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php gd using .gif palette on png image


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Their both in png format.

but for some reason the watermarked image is using a gif palette.

Heres the code that im curently using



header('content-type: image/png');  
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng("http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/I%20patawic%20I/avatar-body.png");  
imagesavealpha($watermark, false);
imagealphablending($watermark, false); 
$watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);  
$watermark_height = imagesy($watermark);  
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($watermark_width, $watermark_height);  
$image = imagecreatefrompng("base.png");  
$size = getimagesize("base.png");  
$dest_x = $size[0] - $watermark_width - 0;  
$dest_y = $size[1] - $watermark_height - 0;  
imagecopymerge($image, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, -120, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, 100);  



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it didnt work. but thats probably because ive done it wrong

Heres my code

header('content-type: image/png');  
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng("http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/patawic/avatar-body.png");  
$watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);  
$watermark_height = imagesy($watermark); 
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($watermark_width, $watermark_height);   
$image = imagecreatefrompng("base.png");  
$size = getimagesize("base.png");  
$dest_x = $size[0] - $watermark_width - 0;  
$dest_y = $size[1] - $watermark_height - 0;  
imagecopymerge_alpha($image, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, -120, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, 100);  

function imagecopymerge_alpha($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct){
// getting the watermark width
$w = imagesx($src_im);
// getting the watermark height
$h = imagesy($src_im);
// creating a cut resource
$cut = imagecreatetruecolor($src_w, $src_h);
// copying that section of the background to the cut
imagecopy($cut, $dst_im, 0, 0, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_w, $src_h);
// inverting the opacity
$opacity = 100 - $opacity;
// placing the watermark now
imagecopy($cut, $src_im, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h);
imagecopymerge($dst_im, $cut, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $opacity);


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Due to the edit button misteriously disappearing  :wtf:

heres my current code

header('content-type: image/png');  
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng("http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/i%20patawic%20i/avatar-body.png");  
$watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);  
$watermark_height = imagesy($watermark); 
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($watermark_width, $watermark_height);   
$image = imagecreatefrompng("base.png");  
$size = getimagesize("base.png");  
$dest_x = $size[0] - $watermark_width - 0;  
$dest_y = $size[1] - $watermark_height - 0;  
imagecopymerge_alpha($image, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, -120, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, 100);  

function imagecopymerge_alpha($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct){ 
        return false; 
    $pct /= 100; 
    // Get image width and height 
    $w = imagesx( $src_im ); 
    $h = imagesy( $src_im ); 
    // Turn alpha blending off 
    imagealphablending( $src_im, false ); 
    // Find the most opaque pixel in the image (the one with the smallest alpha value) 
    $minalpha = 127; 
    for( $x = 0; $x < $w; $x++ ) 
    for( $y = 0; $y < $h; $y++ ){ 
        $alpha = ( imagecolorat( $src_im, $x, $y ) >> 24 ) & 0xFF; 
        if( $alpha < $minalpha ){ 
            $minalpha = $alpha; 
    //loop through image pixels and modify alpha for each 
    for( $x = 0; $x < $w; $x++ ){ 
        for( $y = 0; $y < $h; $y++ ){ 
            //get current alpha value (represents the TANSPARENCY!) 
            $colorxy = imagecolorat( $src_im, $x, $y ); 
            $alpha = ( $colorxy >> 24 ) & 0xFF; 
            //calculate new alpha 
            if( $minalpha !== 127 ){ 
                $alpha = 127 + 127 * $pct * ( $alpha - 127 ) / ( 127 - $minalpha ); 
            } else { 
                $alpha += 127 * $pct; 
            //get the color index with new alpha 
            $alphacolorxy = imagecolorallocatealpha( $src_im, ( $colorxy >> 16 ) & 0xFF, ( $colorxy >> 8 ) & 0xFF, $colorxy & 0xFF, $alpha ); 
            //set pixel with the new color + opacity 
            if( !imagesetpixel( $src_im, $x, $y, $alphacolorxy ) ){ 
                return false; 
    // The image copy 
    imagecopy($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h); 



but its still using a 256 color palette :S

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Think I got it.

header('content-type: image/png');

$insert = imagecreatefrompng("http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/i%20patawic%20i/avatar-body.png");
$insert_width = imagesx($insert);
$insert_height = imagesy($insert);
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($insert_width, $insert_height);

imagefill($new_image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocatealpha($new_image, 255, 255, 255, 127));
imagecopy($new_image, $insert, 0, 125, 0, 0, $insert_width, $insert_height);

imagealphablending($new_image, false);
imagesavealpha($new_image, true);


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