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Hey Guys-- Anon-Mailer Help

Php Gh0st

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Hey guys,


New to phpfreaks.

Lerning php but I coded a php anon mailer myself




well basicly it works and Features i want to add eventually is mass mailing but thats not important at the moment.


It works but when someone sends it to gmail it goes to inbox while aol/yahoo/hotmail sends to junk.


I wanted to get a nice view on how to bypass-- but like a good explanantion too so i can understand :D


What I was thinking was having it either send a legitimate email as well from a legitimate email or have it boucen around proxies that way they dont send to spam based on ip.

well thnx add me aim= ixunfoundxi if you want




<head><title>Fake Mailer- Coded by PhP Gh0st</title>
<div align=center>
<body background="wings.jpg" bgcolor="#000000"> 
<div align=center>
<form action="mail2.php" method="post">
<FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Victims Email:</FONT><input type="text" name="email" value="" style="color: #000000" /></br>
<FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Subject:      </FONT><input type="text" name="name" value="" style="color: #000000 "/></br>
<FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Subject:      </FONT><input type="text" name="subject" value="" style="color: #000000 "/></br>
<FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Who Is it from (email): </FONT><input type="text" name="from" value="" style="color: #000000" /></br>
<FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Message:  </FONT><input type="text" name="message" value="" style="width:350; height:350;background-color:Silver"/>
<input type="submit" />





<head><title>Any Mailer- Coded by PhP Gh0st</title>
<body background="wings.jpg" bgcolor="#000000"> 
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
    color: #00CC00;
<div align=center>


$to = $_POST["email"];
$name = $_POST["name"];
$subject = $_POST["subject"];
$message = $_POST["message"];
$from = $_POST["from"];
$headers = "From: $name <$from>";
  echo "Sent Emails To $to<br />";

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trying to make it so anyone can send an email and it does not get sent to users spam inbox. thats the ultimate goal.

Works for gmail so far, now to get hotmail/yahoo/aol.


So when a spammer comes to your site and puts in his ads for viagra and sends them to me, that's something you want to help him with?  Even if you were to take the steps needed to avoid the issues you are having (your mail server IP better have a valid reverse DNS entry, and Google SPF for a start), all it is going to take is a few people using your "remailer" to send a few pieces of spam, and fairly soon thereafter, you will be on RBL's everywhere.  When that happens you'll probably get the entire IP block on the RBL list, and people who have the misfortune to be hosted by the same ISP will end up having their mail RBL's as well.  Hurray!


In other words -- all you will ultimately end up achieving is getting yourself kicked off your ISP, and making your own life and the life of others miserable.  Sorry to be blunt, but the facts are the facts, and naivety in the area endangers the service levels not only of yourself, but those who share your IP block, in many cases.

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I use a webhost first of all :P

thnx for yer help and concern-- but it isnt for spammers- its vip access for my site so public cant use it, so no bad spammers. Its just like if friends wanna send fake mail and scare friends etc etc


Yes, this was assumed. 


Ok, so you hopefully have your answer.  Big ISP's expect valid reverse dns, and SPF entries.  SPF is done in the DNS entries for the domain.  Yahoo has been pushing their own key based system, known as DKIM, but I don't know too many people using it. 


There is also the actual content of the email, and depending on what it is -- your email will possibly end up in the spam filter anyways. 

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because wehn i coded in vb.net i made a mail bomber before i became mature in programmin' and it sent emaisl to inbox for yahoo etc etc but of not live.com



is there anything in my code i could possibly add/edit in order to increase the chance of not going into filter.


Soom.cz is a site just liek the one im workin on, and there fake mailer seems to work and send to inbox

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