"][0]; $iptc_photog = $iptc["2#080"][0]; $iptc_credit_byline_title = $iptc["2#085"][0]; $iptc_city = $iptc["2#090"][0]; $iptc_state = $iptc["2#095"][0]; $iptc_country = $iptc["2#101"][0]; $iptc_otr = $iptc["2#103"][0]; $iptc_headline = $iptc["2#105"][0]; $iptc_source = $iptc["2#110"][0]; $iptc_photo_source = $iptc["2#115"][0]; $iptc_caption = $iptc["2#120"][0]; $iptc_email = $iptc["2#025"][0]; //echo $iptc_email; if (!empty($iptc_headline)) { echo "Headline: ".$iptc_headline ."<br>"; } if (!empty($iptc_creation_date)) { $iptc_showdate = strtotime($iptc_creation_date); echo "Created On: ".date("F j, Y", $iptc_showdate)."<br>"; } if (!empty($iptc_caption)) { echo "Caption: ".$iptc_caption ."<br>"; } if (!empty($iptc_photog)) { echo "Address: ".$iptc_photog; if (!empty($iptc_credit_byline_title)) { echo " (".$iptc_credit_byline_title.")"; } echo "<br />"; } if ((!empty($iptc_city)) || (!empty($iptc_state)) || (!empty($iptc_country))) { echo "Phone: "; if (!empty($iptc_city)) { echo $iptc_city; if (!empty($iptc_state)) { echo ", "; } } if (!empty($iptc_state)) { echo $iptc_state." "; } if (!empty($iptc_country)) { echo $iptc_country; } echo "<br />"; } $c = count ($iptc["2#025"]); if ($c > 0) { echo "Keywords: "; for ($i=0; $i <$c; $i++) { echo $iptc["2#025"][$i].' '; } } } ?> </span></td> </tr> <?php } } else { echo "<span class=\"smerrortxt\">can't find file: ".$cfg_pics_url."/".$image_filename."</span></td></tr>"; ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[0]; ?>: </td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input name="form_image" type="file" size="50"></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ((isset($_REQUEST['image_id'])) && (!empty($_REQUEST['image_id']))) { ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[23]; ?>:</td> <td class="resultline-alt"> <?php /* * Check to see if there is a thumbnail named, and if there is, make sure * that it really exists */ echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top">'; if (!empty($image_thumbname)) { if (file_exists($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_thumbname)) { $thumbimg_size = @getimagesize($cfg_thumb_path."/".$image_thumbname); echo '<img src="'.$cfg_thumb_url."/".$image_thumbname.'?'.date("U").'" '.$thumbimg_size[3].' hspace="3"></td><td valign="top">'; } else { echo "<span class=\"smerrortxt\">can't find file: ".$cfg_thumb_url."/".$image_thumbname."</span>"; } } else { echo "none </td><td>"; } /* * If the fullsized is a jpg or a png, present the option of re-cropping */ if (($img_size[2]==2) || ($img_size[2]==3)) { echo "<b>".$LANG_IMG_FIELD[17].":</b><br>» <b><a href=\"image.php?gallery_id=".$_REQUEST['gallery_id']."&image_id=".$_REQUEST['image_id']."&rethumb=1&page=".$_REQUEST['page']."\">".$LANG_IMG_FIELD[18]."</a></b>"; if ((isset($cfg_enable_croptool)) && ($cfg_enable_croptool==1)) { echo "\n\n".'<br>» <b><a href="crop.php?gallery_id='.$_REQUEST['gallery_id'].'&image_id='.$_REQUEST['image_id'].'&page='.$_REQUEST['page'].'">'.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[16].'</a></b><br>'; } } //echo "\n\n".'» <b><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="expandcontent(\'thumbbox\')">upload thumbnail</a></b>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?> <span id="thumbbox" class="switchcontent"><input name="form_thumb" type="file" size="30"></span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[7]; ?>:</b><br /> (All Caps)</td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input type="text" name="form_image_title"<?php if ((isset($image_title)) && (!empty($image_title))) { echo " value=\"".stripslashes($image_title)."\""; }?> maxlength="200" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[8]; ?>:</b> </td> <td class="resultline-alt"> <?php if (empty($_REQUEST['image_id'])) { $image_cat_id = $_REQUEST['gallery_id']; } $sql ="select id, name from snipe_gallery_cat where cat_parent='0' "; $sql .=" order by name asc"; $get_options = mysql_query($sql); $num_options = mysql_num_rows($get_options); echo '<select name="form_gallery_id">'; // our category is apparently valid, so go ahead... if ($num_options > 0) { while (list($cat_id, $cat_name) = mysql_fetch_row($get_options)) { $sql ="select id, name from snipe_gallery_cat where cat_parent='".$cat_id."' "; $sql .=" order by name asc"; $get_suboptions = mysql_query($sql); while (list($subcat_id, $subcat_name) = mysql_fetch_row($get_suboptions)) { echo "<option value=\"".$subcat_id."\""; if ($image_cat_id==$subcat_id) { echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".stripslashes($cat_name).":: ".stripslashes($subcat_name)."</option>\n"; } } } else { echo "<span class=\"smerrortxt\">No valid categories yet - <b><a href=\"gallery.php\">add one now</a></b>.</span>"; } // This is the form for the admin area. $LANG_IMG_FIELD[x] correspond to /admin/lib/en.php Corresponding $image definitions are set on this page and referenced in the display files. ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[3]; ?>:</b> <br /> (Parents on first line, children on second line)</td> <td class="resultline-alt"> <textarea name="form_author" rows="2" cols="50"><?php if ((isset($image_author)) && (!empty($image_author))) { echo stripslashes($image_author); }?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[1]; ?>:</b><br /> (Street on first line, City, State Zip on second line.)</td> <td class="resultline-alt"><textarea name="form_details" rows="2" cols="50"><?php if ((isset($image_details)) && (!empty($image_details))) { echo stripslashes($image_details); }?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[2]; ?>:</b><br /> (Use NA, if no phone is available)</td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input type="text" name="form_location"<?php if ((isset($image_location)) && (!empty($image_location))) { echo " value=\"".stripslashes($image_location)."\""; }?> maxlength="200" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt"><b><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[4]; ?>:</b><br /> (Use NA, if no email is available)</td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input type="text" name="form_keywords"<?php if ((isset($image_keywords)) && (!empty($image_keywords))) { echo " value=\"".stripslashes($image_keywords)."\""; }?> maxlength="250" size="30"></td> </tr> <?php if (($cfg_use_iptc_meta==1) && (empty($_REQUEST['image_id']))) { ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top">IPTC Meta Data: </td> <td class="resultline-alt"> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_title_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC headline as title<br> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_caption_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC caption as description <br> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_author_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC author as Address <br> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_loc_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC location as location <br> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_email_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC email as email <br> <input type="checkbox" name="iptc_date_override" value="1"<?php if ($cfg_iptc_meta_default==1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?>>Use IPTC creation date as date<br> <span class="smadmin">(NOTE: IPTC values will override user-entered fields if selected)</span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="resultline-alt" valign="top"><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[6]; ?>?: </td> <td class="resultline-alt"><input type="radio" name="form_publish" value="1"<?php if ((!isset($image_publish)) || ($image_publish==1)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?>><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[24]; ?><br> <input type="radio" name="form_publish" value="0"<?php if ((isset($image_publish)) && ($image_publish==0)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?>><?php echo $LANG_IMG_FIELD[25]; ?><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="resultline" align="right"><div align="right"> <?php if ((isset($_REQUEST['image_id'])) && (!empty($_REQUEST['image_id']))) { ?> <input type="submit" value="Save Edits" class="formbutton" onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Saving...'; this.form.submit();"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"> <input type="hidden" name="gallery_id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['gallery_id']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="image_id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['image_id']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page']; ?>"> <?php } else { if ((isset($first_album)) && ($first_album==1)) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="gallery_id" value="'.$_REQUEST['gallery_id'].'">'; } if ($this_thumbtype==2) { echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[21] .'»" class="formbutton" onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value=\''.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[13].'...\'; this.form.submit();">'; } else { echo '<input type="submit" value="Save New" class="formbutton" onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value=\''.$LANG_IMG_FIELD[13].'...\'; this.form.submit();">'; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="new"> <?php } ?> </div></td> </tr> </table> </center> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000"> </form> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/178751-snipe-gallery-image-upload/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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