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[SOLVED] Fetching Row with get method


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Hey so if i have a table with all the rows numbered with a customerid.


Say I wanted to fetch each row on a seperate page with a get method.


how will I be able to do that? for instance i have rows with customer information. how will I be able to display them on seperate pages.


?customerid=343 and from there it will show all that customers information in a table.


Im not sure how to explain this. Please help.

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yes you can get the records by doing that. You would create a page customer_records.php(whatever you want). Then when the user visits that page you pass it there customerid so it would look like customer_records.php?id=12345. Then on that page you would do something like this:


$id = $_GET['id']; //gets the id from url

$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='$id'"; //select records with passed id
mysql_query($query); //perform query


Then you can do whatever you want with the data.

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thank you so much..


and another question.. say the previous page "customer_list.php" lists all the names of the customers. when you click on one of the names it will take them to customer_records.php well how exactly can I link all the names with the proper id's ? thank you for the help

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Kind of the same way but you would get the customer list. So it would be something like this:


$query = "SELECT * FROM customer_list"; //get the customer list
$result = mysql_query($query); //perform the query

//display the customer list
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
     echo '<a href="customer_records.php?id='.$row['customer_id'].'">'.$row['customer_name'].'</a>'; //create a link with the customers id as the $_GET['id']


So pretty much all you are doing is appending the customers id to the end of the url that you are taking them to. Hopefully that helps.

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i ran into a problem...


Just a quick narrowed down example..

$query = mysql_connect ($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_pass) or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ($db_name);

$id = $_GET['id']; //gets the id from url

$query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id='$id'"; //select records with passed id
$result = mysql_query($query); //perform the query
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);

echo 'The customers name is, '.$row['name'].' and he made a purchase on, '.$row['date'].'.<BR>';



What am I doing wrong?

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Your first line is assigning mysql_connect to $query. What is or isnt happening. Also try this:


mysql_connect ($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_pass) or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ($db_name);

$id = $_GET['id']; //gets the id from url

$query = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id='$id'"; //select records with passed id
$result = mysql_query($query); //perform the query
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

echo 'The customers name is, '.$row['name'].' and he made a purchase on, '.$row['date'].'.<BR>';


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