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I have about 50 pages that all use variables to display images and text. I did a bad job at coding in the first place and the project is too big to open all 50 pages and insert each statement in when I can use the variable that is there.

$eventinfo = "This is just some random text and i want to include some info from my database inside this content 
  // the info below I am trying to contain with in the variable $eventinfo 
         $connect = mysql_pconnect('localhost", "xxxxx", "xxxxx") 
         or die(mysql_error()); 
         mysql_select_db("xxxxx", $connect) or die(mysql_error());    
         $sql_address = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(ID) as ID, Date, Time FROM events WHERE DMA='$Station'") 
         or die (mysql_error()); 
         $row_count = 0;  
         while($results = mysql_fetch_array($sql_address)) 


    <td><p>' .$results['Date'] . '</p></td> 
   <td><p>' .$results['Time'] . '</p></td> 



this is more content below the sql statement and with in the variable eventinfo.";


I have also tried to call an include statement of the sql inside $eventinfo but it's the same result. I understand the logic of why it will not work, I am declaring a variable and then putting variables inside but when i do that the semi colons are ending the statement early.


I know there are other ways to do this besides putting it inside a variable but as of right now I am banking that this can be done some how to call the sql statement with in the variable.


Any ideas?


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First line is not closed with a "


mysql_pconnect('localhost", "xxxxx", "xxxxx") 

was never closed so it should be something like this

$connect = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "xxxxx", "xxxxx");

your local host started with a ' and ended with a ". thats a bad sitatuation and was missing your ;

Here this looks a little more fixed up.

 $eventinfo = "This is just some random text and i want to include some info from my database inside this content ";
         $connect = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "xxxxx", "xxxxx");
         or die(mysql_error()); 
         mysql_select_db("xxxxx", $connect) or die(mysql_error());    
         $sql_address = mysql_query("SELECT ID, Date, Time FROM events WHERE DMA='$Station'") or die (mysql_error()); 
         $row_count = 0;  
         while($results = mysql_fetch_array($sql_address)){  
		 echo '<tr><td><p>' .$results['Date'] . '</p></td></tr>';
		 echo '<tr><td><p>' .$results['Time'] . '</p></td></tr>';


To me it looks like your missing alot of ', ", and ;

that will cause some major errors

Thanks for the info on i know what are the major issues of the '" and ;'s  but I do not think this is nested inside the variable so when I call the variable $eventinfo it will never execute the mysql code. Any ideas?



Maybe this is a better example of what I am trying to do :

$eventinfo = "'include("eventinclude.php");' <p class=\"left-align\">Hello this is text.</p>";


Of course I can not get the above to work and tried interchanging the " and the 's many times to no avail. With in the variable I want to execute an include statement along with text.





$eventinfo = include("eventinclude.php");


I tried doing that and it is calling the include but it is executing right away and it is not fitting with in the html and where I want it to go it says    1  , just the number one. Is 1 an error code for something?

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