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i payed a guy to right me a script the one bellow


i wonted to have a forum in my site with a select box in it were i cood put channel names and wen some one clicked one of the channel names it wood open that channel in an embeded wmp on the page but it all so to show the channel name in a text box bellow the player well he gave me the code bellow back and well it shows me the name of the channel but it dose not play in the embeded wmp can any one help or fix this for me pleas


ps: the guy made of with my money and left me for dead so i cant ask him to re do it



<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<meta name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">

<!-- Step 1: paste this script into your HEAD tag -->
<script language="JavaScript">
function sel(){
if (document.stationselect.options[0].selected){
	window.location.href = "http://cluster.quantumart.ru/broadcast/default.aspx?media=rutv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[1].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://on-tv.ru/asx/tv_id10.asx";}
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[2].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://media.caucasus.net/station5";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[3].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://media.caucasus.net/station7";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[4].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[5].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://video.rutube.ru/online/157933.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[6].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms:// wTv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[7].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[8].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.tvr.by/liveair/btv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[9].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://tv.sr.ru/testtv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[10].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://video.rutube.ru/online/618784.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[11].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[12].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=fz&p_bt=500";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[13].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=1tvbest&p_bt=500";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[14].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.mtk-twins.ru/intensiv/at0/BAR.wmv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[15].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=1tvsport&p_bt=100";}
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[16].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.tvr.by/liveair/btv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[17].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://media.wnet.ua/lists/24.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[18].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.disco80.ru/discotv.php";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[19].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://video.rutube.ru/online/698129.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[20].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://webteleradio.com/tv/one.wpl";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[21].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "mms://media.stv.lv/stvclip2";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[22].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.weather.com";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[23].selected)		
{	window.location.href = "http://www.disneychannel.com";}	

return true;	

function textValue(){	
var stationInteger, stationString	
document.stationtext.value = "Go to " + stationString +"!"	}



<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000">
<?php include "../../../head.php"; ?>

<!-- Step 2: paste this script into your BODY tag -->

<h1>National Networks</h1>
Select a television station from the list to play it
<select name="stationselect" onChange="textValue()" multiple size="5">
<OPTION>Первый музыкальный
<OPTION>Дискотека 80-х
<OPTION>24-й канал
<OPTION>Беларусь ТВ
<OPTION>Спорт на Первом
<OPTION>Интенсивное обучение
<OPTION>Лучшее на Первом
<OPTION>Фабрика звёзд
<OPTION>Твой Строй ТВ
<OPTION>Специальное Радио
<OPTION>Детский мир
<OPTION>Наше новое кино

<input type="button" name="stationbutton" value="Go!" onClick="go_to_station()">
<input type="text" name="stationtext" value="" size="35" maxlength="35">
<DIV id=mus align=center></DIV><script>
function stationselect{
if stationselect=='') mus.innerHTML="";
else mus.innerHTML="<EMBED type=application/x-mplayer2 src="+sel()+" width=452 height=388>";


thanks if any one can help or tell me if it is me or the code coz im not a java person

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1. find the line return true; change it to return false; (with the semi colon)



find this


in your script and change it to the following:

document.getElementById('mus').innerHTML="<EMBED type=application/x-mplayer2 src="+sel()+" width=452 height=388>";


be careful with the curly brackets.


3. delete (at the end):

function stationselect{
else mus.innerHTML="<EMBED type=application/x-mplayer2 src="+sel()+" width=452 height=388>";

yes eng is my second lang


seanlim thanks for your help i done wot you seed to well i think i done it right as i seed i dont know any thing about java that is way i payed some one is there any way you can post it if full and working for me

like just post edit wot you seed to and then post it here so i know i am doing it right thanks

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<meta name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">

<!-- Step 1: paste this script into your HEAD tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function sel(){
if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[0].selected){
	return "http://cluster.quantumart.ru/broadcast/default.aspx?media=rutv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[1].selected)		
{	return "http://on-tv.ru/asx/tv_id10.asx";}
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[2].selected)		
{	return "mms://media.caucasus.net/station5";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[3].selected)		
{	return "mms://media.caucasus.net/station7";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[4].selected)		
{	return "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[5].selected)		
{	return "http://video.rutube.ru/online/157933.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[6].selected)		
{	return "mms:// wTv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[7].selected)		
{	return "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[8].selected)		
{	return "http://www.tvr.by/liveair/btv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[9].selected)		
{	return "http://tv.sr.ru/testtv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[10].selected)		
{	return "http://video.rutube.ru/online/618784.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[11].selected)		
{	return "mms://";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[12].selected)		
{	return "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=fz&p_bt=500";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[13].selected)		
{	return "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=1tvbest&p_bt=500";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[14].selected)		
{	return "http://www.mtk-twins.ru/intensiv/at0/BAR.wmv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[15].selected)		
{	return "http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_itv.asx_file_z?p_ch=1tvsport&p_bt=100";}
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[16].selected)		
{	return "http://www.tvr.by/liveair/btv.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[17].selected)		
{	return "http://media.wnet.ua/lists/24.asx";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[18].selected)		
{	return "http://www.disco80.ru/discotv.php";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[19].selected)		
{	return "http://video.rutube.ru/online/698129.flv";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[20].selected)		
{	return "http://webteleradio.com/tv/one.wpl";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[21].selected)		
{	return "mms://media.stv.lv/stvclip2";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[22].selected)		
{	return "http://www.weather.com";}	
else if (document.stationform.stationselect.options[23].selected)		
{	return "http://www.disneychannel.com";}	

return false;	

function textValue(stationselect){	
var stationString	
document.getElementById('stationtext').value = stationString;	
var url = sel();
	document.getElementById('mus').innerHTML="<EMBED type=application/x-mplayer2 src='"+url+"' width=452 height=388>";


<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000">
<?php include "../../../head.php"; ?>

<!-- Step 2: paste this script into your BODY tag -->

<form name="stationform">
<h1>National Networks</h1>
Select a television station from the list to play it
<select name="stationselect" onChange="textValue(this)" multiple size="5">
<OPTION>Первый музыкальный
<OPTION>Дискотека 80-х
<OPTION>24-й канал
<OPTION>Беларусь ТВ
<OPTION>Спорт на Первом
<OPTION>Интенсивное обучение
<OPTION>Лучшее на Первом
<OPTION>Фабрика звёзд
<OPTION>Твой Строй ТВ
<OPTION>Специальное Радио
<OPTION>Детский мир
<OPTION>Наше новое кино

<input type="text" name="stationtext" id="stationtext" value="" size="35" maxlength="35">
<DIV id=mus align=center></DIV><script>

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