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iam storing a variable in db as follows
by using insert query,i put it in mysql db.

in my second program iam creating one textbox and inserting it in db as follows
$textbox1='name<input type="text" name="t1" value="<?php echo $str;?>">';
by using insert query iam storing it in db....

finally i have written a third program to retrieve these textboxes with $str values from db;but iam getting textbox with <?php echo $str;?> value.but i want to get <html><b>ABCD</b></html> in that textbox.please tell me how to do it.

//program for storing html code in db

function escape_quotes( $html )
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
return( $html );
return( addslashes( $html ) );

$var1 = escape_quotes( $var1 );
$var2 = escape_quotes( $var2 );
$var3 = escape_quotes( $var3 );
$var4= escape_quotes( $var4 );
$sql="INSERT INTO mak VALUES('$var1','$var2','$var3','$var4')";
echo "record inserted";

//program for storing textboxes with some values in db

$va1='variable1<input type="text" name="vars1" size="35" value ="' .$var1.'"><br>';
$va2='variable2<input type="text" name="vars2" size="35" value ="' .$var2.'"><br>';
$va3='variable3<input type="text" name="vars3" size="35" value ="' .$var3.'"><br>';

$va4='variable4<input type="text" name="vars4" size="35" value ="' .$var4.'"><br>';
$updates='<input type="submit" value="update" onclick="this.form.action=\'upd.php\'"><br>';

function escape_quotes( $html )
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
return( $html );
return( addslashes( $html ) );

$va1 = escape_quotes( $va1 );
$va2 = escape_quotes( $va2 );
$va3 = escape_quotes( $va3 );
$va4 = escape_quotes( $va4 );
$updates = escape_quotes( $updates );

$sql="INSERT INTO sampl1 VALUES('$va1','$va2','$va3','$va4','$updates')";
$result=mysql_query($sql,$conn4) or die (mysql_error());
echo "record inserted";

//program for retriving the textboxes with the values from db (the values which i stored in db by writing first program)
$sql="SELECT * FROM sampl1";
echo $va1."".$va2."".$va3."".$va4."".$updates;

with this code either iam getting the value in textbox is <?php echo $str;?> like that or some blank textboxes.please help me to solve my problem

mrjameer :)
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