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[SOLVED] Sub-Category system using 2-D arrays


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I have a categorization-class which works perfectly as it is. I've decided to modify this class to support sub-categories. Here's how I'm trying to do it:

$_foo = array('Parent 1' => array('Child 1-1', 'Child 1-2', 'Child 1-3', 'Child 1-4'),
		'Parent 2' => array('Child 2-1', 'Child 2-2', 'Child 2-3')
foreach($_foo as $key => $val){
	$offset += 0;
	$categories = $category->generate($val, $offset);
	$num = array_keys($val);
	$offset = count($val);
	$mainb .= '<b>'.$key.'</b>';
	$mainb .= '<ul style="margin-left: 2em;">';
	for($i = 1; $i < $offset; ++$i)
		$mainb .= '<li><a href="categories.php?category='.$num[$i].'">'.$category->names($val, $num[$i]).'</a></li>';
	$mainb .= '</ul>';

$offset is the number of elements of the current array to be used in the next pass through the loop for the $category->generate() function.


Basically how it works is if $offset does not equal zero, it will use that value as the starting point for generating the numerated array-keys for each value in the array.


Example 1: $offset = 0; $array = array('element 1', 'element 2', element 3');

The arrray from $category->generate($array, $offset) would then be: $array = array(1 => 'element 1', 2 => 'element 2', 4 => 'element 3');


Example 2: $offset = 3; $array = array('element 1', 'element 2', element 3');

The arrray from $category->generate($array, $offset) would then be: $array = array(8 => 'element 1', 16 => 'element 2', 32 => 'element 3');


Here are the functions I use in my Categorization-class:

class category {
	// $category::generate() takes an array of values and assigns each value a base-2 key.
	// IF $offset does NOT 0 (zero), the Array-Key will start off from that value (not 0)
	function generate($array, $offset = 0){
		$n = count($array);
		$c = array();
		for($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i){
			$x = $offset == 0 ? $i : $offset;
			$c[abs(pow(2, $x))] = $array[$i];
			//if($offset != 0)
		return $c;
	// category::names() takes the $array and retrieves the name corresponding the array-key given (as $num)
	function names($array, $num){
		if($num==0) return 'None';
		$category = $this->generate($array);
		foreach($category as $key => $val)
			if($num & $key) $names[] = $val;
		if(count($names) > 1) return implode(', ', $names);
		return $names[0];


Basically what I want to do is loop through the two-dimensional array assign values to each of the values in the remaining arrays.


This is what I want to achieve

Parent 1: Array ( [1] => Child 1-1 [2] => Child 1-2 [4] => Child 1-3 [8] => Child 1-4 )

Parent 2: Array ( [16] => Child 2-1 [32] => Child 2-2 [64] => Child 2-3 )


But this is what I get instead

Parent 1: Array ( [1] => Child 1-1 [2] => Child 1-2 [4] => Child 1-3 [8] => Child 1-4 )

Parent 2: Array ( [16] => Child 2-3 )


If anyone has any idea what exactly is going wrong here (or can suggest a better/simpler way) please share because this is getting to be a real obstacle for me right now.


Hopefully this is clear enough. If it isn't I will do my best to try to clarify anything that might be unclear.


A preemptive thanks!


EDIT: Oh, and the browser-output I'm getting is:

<h2>Parent 1</h2>
      <link>Child 1-1</link>
      <link>Child 1-2</link>
      <link>Child 1-1, Child 1-2</link>
<h2>Parent 2</h2>
      <link>Child 2-1</link>
      <link>Child 2-2</link>


Instead of:

<h2>Parent 1</h2>
      <link>Child 1-1</link>
      <link>Child 1-2</link>
      <link>Child 1-3</link>
<h2>Parent 2</h2>
      <link>Child 2-1</link>
      <link>Child 2-2</link>
      <link>Child 2-3</link>

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$_foo = array('Parent 1' => array('Child 1-1', 'Child 1-2', 'Child 1-3',
    'Child 1-4'), 'Parent 2' => array('Child 2-1', 'Child 2-2', 'Child 2-3'));
foreach($_foo AS $key => $val){
echo "<h2>".$key."</h2>";
foreach($val AS $meow){
	echo "<link>".$meow."</link><br>\n";


I get:


Parent 1

Child 1-1

Child 1-2

Child 1-3

Child 1-4


Parent 2

Child 2-1

Child 2-2

Child 2-3


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$_foo = array('Parent 1' => array('Child 1-1', 'Child 1-2', 'Child 1-3',
    'Child 1-4'), 'Parent 2' => array('Child 2-1', 'Child 2-2', 'Child 2-3'));
foreach($_foo AS $key => $val){
echo "<h2>".$key."</h2>";
foreach($val AS $meow){
	echo "<link>".$meow."</link><br>\n";


I get:


Parent 1

Child 1-1

Child 1-2

Child 1-3

Child 1-4


Parent 2

Child 2-1

Child 2-2

Child 2-3



That actually helped narrow down the problem. It didn't solve my problem but I at least know the problem (most likely) resides with that offset variable I use in $category->generate(). So thank you very much!

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