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[SOLVED] How do I change this to an IF statement?


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What I am trying to do.. is;

Look in the database for activated=2 - If its activated=1, then activate the account (it shows below changing activated=1 to 2) though I want to check that if in the database shows activated=2 then it'll show a message = "This email has already been activated"

It'd be on the format of..


If activated = 1

Check for invalid code,

If code is valid etc, then activate email and set activated to 2


If activated = 2

show error; this email has already been activated.


Or something similar.. may need an else statement in there too. I'm not too sure what to do. Anyone help? Here is the activate.php without checking if the account is activated. (There for.. if the activation key is valid.. everytime you click on the activation link, it'll always say the account is activated instead of saying it's already activated)



include ('include/session.php');
include ('include/constants.php'); 
if (!isset($_GET['email']) && !isset($_GET['activationkey']) )
$msg = "ERROR: Invalid code...";
$rsCode = mysql_query("SELECT activ_code from emails where email='$_GET[email]'") or die(mysql_error());
list($acode) = mysql_fetch_array($rsCode);
if ($_GET['activationkey'] == $acode)
mysql_query("update emails set activated=2 where email='$_GET[email]'") or die(mysql_error());
echo "<h3>Thank you </h3>Email confirmed and account activated. You are now subscribed to the Developers Community newsletter!";
} else
{ echo "ERROR: Incorrect activation"; }

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Something like so?


$sql = "SELECT activ_code,activated FROM `emails` WHERE `email`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['email'])."'";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$act = $row['activated'];
$acode = $row['activ_code'];
$code = $_GET['activationkey'];

case 1:
	if($acode == $code){
		// success!
		$sql2 = "UPDATE `emails` SET `activated` = 1 WHERE `email`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['email'])."'";
		$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
		$output = "Your email has successfully been activated!";
	}else {
		$output = "Invalid activation code!";

case 2:
	$output = "Your email has already been activated, please continue to the site!";

	$output = "Something went wrong...";

echo $output;

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I included the session.php and constants.php

Theres a fault in the code, theres no error, but when it says that "your email has been activated"

It doesn't change the collumn "activated" from 1, to 2.


It works apart from that, as when it shows "1" in the collum activated, it knows to activate it.. though doens't change it to "2" though if I manually change it to "2" and click on the activation link, it does display that its already been activated.

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right here

   case 1:
      if($acode == $code){
         // success!
         $sql2 = "UPDATE `emails` SET `activated` = 1 WHERE `email`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['email'])."'";


probably want that update to set activated=2 instead of 1

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