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Hello, I am new with php and I have a problem with listing data from array.

I have function getAllDates() where I collect all dates from my DB and

I have function getChefBar($datum, $schicht) where I get value ("bar")

for specific day that I need. These two functions are working correct.

So I tried to make another function (function getEarnedMoneyForDay ($datum))

where I want to get value that I need ("bar") for all days, but I have a very

little knowledge and I am failing to do so. When I type this getChefBar($dates[$datum]) I am getting nothing and my intention is to get

value for every day. So if please someone can tell me how to get this value form array. Thanks in advance ;)


function getAllDates(){
$selectAllDates = "SELECT s.datum, s.schicht FROM schichtumsatz s ORDER BY s.datum ASC, schicht DESC";		
$dates = mysql_query($selectAllDates);  
$row_dates = mysql_fetch_array($dates);


while ($row_dates) {
	$result[] = $row_dates["datum"];
	$row_dates = mysql_fetch_array($dates);
return $result;
function getChefBar($datum, $schicht){
$chef_data="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, s.bargeld, s.kassiert, s.belege, s.gutschein, s.rechnung, s.sonstiges, s.umsatz 
	FROM schichtumsatz s
	WHERE s.datum = ".$datum."
	AND s.schicht = '".$schicht."'
	ORDER BY s.datum ASC	

$chef_query = mysql_query($chef_data); 

while($row_chef = mysql_fetch_array($chef_query) ){

$eingegeben = $row_chef["bargeld"] + $row_chef["belege"] + $row_chef["gutschein"] + $row_chef["rechnung"] + $row_chef["sonstiges"];
$bar = $eingegeben - $row_chef["gutschein"] - $row_chef["rechnung"] - $row_chef["sonstiges"] - $row_chef["belege"];


return $bar;
function getEarnedMoneyForDay($datum){
$schichtA = 'A';
$dates = getAllDates();

	echo $count .' ';
	$partresult =  getChefBar($dates[$datum],$schichtA);
	$result = $result + $partresult;

return $result;

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I made as many changes as I could. I speak English so I obviously had a problem with some parts. There's also some comments that you should read in your last function.


function getAllDates(){
   $selectAllDates = "SELECT s.datum, s.schicht FROM schichtumsatz s ORDER BY s.datum ASC, schicht DESC";      
   $dates = mysql_query($selectAllDates) or trigger_error(mysql_error());  
   $result = array();
   while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dates)){
   		 $result[] = $row_dates["datum"];
   return $result;

function getChefBar($datum, $schicht){
   $chef_data="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, s.bargeld, s.kassiert, s.belege, s.gutschein, s.rechnung, s.sonstiges, s.umsatz 
      FROM schichtumsatz s
      WHERE s.datum = '".$datum."'
      AND s.schicht = '".$schicht."'
      ORDER BY s.datum ASC   

   $chef_query = mysql_query($chef_data) or trigger_error(mysql_error()); 
   $bar = 0; //default
   while($row_chef = mysql_fetch_array($chef_query) ){
   $eingegeben = 
   			$row_chef["bargeld"] + $row_chef["belege"] + 
			$row_chef["gutschein"] + $row_chef["rechnung"] + 

   $bar = $eingegeben - $row_chef["gutschein"] - $row_chef["rechnung"] - $row_chef["sonstiges"] - $row_chef["belege"];

   return $bar;
function getEarnedMoneyForDay($datum){
   $schichtA = 'A';
   $dates = getAllDates();
   $result = ""; //default
   //NOTE: where are you getting $count from???
      echo $count .' ';
      $partresult =  getChefBar($dates[$datum],$schichtA);
      $result = $result + $partresult;

   return $result;

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First of all thank you on your replay. Now I have realized that I basically don't need this "for" loop

only if I could get these data from array. Please check my code and see if I have missed something

or even typed some stupid mistake :) Thanks in advance ;-)



function getAllDates(){
   $selectAllDates = "SELECT s.datum, s.schicht FROM schichtumsatz s ORDER BY s.datum ASC, schicht DESC";      
   $dates = mysql_query($selectAllDates) or trigger_error(mysql_error());  
   $result = array();
   while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dates)){
          $result[] = $row_dates["datum"];
   return $result;

function getChefBar($datum, $schicht){
   $chef_data="SELECT s.datum, s.schicht, s.bargeld, s.kassiert, s.belege, s.gutschein, s.rechnung, s.sonstiges, s.umsatz 
      FROM schichtumsatz s
      WHERE s.datum = '".$datum."'
      AND s.schicht = '".$schicht."'
      ORDER BY s.datum ASC   

   $chef_query = mysql_query($chef_data) or trigger_error(mysql_error()); 
   $bar = 0; //default
   while($row_chef = mysql_fetch_array($chef_query) ){
      $eingegeben = 
               $row_chef["bargeld"] + $row_chef["belege"] + 
            $row_chef["gutschein"] + $row_chef["rechnung"] + 
      $bar = $eingegeben - $row_chef["gutschein"] - $row_chef["rechnung"] - $row_chef["sonstiges"] - $row_chef["belege"];

   return $bar;
function getEarnedMoneyForDay($datum){
$schichtA = 'A';
$dates = getAllDates();
$result = ""; //default
//NOTE: where are you getting $count from??? 
$partresult1 =  getChefBar($dates[$datum],$schichtV);
$partresult2 =  getChefBar($dates[$datum],$schichtA);

$result = $partresult1 + $partresult2;

   return $result;


Is this: getChefBar($dates[$datum],$schichtV); correct way to get data from array ? Thanks

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To get data from an array, you can either loop through the entire array and get all the values inside that array by doing something like this:


$i = 0;
$my_array = array('value','another value','etc');

while($i < (sizeof($my_array) -1)){
    echo $my_array[$i];


or you can reference a value in an array by its index:


echo $my_array[0];
echo $my_array[2]; //etc


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