chuck2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Share Posted October 26, 2009 hi im trying to load a sql quote it works find but it load all the old ad's first, how can i load all the new once first and then the old once here the code. im not all that good with mysql or php could anyone help me please i did not write the code i both a classified script from here the search code that show the quote fromt eh sql when a cat is select and a subcat is select <? require_once("conn.php"); require_once("includes.php"); require_once("templates/HeaderTemplate.php"); require_once("advanced.php"); require_once("templates/AdvancedSearchTemplate.php"); //Check for subcategories if($_GET[c]) { $catq="select * from yellow_subcat where rootcatid='$_GET[c]' order by subcatname asc"; $cats=mysql_query($catq); if(mysql_num_rows($cats)!=0) { ?> <table align=center width=100% bgcolor="#BBBBBB" border=0 bordercolor=#020202 rules=rows cellspacing=1 class="subcats"> <tr align="center"> <td width=425 valign=top colspan=3 align="left" ><font face=verdana size=2><b>Select a Subcategory</b></font> </td> </tr> <tr style="border-width:1; border-color:#000000" onMouseOver="'#B1B1B1';'hand'" onMouseOut="'#F0F0F0'" align="center"> <? //Check for rows and columns $counted=1; while($catsl = mysql_fetch_array($cats)) { ?> <td width=425 valign=top align="left"> <a href="search.php?s=<?=$catsl[subcatid]?>" class="style1"> <?=$catsl[subcatname]?> </a></td> <?if($counted%3==0){?></tr> <tr style="border-width:1; border-color:blue" onMouseOver="'#B1B1B1';'hand'" onMouseOut="'#F0F0F0'" align="center"><?}?> <? $counted=$counted+1; } ?> </tr> </table> <?} else { echo "No Subcategories were found!"; } } else { $query = array(); if(!empty($_GET[c])) { $query[] = "yellow_posts.CategoryID = '$_GET[c]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[CategoryID])) { $query[] = "yellow_posts.CategoryID = '$_GET[CategoryID]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[s])) { $query[] = "yellow_posts.SubCategoryID = '$_GET[s]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[old])) { $MyExp2 = time()-(24*60*60*$_GET[old]); $query[] = "yellow_posts.PostDate > '$MyExp2' "; } if(!empty($_GET[search_country])) { $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_country]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[search_state])) { $query[] = "yellow_agents.state = '$_GET[search_state]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[search_city])) { $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_city]' "; } if(!empty($_GET[search_kw])) { $query[] = " (yellow_posts.resume like '%$_GET[search_kw]%' or yellow_posts.CompanyName like '%$_GET[search_kw]%') "; } if(!empty($_GET[zip])) { $query[] = " (yellow_agents.zipcode like '%$_GET[zip]%') "; } if(!empty($query)) { $MyQuery = implode(" and ", $query); $MyQuery = " and ".$MyQuery; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// order by //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $order = array(); if(!empty($_GET[orderby])) { $MyOrder = explode("|", $_GET[orderby]); while(list(,$ov) = each($MyOrder)) { if($ov == "DateAdded") { $order[] = " yellow_agents.RegDate desc "; } if($ov == "address") { $order[] = " yellow_agents.address asc "; } } } else { if(!empty($_GET[p])) { $order[] = " yellow_agents.RegDate asc "; } } if(count($order) > '0') { $MyOrder = implode(", ", $order); } if($aset[sitefee]=="0") { if(empty($MyOrder)) { $MyOrder = " order by yellow_agents.AgentID desc, yellow_agents.RegDate desc"; } else { $MyOrder = " order by yellow_agents.AgentID desc, $MyOrder, yellow_agents.RegDate desc"; } } if(!empty($_GET[start])) { $Start = $_GET[start]; } else { $Start = '1'; } $ByPage = '25'; if($aset[sitefee]=="1") { $q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID and yellow_posts.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_posts, yellow_categories where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery"; } else { /*$q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_priority, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat where yellow_agents.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.PriorityLevel = yellow_priority.PriorityLevel and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_agents.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_priority, yellow_categories where yellow_agents.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.PriorityLevel = yellow_priority.PriorityLevel and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' $MyQuery";*/ $q1 = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_subcat,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.SubCategoryID = yellow_subcat.subcatid and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage "; $qnav = "select * from yellow_agents, yellow_categories,yellow_posts where yellow_posts.CategoryID = yellow_categories.CategoryID and yellow_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' and yellow_posts.AgentID=yellow_agents.AgentID $MyQuery"; } $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); $lrows = mysql_num_rows($r1); if($lrows > '0') { $ListingTable .= "<table bgcolor=#CFCFCF align=center width=100% border=0 bordercolor=#000000 rules=rows cellspacing=1 class=\"subcats\">\n"; $ListingTable .= "<tr width=90><th>Photo</th><th>Title & Description</th><th>City/Town </th><th>Price</th></tr>"; while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $rate="SELECT avg(rated) as abcde FROM yellow_rating WHERE mediaid ='".$a1[PostID]."' GROUP BY mediaid"; $rank=""; $rateq=mysql_query($rate)or die($rate); $rateline=mysql_fetch_array($rateq); $count=1; while($count<=round($rateline[abcde])) { // echo 1; $rank.= "<img src=\"images/star_yellow.png\">"; $count=$count+1; } $ListingTable .= "<tr bgcolor=#F0F0F0 onMouseOver=\"'#B1B1B1';'hand'\" onMouseOut=\"'#F0F0F0'\" onClick=\"'info.php?id=$a1[PostID]&s=$SCID', '_top')\">\n\t"; /* $ListingTable .= "<td height=60>"; $ListingTable .= "<table align=center width=\"100%\" border=1>\n"; $ListingTable .= "<tr>"; */ /* if(!empty($a1[logo2])) { $MyImage = $a1[logo]; $ListingTable .= "<img src=\"yellow_images/$MyImage\" width=75 height=60 border=1>"; } else { $ListingTable .= "<img src=\"no_logo.jpg\" border=1>"; }*/ //$ListingTable .= "</td>\n\t"; if($MyImage = $a1[logo]){ $image_ad = "<img src=\"yellow_images/$MyImage\" width=\"75\" height=\"60\">"; } else { $image_ad = "<img src=\"images/noImageAvailable.jpg\" border=\"1\" width=\"75\" height=\"60\">"; } $ShortDesc3 = substr( nl2br ($a1[resume]), 0, 150); $titlede2 = substr( nl2br ($a1[CompanyName]), 0, 50); $ListingTable .= "<td valign=middle align=\"center\">$image_ad</td><td height=50 style=\"width:320px;\" align=\"left\" valign=top nowrap><b>".$titlede2."</b><br><font face=\"Arial\" style=\"font-size:10px\">".$ShortDesc3."<br><p align=\"right\">Posted on: ".$a1[PostDate]."</p></font></td>\n<td align=\"center\" valign=middle>".$a1[city]."</td><td align=\"center\" width=100 valign=middle> ".$a1[price]." </td></tr>\n"; $ShortDesc = substr($a1[DetailedDesc], 0, 200); $ListingTable .= "</tr>\n\n<tr>"; } /* $q1 = "select distinct state from yellow_agents order by state"; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());*/ $rnav = mysql_query($qnav) or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rnav); if($rows > $ByPage) { $ListingTable .= "<br><table align=center width=580>"; $ListingTable .= "<td align=center><font face=verdana size=2> | "; $pages = ceil($rows/$ByPage); for($i = 0; $i <= ($pages); $i++) { $PageStart = $ByPage*$i; $i2 = $i + 1; if($PageStart == $Start) { $links[] = " <span class=RedLink>$i2</span>\n\t "; } elseif($PageStart < $rows) { $links[] = " <a class=BlackLink href=\"search.php?Start=$PageStart&c=$_GET[c]&search_city=$_GET[search_city]&search_state=$_GET[search_state]&search_country=$_GET[search_country]&search_kw=$_GET[search_kw]\">$i2</a>\n\t "; } } $links2 = implode(" | ", $links); $ListingTable .= $links2; $ListingTable .= "| </td>"; $ListingTable .= "</table><br>\n"; } } else { $ListingTable = "<br><br><center>No results were found!</center>"; } } include("templates/SearchTemplate.php"); include("templates/FooterTemplate.php"); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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