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Hello all. I am using the following bit of code to resize a jpg image and then display it with and img tag. The function works just fine to resize the picture. But the problem I am having is saving the image in its reduced size.


I have tried imagejpeg to create a new, resized image, but that did not work. My server is using GD v.2.0.28.


<? function setImageSize($image_file) {

   $maxSize = 155; // set this varible to max width or height

   $image_size = getimagesize($image_file,&$image_info);
   $width = $image_size[0];
   $height = $image_size[1];

   if($width > $maxSize || $height > $maxSize) {

      if($width > $maxSize) {
        $z = $width;
        $i = 0;
        while($z > $maxSize) {
          --$z; ++$i;
        $imgSizeArray[0] = $z;
        $imgSizeArray[1] = $height - ($height * ($i / $width));

      } else {

        $z = $height;
        $i = 0;
        while($z > $maxSize) {
          --$z; ++$i;
        $imgSizeArray[0] = $width - ($width * ($i / $height));
        $imgSizeArray[1] = $z;

  } else {

     $imgSizeArray[0] = $width;
     $imgSizeArray[1] = $height;

  return $imgSizeArray;

$imgSize = setImageSize("archer.jpg"); 



<img src="archer.jpg" width="<? echo $imgSize[0];?>" height="<? echo $imgSize[1];?>" />


Any suggestions about what I am missing to save the returned file in its reduced size woudl be much appreciated.




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Look into it, it'll help you save an image resized.


And I'm wondering, are you simply trying to resize an image to a max height or width of $maxSize, keeping the aspect ratio?  If that's all you're doing there's a much, MUUUCHHH simpler way.

You'll still need to write your own function, yes, but the way I do it has always been simpler (in my opinion).  Keep in mind this is just the function to get the new size, not to actually save the image:


$maxWidth = 155; // The maximum width of the image, this should be outside the function

function imageSize($image) { // $image needs to be a valid image resource
  GLOBAL $maxWidth; // This makes it so you can use the $maxWidth variable
  $width = imagesx($image); // Gets the width of $image
  $height = imagesy($image); // Gets the height of $image
  if($origWidth > $maxWidth) {
    $diff = $maxWidth / $origWidth; // Gets the ratio of the max width to the actual width
    $width = $maxWidth; // Updates $width with the value of $maxWidth
    $height = $diff * $origHeight; // updates $height using the proper ratio
  $imgSize[] = $width;
  $imgSize[] = $height;

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg("archer.jpg");
$imgSize = imageSize($img);

echo "<img src=\"archer.jpg\" width=\"".$imgSize[0]."\" height=\"".$imgSize[1]."\" alt=\"\">";


If you want to control both height and width it'll take a little modification, but not much.  If you plan on loading more than just jpgs you'll also need to do a little modification to the "imagecreatefromjpeg()" line.  What this does it read in an image, checks if the image's width is larger than the maximum acceptable width, $maxWidth.  If it is it resizes the width to the max width, then calculates the height by multiplying the actual height by the result of the $maxWidth and $origWidth, which will always be less than 1 if the actual width is bigger than the max width.


Ok, so anyway, let me know if you need mor help.

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