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i need help slightly modifying a function how would i make it so instead of it adding points if i add in symbols like !@#$%^&*()-=+ it subtracts instead of adds points.


and if it detects a dash or underscore it adds points

here is the function:

function addLoadEvent(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != "function") {
	window.onload = func;
else {
	window.onload = function() {
		if (oldonload) {

String.prototype.strReverse = function() {
var newstring = "";
for (var s=0; s < this.length; s++) {
	newstring = this.charAt(s) + newstring;
return newstring;
//strOrig = ' texttotrim ';
//strReversed = strOrig.revstring();

function chkPass(pwd) {
var oScorebar = document.getElementById("scorebar");
var oScore = document.getElementById("score");
var oComplexity = document.getElementById("complexity");
var nScore = 0;
var nLength = 0;
var nAlphaUC = 0;
var nAlphaLC = 0;
var nNumber = 0;
var nSymbol = 0;
var nMidChar = 0;
var nRequirements = 0;
var nAlphasOnly = 0;
var nNumbersOnly = 0;
var nRepChar = 0;
var nConsecAlphaUC = 0;
var nConsecAlphaLC = 0;
var nConsecNumber = 0;
var nConsecSymbol = 0;
var nConsecCharType = 0;
var nSeqAlpha = 0;
var nSeqNumber = 0;
var nSeqChar = 0;
var nReqChar = 0;
var nReqCharType = 3;
var nMultLength = 4;
var nMultAlphaUC = 3;
var nMultAlphaLC = 3;
var nMultNumber = 4;
var nMultSymbol = 6;
var nMultMidChar = 2;
var nMultRequirements = 2;
var nMultRepChar = 1;
var nMultConsecAlphaUC = 2;
var nMultConsecAlphaLC = 2;
var nMultConsecNumber = 2;
var nMultConsecSymbol = 1;
var nMultConsecCharType = 0;
var nMultSeqAlpha = 3;
var nMultSeqNumber = 3;
var nTmpAlphaUC = "";
var nTmpAlphaLC = "";
var nTmpNumber = "";
var nTmpSymbol = "";
var sAlphaUC = "    0";
var sAlphaLC = "    0";
var sNumber = "    0";
var sSymbol = "    0";
var sMidChar = "    0";
var sRequirements = "    0";
var sAlphasOnly = "    0";
var sNumbersOnly = "    0";
var sRepChar = "    0";
var sConsecAlphaUC = "    0";
var sConsecAlphaLC = "    0";
var sConsecNumber = "    0";
var sSeqAlpha = "    0";
var sSeqNumber = "    0";
var sAlphas = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var sNumerics = "01234567890";
var sComplexity = "Too Short";
var sStandards = "Below";
var nMinPwdLen = 8;
if (document.all) { var nd = 0; } else { var nd = 1; }
if (pwd) {
	nScore = parseInt(pwd.length * nMultLength);
	nLength = pwd.length;
	var arrPwd = pwd.replace (/\s+/g,"").split(/\s*/);
	var arrPwdLen = arrPwd.length;

	/* Loop through password to check for Symbol, Numeric, Lowercase and Uppercase pattern matches */
	for (var a=0; a < arrPwdLen; a++) {
		if (arrPwd[a].match(new RegExp(/[A-Z]/g))) {
			if (nTmpAlphaUC !== "") { if ((nTmpAlphaUC + 1) == a) { nConsecAlphaUC++; nConsecCharType++; } }
			nTmpAlphaUC = a;
		else if (arrPwd[a].match(new RegExp(/[a-z]/g))) { 
			if (nTmpAlphaLC !== "") { if ((nTmpAlphaLC + 1) == a) { nConsecAlphaLC++; nConsecCharType++; } }
			nTmpAlphaLC = a;
		else if (arrPwd[a].match(new RegExp(/[0-9]/g))) { 
			if (a > 0 && a < (arrPwdLen - 1)) { nMidChar++; }
			if (nTmpNumber !== "") { if ((nTmpNumber + 1) == a) { nConsecNumber++; nConsecCharType++; } }
			nTmpNumber = a;
		else if (arrPwd[a].match(new RegExp(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g))) { 
			if (a > 0 && a < (arrPwdLen - 1)) { nMidChar++; }
			if (nTmpSymbol !== "") { if ((nTmpSymbol + 1) == a) { nConsecSymbol++; nConsecCharType++; } }
			nTmpSymbol = a;
		/* Internal loop through password to check for repeated characters */
		for (var b=0; b < arrPwdLen; b++) {
			if (arrPwd[a].toLowerCase() == arrPwd[b].toLowerCase() && a != b) { nRepChar++; }

	/* Check for sequential alpha string patterns (forward and reverse) */
	for (var s=0; s < 23; s++) {
		var sFwd = sAlphas.substring(s,parseInt(s+3));
		var sRev = sFwd.strReverse();
		if (pwd.toLowerCase().indexOf(sFwd) != -1 || pwd.toLowerCase().indexOf(sRev) != -1) { nSeqAlpha++; nSeqChar++;}

	/* Check for sequential numeric string patterns (forward and reverse) */
	for (var s=0; s < 8; s++) {
		var sFwd = sNumerics.substring(s,parseInt(s+3));
		var sRev = sFwd.strReverse();
		if (pwd.toLowerCase().indexOf(sFwd) != -1 || pwd.toLowerCase().indexOf(sRev) != -1) { nSeqNumber++; nSeqChar++;}

/* Modify overall score value based on usage vs requirements */

	/* General point assignment */
	document.getElementById("nLengthBonus").innerHTML = "+ " + nScore; 
	if (nAlphaUC > 0 && nAlphaUC < nLength) {	
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + ((nLength - nAlphaUC) * 2));
		sAlphaUC = "+ " + parseInt((nLength - nAlphaUC) * 2); 
	if (nAlphaLC > 0 && nAlphaLC < nLength) {	
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + ((nLength - nAlphaLC) * 2)); 
		sAlphaLC = "+ " + parseInt((nLength - nAlphaLC) * 2);
	if (nNumber > 0 && nNumber < nLength) {	
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + (nNumber * nMultNumber));
		sNumber = "+ " + parseInt(nNumber * nMultNumber);
	if (nSymbol > 0) {	
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + (nSymbol * nMultSymbol));
		sSymbol = "+ " + parseInt(nSymbol * nMultSymbol);
	if (nMidChar > 0) {	
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + (nMidChar * nMultMidChar));
		sMidChar = "+ " + parseInt(nMidChar * nMultMidChar);
	document.getElementById("nAlphaUCBonus").innerHTML = sAlphaUC; 
	document.getElementById("nAlphaLCBonus").innerHTML = sAlphaLC;
	document.getElementById("nNumberBonus").innerHTML = sNumber;
	document.getElementById("nSymbolBonus").innerHTML = sSymbol;
	document.getElementById("nMidCharBonus").innerHTML = sMidChar;

	/* Point deductions for poor practices */
	if ((nAlphaLC > 0 || nAlphaUC > 0) && nSymbol === 0 && nNumber === 0) {  // Only Letters
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - nLength);
		nAlphasOnly = nLength;
		sAlphasOnly = "- " + nLength;
	if (nAlphaLC === 0 && nAlphaUC === 0 && nSymbol === 0 && nNumber > 0) {  // Only Numbers
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - nLength); 
		nNumbersOnly = nLength;
		sNumbersOnly = "- " + nLength;
	if (nRepChar > 0) {  // Same character exists more than once
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nRepChar * nRepChar));
		sRepChar = "- " + nRepChar;
	if (nConsecAlphaUC > 0) {  // Consecutive Uppercase Letters exist
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nConsecAlphaUC * nMultConsecAlphaUC)); 
		sConsecAlphaUC = "- " + parseInt(nConsecAlphaUC * nMultConsecAlphaUC);
	if (nConsecAlphaLC > 0) {  // Consecutive Lowercase Letters exist
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nConsecAlphaLC * nMultConsecAlphaLC)); 
		sConsecAlphaLC = "- " + parseInt(nConsecAlphaLC * nMultConsecAlphaLC);
	if (nConsecNumber > 0) {  // Consecutive Numbers exist
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nConsecNumber * nMultConsecNumber));  
		sConsecNumber = "- " + parseInt(nConsecNumber * nMultConsecNumber);
	if (nSeqAlpha > 0) {  // Sequential alpha strings exist (3 characters or more)
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nSeqAlpha * nMultSeqAlpha)); 
		sSeqAlpha = "- " + parseInt(nSeqAlpha * nMultSeqAlpha);
	if (nSeqNumber > 0) {  // Sequential numeric strings exist (3 characters or more)
		nScore = parseInt(nScore - (nSeqNumber * nMultSeqNumber)); 
		sSeqNumber = "- " + parseInt(nSeqNumber * nMultSeqNumber);
	document.getElementById("nAlphasOnlyBonus").innerHTML = sAlphasOnly; 
	document.getElementById("nNumbersOnlyBonus").innerHTML = sNumbersOnly; 
	document.getElementById("nRepCharBonus").innerHTML = sRepChar; 
	document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaUCBonus").innerHTML = sConsecAlphaUC; 
	document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaLCBonus").innerHTML = sConsecAlphaLC; 
	document.getElementById("nConsecNumberBonus").innerHTML = sConsecNumber;
	document.getElementById("nSeqAlphaBonus").innerHTML = sSeqAlpha; 
	document.getElementById("nSeqNumberBonus").innerHTML = sSeqNumber; 

	/* Determine if mandatory requirements have been met and set image indicators accordingly */
	var arrChars = [nLength,nAlphaUC,nAlphaLC,nNumber,nSymbol];
	var arrCharsIds = ["nLength","nAlphaUC","nAlphaLC","nNumber","nSymbol"];
	var arrCharsLen = arrChars.length;
	for (var c=0; c < arrCharsLen; c++) {
		var oImg = document.getElementById('div_' + arrCharsIds[c]);
		var oBonus = document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c] + 'Bonus');
		document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c]).innerHTML = arrChars[c];
		if (arrCharsIds[c] == "nLength") { var minVal = parseInt(nMinPwdLen - 1); } else { var minVal = 0; }
		if (arrChars[c] == parseInt(minVal + 1)) { nReqChar++; oImg.className = "pass"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "pass"; }
		else if (arrChars[c] > parseInt(minVal + 1)) { nReqChar++; oImg.className = "exceed"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "exceed"; }
		else { oImg.className = "fail"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "fail"; }
	nRequirements = nReqChar;
	if (pwd.length >= nMinPwdLen) { var nMinReqChars = 3; } else { var nMinReqChars = 4; }
	if (nRequirements > nMinReqChars) {  // One or more required characters exist
		nScore = parseInt(nScore + (nRequirements * 2)); 
		sRequirements = "+ " + parseInt(nRequirements * 2);
	document.getElementById("nRequirementsBonus").innerHTML = sRequirements;

	/* Determine if additional bonuses need to be applied and set image indicators accordingly */
	var arrChars = [nMidChar,nRequirements];
	var arrCharsIds = ["nMidChar","nRequirements"];
	var arrCharsLen = arrChars.length;
	for (var c=0; c < arrCharsLen; c++) {
		var oImg = document.getElementById('div_' + arrCharsIds[c]);
		var oBonus = document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c] + 'Bonus');
		document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c]).innerHTML = arrChars[c];
		if (arrCharsIds[c] == "nRequirements") { var minVal = nMinReqChars; } else { var minVal = 0; }
		if (arrChars[c] == parseInt(minVal + 1)) { oImg.className = "pass"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "pass"; }
		else if (arrChars[c] > parseInt(minVal + 1)) { oImg.className = "exceed"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "exceed"; }
		else { oImg.className = "fail"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "fail"; }

	/* Determine if suggested requirements have been met and set image indicators accordingly */
	var arrChars = [nAlphasOnly,nNumbersOnly,nRepChar,nConsecAlphaUC,nConsecAlphaLC,nConsecNumber,nSeqAlpha,nSeqNumber];
	var arrCharsIds = ["nAlphasOnly","nNumbersOnly","nRepChar","nConsecAlphaUC","nConsecAlphaLC","nConsecNumber","nSeqAlpha","nSeqNumber"];
	var arrCharsLen = arrChars.length;
	for (var c=0; c < arrCharsLen; c++) {
		var oImg = document.getElementById('div_' + arrCharsIds[c]);
		var oBonus = document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c] + 'Bonus');
		document.getElementById(arrCharsIds[c]).innerHTML = arrChars[c];
		if (arrChars[c] > 0) { oImg.className = "warn"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "warn"; }
		else { oImg.className = "pass"; oBonus.parentNode.className = "pass"; }

	/* Determine complexity based on overall score */
	if (nScore > 100) { nScore = 100; } else if (nScore < 0) { nScore = 0; }
	if (nScore >= 0 && nScore < 20) { sComplexity = "Very Weak"; }
	else if (nScore >= 20 && nScore < 40) { sComplexity = "Weak"; }
	else if (nScore >= 40 && nScore < 60) { sComplexity = "Good"; }
	else if (nScore >= 60 && nScore < 80) { sComplexity = "Strong"; }
	else if (nScore >= 80 && nScore <= 100) { sComplexity = "Very Strong"; }

	/* Display updated score criteria to client */
	oScorebar.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + parseInt(nScore * 4) + "px";
	oScore.innerHTML = nScore + "%";
	oComplexity.innerHTML = sComplexity;
else {
	/* Display default score criteria to client */
	oScore.innerHTML = nScore + "%";
	oComplexity.innerHTML = sComplexity;

function togPwdMask() {
var oPwd = document.getElementById("passwordPwd");
var oTxt = document.getElementById("passwordTxt");
var oMask = document.getElementById("mask");
if (oMask.checked) { 
	oPwd.value = oTxt.value;
	oPwd.className = ""; 
	oTxt.className = "hide"; 
else { 
	oTxt.value = oPwd.value;
	oPwd.className = "hide"; 
	oTxt.className = "";

function initPwdChk(restart) {
/* Reset all form values to their default */
document.getElementById("nLength").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nAlphaUC").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nAlphaLC").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nNumber").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nSymbol").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nMidChar").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nRequirements").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nAlphasOnly").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nNumbersOnly").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nRepChar").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaUC").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaLC").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nConsecNumber").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nSeqAlpha").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nSeqNumber").innerHTML = "0";
document.getElementById("nLengthBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nAlphaUCBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nAlphaLCBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nNumberBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nSymbolBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nMidCharBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nRequirementsBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nAlphasOnlyBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nNumbersOnlyBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nRepCharBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaUCBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaLCBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nConsecNumberBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nSeqAlphaBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nSeqNumberBonus").innerHTML = "    0";
document.getElementById("nLengthBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nAlphaUCBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nAlphaLCBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nNumberBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nSymbolBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nMidCharBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nRequirementsBonus").parentNode.className = "fail";
document.getElementById("nAlphasOnlyBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nNumbersOnlyBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nRepCharBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaUCBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nConsecAlphaLCBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nConsecNumberBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nSeqAlphaBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("nSeqNumberBonus").parentNode.className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nLength").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nAlphaUC").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nAlphaLC").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nNumber").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nSymbol").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nMidChar").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nRequirements").className = "fail";
document.getElementById("div_nAlphasOnly").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nNumbersOnly").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nRepChar").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nConsecAlphaUC").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nConsecAlphaLC").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nConsecNumber").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nSeqAlpha").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("div_nSeqNumber").className = "pass";
document.getElementById("passwordPwd").value = "";
document.getElementById("passwordTxt").value = "";
document.getElementById("scorebar").style.backgroundPosition = "0";
if (restart) {
	document.getElementById("passwordPwd").className = "";
	document.getElementById("passwordTxt").className = "hide";
	document.getElementById("mask").checked = true;

addLoadEvent(function() { initPwdChk(1); });



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