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Hello, I am new at this forum and basicly I am new to php. Now I am stuck with the problem. I hope I will

explain well my problem and also I hope that someone coul help me how to solve this problem :).


Ok. I made DB with some informations about employees. On that DB I colud not store all information that

I need to list so I had to calculate them. As you can see on this link http://tinyurl.com/yaa4msp

I have two tables where on the first one are information about employee.

On the second table are information for every day , and every shift.


I created function getTableForUser , where I am getting llinformation for one user depending on his id and

I created function getTableForChef , where I am getting infomation for every day and every shift.


So far everything worked ok, but now I need to store in table that I get from function getTableForChef

one information that I should calculate from function getTableForUser and I don't know how to do that.


In tabel from function getTableForUser I manged to calculate, using data from DB, information "Gesamt".

Value for  this column is stored in variable $gesamt_gehalt. Basicly this information is earnings from one

employee on one date and on one shift.


Now I need to calculate for all employees their earnings and to insert that sum in table from function

getTableForChef  in column "Gehalt".


So example for this would be:

First table (getTableForUser)


Employee  Date            Shift            Gesamt(earning) 

Worker1  14.10.2009      V 41.94

Worker1  14.10.2009      A 99.32

Worker1  23.10.2009      V 240.6

Worker1  23.10.2009      A 240.6


Employee  Date            Shift            Gesamt(earning) 

Worker2  23.10.2009      V 174.45

Worker2  23.10.2009      A 312.66


Second table  (getTableForChef)


    Date Shift   Gehalt(sum earning)

14.10.2009   V 41.94

14.10.2009   A 99.32

23.10.2009   V 415,05

23.10.2009   A 553,26


I know that I am asking too much but please if someone could help me I would be very greateful.

Here is the code and thanks in advance.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../CSS/main.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../CSS/inputform.css" />
include_once ("../auth.php");
include_once ("../authconfig.php");
include_once ("../check.php");

include_once ("functions.php");

<script type="text/javascript">

		$datum=$_POST['chosenDate']; 	//First date - von
		$datum2=$_POST['chosenDate2'];	//Second date - bis
		$vonDatum=strtotime(date($datum,time())); 	//First date - von transformed into timestamp
		$bisDatum=strtotime(date($datum2,time()));	//Second date - bis transformed into timestamp

$connection = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpass); 
$SelectedDB = mysql_select_db($dbname); 

echo mysql_error();              // if any error is there that will be printed to the screen

function getStand($datum){ //function to collect date from one table =>(stand,fehlend)

$stand = "SELECT stand, fehlend 
		FROM wochen_stand_fehlend
		WHERE wochenr = ".date('W', $datum)." 
		AND jahr = ".date('Y', $datum)."	

$stand_query = mysql_query($stand);
$row_users4 = mysql_fetch_array($stand_query);

return $row_users4;


function getTableForChef($vonDatum, $bisDatum){ //IN THIS FUNCTION I HAVE TO INSERT SUM OF DATA THAT I GET FROM FUNCTION getTableForUser
$chef_data="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, s.bargeld, s.kassiert, s.belege, s.gutschein, s.rechnung, s.sonstiges, s.umsatz 
	FROM schichtumsatz s
	WHERE s.datum BETWEEN ".$vonDatum." AND ".$bisDatum."
	ORDER BY s.datum ASC	

$chef_query = mysql_query($chef_data); 

$chef_table = '<div>'.

while($row_chef = mysql_fetch_array($chef_query) ){

$eingegeben = $row_chef["bargeld"] + $row_chef["belege"] + $row_chef["gutschein"] + $row_chef["rechnung"] + $row_chef["sonstiges"];
$bar = $eingegeben - $row_chef["gutschein"] - $row_chef["rechnung"] - $row_chef["sonstiges"];

$chef_table .=	


$chef_table .='</table>'.

return $chef_table;

function getTableForUser($id, $vonDatum, $bisDatum){ //IN THIS FUNCTION I GET ALL INFORMATION FROM ONE EMPLOYEE

$user_data="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, au.stundenlohn, a.von, a.bis,
	s.bargeld, s.belege, s.gutschein, s.rechnung,  s.sonstiges, s.umsatz,
	FROM arbeitszeiten a, authuser au, schichtumsatz s 
	WHERE s.datum BETWEEN ".$vonDatum." AND ".$bisDatum."
	AND au.id=".$id." 
	AND a.mitarbeiterid = ".$id."
	AND a.schicht=s.id
	ORDER BY s.datum ASC, schicht DESC

$zeit_summe ="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, s.bargeld, au.stundenlohn, a.von, a.bis, summe.zeit 
		FROM arbeitszeiten a, authuser au, schichtumsatz s,
			( SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, sum(a.bis - a.von) As zeit
			  FROM arbeitszeiten a, schichtumsatz s 
			  WHERE a.schicht = s.id
			  AND s.datum BETWEEN ".$vonDatum." AND ".$bisDatum."
			  GROUP BY s.datum, s.schicht ) AS summe
		WHERE s.datum BETWEEN ".$vonDatum." AND ".$bisDatum."
		AND au.id=".$id." 
		AND a.mitarbeiterid = ".$id."
		AND a.schicht=s.id
		AND s.datum = summe.datum
		AND s.schicht = summe.schicht
		ORDER BY s.datum ASC, s.schicht DESC

$user_data_query = mysql_query($user_data);
$zeit_summe_query = mysql_query($zeit_summe);

echo mysql_error();  

$user_table='<div name="mitarbeiter" id="mitarbeiter">'.
		'<table id="tabele">'.

while ($row_users2 = mysql_fetch_array($user_data_query)){

$row_users3 = mysql_fetch_array($zeit_summe_query);

$gesamt_zeit = stunden($row_users2["von"], $row_users2["bis"]);
$eingegeben = $row_users2["bargeld"] + $row_users2["belege"] + $row_users2["gutschein"] + $row_users2["rechnung"] + $row_users2["sonstiges"];

$x = 0.5;
$putzgeld = $x * $row_users3['zeit'];

$gehalt = $gesamt_zeit * $row_users2["stundenlohn"];

$row_stand_fehlend = getStand($row_users2["datum"]);
$stand = round($row_stand_fehlend["stand"]/14.,2);
$fehlend = round($row_stand_fehlend["fehlend"]/14.,2);
$tgprost = $eingegeben - $putzgeld - $stand - $fehlend;
$tgprost2 = $tgprost/ $row_users3['zeit'];
$tgprost2 = round($tgprost2,2);
$tg = $gesamt_zeit * $tgprost2;
$tg = round($tg,2);
$diff = $row_users2["umsatz"] - $row_users2["belege"];
$pro = $diff/$row_users3['zeit'];
$pro = round($pro,2);

$test = 52.5;
$provisionprostunde = 0.02*$row_users2["umsatz"]/$row_users3['zeit'];
$provisionprostunde = 0;

$provisionprostunde = round($provisionprostunde,2);
$provision = $provisionprostunde * $gesamt_zeit;
$provision = round($provision,2);


$gesamt_gehalt = $gehalt + $tg + $provision;


$user_table	.=

return $user_table;

function stunden($von,$bis) {
	//$von = $row["von"];
	//$bis = $row["bis"];
	$stunden = $bis - $von;
	return $stunden;
<div id="wrapper">

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<div class="pos_titel">
	Point of Sale - Lohn  

<?php echo getTableForUser(2, $vonDatum, $bisDatum); ?>
<?php echo getTableForChef($vonDatum, $bisDatum); ?> 






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Are you asking how to write the query?


select sum(Gesamt) from Earnings where Date='14.10.2009' and Shift='V'


(I used Earnings because I can't tell what your first table is called) or you could get it all in one go:


select Date, Shift, sum(Gesamt) from Earnings group by Date, Shift


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Basically I need exactly the thing that you have described, but problem is in that, that I don't have this column 'Gesamt' in my DB (I have to calculate it by myself) so I have to  solve this problem on some other way.

I hope it is possible by PHP, or if someone knows other way I am ready to hear it :) Any help is welcomed. And of course thanx ;)


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