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needs help with MMORPG script


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i bought a MMORPG script, and cant get it to login.


it accepts registration details, sends confirmation email, but when i go to login, it tells me invalid username or password. can anyone help me, plz?



  $klikmissie = $data->kliklink;

<?php /* ------------------------- */

  if(isset($_POST['login'],$_POST['pass'])) {
    $dbres				= mysql_query("SELECT `login`,`activated` FROM `[users]` WHERE `login`='{$_POST['login']}' AND `pass`=MD5('{$_POST['pass']}')");
    if(($data = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) && $data->activated == 1) {
      $validate				= md5(rand(0,1000));
      mysql_query("REPLACE INTO `[online]`(`time`,`login`,`IP`,`validate`) values(NOW(),'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','{$data->login}','$validate')");
      $_SESSION['login']		= $data->login;
      $_SESSION['IP']			= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $dbres				= mysql_query("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`signup`) AS `signup` FROM `[users]` WHERE `login`='{$_SESSION['login']}'");
      $_SESSION['data']			= mysql_fetch_object($dbres);
  else if($_GET['x'] == "logout") {
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM `[online]` WHERE `login`='{$_COOKIE['login']}' AND `validate`='{$_COOKIE['validate']}' AND `IP`='{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}'");

/* ------------------------- */ ?>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $sitelink;?>/layout/layout<?php echo $page->layout; ?>/css/css.css">
<script language="javascript">
function showTxt(id) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.position		= "relative";
    document.getElementById(id).style.visibility	= "visible";

<body style="margin: 0px; overflow: hidden;">
<table align="center" class="2">
<?php /* ------------------------- */

  if($_GET['x'] == "lostpass") {
    print "  <tr><td class=\"subTitle\"><b>Forgot Password</b></td></tr>\n";
    if(isset($_GET['id'],$_GET['code'])) {
      $dbres				= mysql_query("SELECT `login` FROM `[temp]` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['id']}' AND `code`='{$_GET['code']}' AND `area`='lostpass'");
      if($data = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) {
        $dbres				= mysql_query("SELECT `login`,`email`,`pass` FROM `[users]` WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'");
        $data				= mysql_fetch_object($dbres);

        $newpass			= rand(100000,999999);
        mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `pass`=MD5('$newpass') WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'");
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM `[temp]` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['id']}'");
	mail ("no-reply@thegangstergame.gen-xyz.com.com","$page->sitetitle Password","Your password has been reset."

	$emMessage = "Your password has been reset.\n";
	$emMessage .= "You can now login:   New Password = $newpass\n";
	$emMessage .= "Best Regards\n";
	$emMessage .= "The Management\n";
	$emMessage .= "breWtal\n";
	$emMessage .= "www.TheGangsterGame.gen-xyz.com\n";

        mail("no-reply@thegangstergame.gen-xyz.com","$page->sitetitle Password", $emMessage, "From: [ The Gangster Game ] Services\n");
        print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">Your new password has been emailed to {$data->email}</td></tr>\n";
    else if(isset($_POST['email'],$_POST['login'])) {
      $dbres				= mysql_query("SELECT `login`,`email` FROM `[users]` WHERE `login`='{$_POST['login']}' AND `email`='{$_POST['email']}'AND `activated`=1");
      if($data = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) {
        $code				= rand(100000,999999);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[temp]`(`login`,`code`,`area`,`time`) values('{$data->login}',$code,'lostpass',NOW())");
        $id				= mysql_insert_id();

	$emMessage = "There has been a request to reset your password.\n";
	$emMessage .= "If you requested your password resetting, do not ignore this email.\n";
	$emMessage .= "Click on the Link:\n$sitelink/login.php?x=lostpass&id=$id&code=$code\n"; 

	$emMessage .= "Want to get a better experience out of One Godfather?\n";
	$emMessage .= "Why not purchase some GG Credits from the website and have a look through the Credit Store.\n";
	$emMessage .= "Both options can be found in the top right panel of the website once logged in.\n";
	$emMessage .= "¬ Thank You for being part of our website and we wish you success in the game.\n";
	$emMessage .= "Best Regards\n";
	$emMessage .= "breWtal\n";
	$emMessage .= "(c)The Gangster Game\n";
	$emMessage .= "www.TheGangsterGame.gen-xyz.com\n"; 

        mail("no-reply@thegangstergame.gen-xyz.com", "[ The Gangster Game ] Password", $emMessage, "From: [ The Gangster Game ] Services");

        print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">There has been an email sent to {$data->email} with further intructions, please check your bulk mail</td></tr>\n";
        print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">There is no such user with that login name and email.</td></tr>\n";

    print <<<ENDHTML
  <tr><td class="mainTxt" align="center"><br>
<form method="post"><table class="2">
  <tr><td width=100>Login Name:</td>  <td><input type="text" name="login"></td></tr>
  <tr><td width=100>E-Mail:<td>  <td><input style="position: relative; left: -162;" type="text" name="email"></td></tr>
  <tr><td></td>  <td align="right"><input class="2" style="position: relative; left: -48;" type="submit" value="Receive Password" style="width: 100"></td></tr>
  else if($data) {
      print "  <tr><td class=\"subTitle\"><b>Login</b></td></tr>\n";
if($data->klikmissie == 1) {
      print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\" align=\"center\">You have now logged in!. Click <a href=\"index2.php\" target=\"_parent\"><b>Here</b></a> to enter and play the game, or just to watch. <script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout('parent.window.location.href=\"index2.php\"',1200)</script></td></tr>\n";
      print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\" align=\"center\">You have now logged in!. Click <a href=\"index2.php\" target=\"_parent\"><b>Here</b></a> to enter and play the game, or just to watch.. <script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout('parent.window.location.href=\"index2.php\"',1200)</script></td></tr>\n";
  else {
    print "  <tr><td class=\"subTitle\"><b>Login</b></td></tr>\n";
      print "  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">Wrong Login Name or Password</td></tr>\n";

    print <<<ENDHTML
  <tr><td class="mainTxt" width="100">
<form method="post"><table align="center" class="2">
  <tr><td width=100>Login:</td>		<td><input type="text" name="login" maxlength=16 style="width: 150;"></td></tr>
  <tr><td width=100>Password:</td>	<td><input type="password" name="pass" maxlength=16 style="width: 150;"></td></tr>
  <tr><td></td><td style="position: relative; left: 25;"><input class="2" type="submit" name="submit" style="width: 100;" value="Login"></td></tr>
  <tr><td class="mainTxt" width="100" align="center"><a href="login.php?x=lostpass">Forgot Password?</a></td></tr>

if($_GET['x'] == "logout")

    print "  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"<?php echo $sitelink;?>/layout/layout<?php echo $page->layout; ?>/css/css.css\"><tr><td class=\"subTitle\"><b>Logout</b></td></tr>\n  <tr><td class=\"mainTxt\">You have now logged out\n	<script language=\"javascript\">setTimeout('parent.window.location.href=\"index.php\"',1)</script></td></tr>\n";

/* ------------------------- */ ?>



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