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So I have a problem I can't figure out....


If I go to my database.php file it runs fine and grabs all the data.  If I call it from a file and try and print / echo it out, it shows the source and not the output.  What am I doing wrong?




include "./connect_test.php";
include "./functions_test.php";


//Pull in some additional styles
$extra_styles_sql=" OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%".str_replace( "\n", "%' OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%", $extra_styles )."%'";
//$extra_styles_sql=" OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%"%' OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%%'";
$custom_order_string="Charms & More,Necklaces,Bracelets";

IF( FIND_IN_SET( webcategory.DESCRIPTION, "'.$custom_order_string.'" )!=0, FIND_IN_SET( webcategory.DESCRIPTION, "'.$custom_order_string.'" ), 99 ) AS custom_order
FROM webstyle
JOIN webcategory ON webstyle.CATEGORY=webcategory.CATEGORY_CODE
(webstyle.WEB_SUB_CATEGORY LIKE "Charm>%" OR webstyle.WEB_SUB_CATEGORY LIKE "Spacers>%" OR webstyle.WEB_SUB_CATEGORY LIKE "Base>%" '.$extra_styles_sql.' OR webstyle.COLLECTION="BR ABC\'S" )
$style_numbers=get_table_data( $bright1_shopping_connection, $sql );

//Because the ordering involves a regular expression, it's more efficient to loop through the list of styles
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";

$code=implode( "\n", $style_numbers["webstyle.STYLE_NUM"] );

print $code;



I call it in my index.php:


include "./connect_test.php";
include "./functions_test.php";




If I run index.php I get this error:

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\n", "%' OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%", $extra_styles )."%'"; , //$extra_styles_sql=" OR' at line 4


If I print it by doing echo $database it just echos the source and not the output.  Can someone please help me?



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Instead of printing the data in database.php just store the result you want in a variable, then on index.php include database.php and echo the variable you used to store it.


So like in database.php I have it written to $code.  if I called that on index.php would that work?  How would I call it over to index.php?

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Yes it'll work as long as you're including the file before you're trying to use the variable. You would use it the same as any other variable.


I did echo $code but I get the same error I got previously:


Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\n", "%' OR STYLE_NUM LIKE '%", $extra_styles )."%'"; , //$extra_styles_sql=" OR' at line 4

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