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[SOLVED] Flash form AS3 with PHP (PLEASE HELP!)


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so i've been building out this form in flash cs4 and i can't for the life of me get the checkboxes to submit their labels to the php mailer please help!!! thanks.


here's the AS3:

// Function to populate gas type
function addGasTypesToList ():void {
userFuel.addItem( {label: "Fuel Interests"} );
userFuel.addItem( {label: "E85"} );
userFuel.addItem( {label: "BioDiesel"} );
userFuel.addItem( {label: "EV Charging"} );
userFuel.addItem( {label: "ALL"} );
//Run function above now
addGasTypesToList ();

var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables;

//Build the varSend variable
var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("form_parse.php");
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
varSend.data = variables;

//Build the varLoader variable
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);

//handler for the PHP script completion and return of status
function completeHandler(event:Event):void{
//remove processing clip
userName.text = "";
userEmail.text = "";
userPhone.text = "";
userCompany.text = "";
userAddress.text = "";
userCity.text = "";
userState.text = "";
userZip.text = "";
userVehicle.text = "";
userMessage.text = "";
subjectNews.selected = false;
subjectBrochure.selected = false;
subjectStation.selected = false;
subjectSelling.selected = false;
subjectFleet.selected = false;
subjectPress.selected = false;
subjectCorporate.selected = false;
subjectOther.selected = false;
//Load the response from PHP here
messageStatus.text = event.target.data.return_msg

// Add event listener for submit button click
sendButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ValidateAndSend);

//function ValidateAndSend
function ValidateAndSend (event:MouseEvent):void{

//validate fields
if(!userName.length) {
	messageStatus.text = "Please enter your name";
}else if( !validate_email(userEmail.text) ) {
	messageStatus.text = "Please enter a VALID email";
}else {

	//All is good, send the data to PHP
	messageStatus.text = "sending...";

	//ready the variables for sending
	variables.userName = userName.text;
	variables.userEmail = userEmail.text;
	variables.userPhone = userPhone.text;
	variables.userCompany = userCompany.text;
	variables.userAddress = userAddress.text;
	variables.userCity = userCity.text;
	variables.userState = userState.text;
	variables.userZip = userZip.text;
	variables.userVehicle = userVehicle.text;
	variables.userFuel = userFuel.value;
	variables.userMessage = userMessage.text;
	variables.userNews = subjectNews.selected;
	variables.userBrochure = subjectBrochure.selected;
	variables.userStation = subjectStation.selected;
	variables.userSelling = subjectSelling.selected;
	variables.userFleet = subjectFleet.selected;
	variables.userPress = subjectPress.selected;
	variables.userCorporate = subjectCorporate.selected;
	variables.userOther = subjectOther.selected;

	//Send the data to PHP now

}//close else condition for error handling


//function for validate email
function validate_email(s:String):Boolean 
var p:RegExp = /(\w|[_.\-])+@((\w|-)+\.)+\w{2,4}+/;
var r:Object = p.exec(s);
if( r == null ) 
	return false;
return true;

//--------------Set tab index
userName.tabIndex = 1;
userEmail.tabIndex = 2;
userPhone.tabIndex = 3;
userCompany.tabIndex = 4;


here's the php:



// Create local variables from the Flash ActionScript posted variables
$userName = $_POST['userName'];
$userEmail = $_POST['userEmail'];
$userPhone = $_POST['userPhone'];
$userCompany = $_POST['userCompany'];
$userAddress = $_POST['userAddress'];
$userCity = $_POST['userCity'];
$userState = $_POST['userState'];
$userZip = $_POST['userZip'];
$userVehicle = $_POST['userVehicle'];
$userFuel = $_POST['userFuel'];
$userNews = $_POST['subjectNews'];
$userBrochure = $_POST['subjectBrochure'];
$userStation = $_POST['subjectStation'];
$userSelling = $_POST['subjectSelling'];
$userFleet = $_POST['subjectFleet'];
$userPress = $_POST['subjectPress'];
$userCorporate = $_POST['subjectCorporate'];
$userOther = $_POST['subjectOther'];
$userMessage = $_POST['userMessage'];

// Strip slashes on the Local typed-in variables for security and run any php based error check here
$userName = stripslashes($userName);
$userEmail = stripslashes($userEmail);
$userMessage = stripslashes($userMessage); 

// IMPORTANT - Change these lines to be appropriate for your needs - IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$to = "david@creativegreen.org";			 
$from = "$userEmail";
$subject = "DMC Green Form Feedback";
// Modify the Body of the message however you like
$message = "Results from the form:

Name: $userName  
Email: $userEmail 
Phone: $userPhone
Company: $userCompany
Address: $userAddress
City: $userCity
State: $userState
Zip: $userZip
Vehicle: $userVehicle
Fuel: $userFuel
Newsletter: $userNews
Brochure: $userBrochure 
Station in my area: $userStation
Selling DMC fuels: $userSelling
Info for my fleet: $userFleet
Press/Public Relations Inquiry: $userPress
Corporate Affairs/Regulatory Inquiry: $userCorporate
Other Requests: $userOther

Their Message is below: 

// Build $headers Variable
$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text\r\n"; 
$to = "$to";
    // Send the email
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

// Assemble the message that goes back to Flash
// The flash ActionScript is looking for a return variable of "return_msg"
$my_msg = "Thanks $userName, all data has been sent.";
// Print the data back to flash who is patiently waiting for it in the onCompleteHandler
    print "return_msg=$my_msg"; 
// Exit script	


thanks again everyone!



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Okay as your not viewing the PHP, it makes it harder to debug..


So i'll highlight the problem for you,

Your AS code does this

variables.userBrochure = subjectBrochure.selected;


But PHP expects this

$userBrochure = $_POST['subjectBrochure'];


Note the variable expects subjectBrochure but your passing userBrochure


So to fix the problem you can simply update the PHP code to this

$userNews = $_POST['userNews'];
$userBrochure = $_POST['userBrochure'];
$userStation = $_POST['userStation'];
$userSelling = $_POST['userSelling'];
$userFleet = $_POST['userFleet'];
$userPress = $_POST['userPress'];
$userCorporate = $_POST['userCorporate'];
$userOther = $_POST['userOther'];

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The value would be true or false,

because subjectBrochure.selected is a boolean, My AS is a little rusty (but your get the idea) but you have 2 options


1. in AS

if(subjectBrochure.selected){variables.userBrochure = "SendBrochure"}else{variables.userBrochure = "Don't SendBrochure"}


2. in PHP

$userBrochure = ($_POST['subjectBrochure'] == "false")?"Don't SendBrochure":"SendBrochure";

Note: as subjectBrochure becomes a string from Flash your need the quotes

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I used the PHP code, and it works great. I just put a blank value in for:


$userBrochure = ($_POST['userBrochure'] == "false")?"[color=red] - [/color]":"Send me a Brochure";


i think this is going to work out nice, thanks so much for all your help! i'm having a lot of fun learning these two languages, and i'm sure i'll be back very very soon for more help.


thanks again!!

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Actually i have one more question... how do i make the results bold in the email?


Name: $userName
Email: $userEmail
Phone: $userPhone
Company: $userCompany
Address: $userAddress
City: $userCity
State: $userState
Zip: $userZip
Vehicle: $userVehicle
Fuel: $userFuel




just the $user... parts not the "name:" part.


thanks again

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Your need to send a HTML email, and use HTML tags


Name: $userName


<B>Name:</B> $userName


So change your email from plain to html,


$headers .= "Content-type: text\r\n"; 


$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; 


EDIT: ooops forgot the \r\n

Now added

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