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Need to know what this code lines means... Thank you

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$strSQL = '';
$arrRestaurants = array();

// place holder form data variables
$strName = '';
$strZipCode = '';
$arrFoodTypes = array();
$arrOfferings = array();

// food types and offerings drop down build arrays
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes = array('values'=>array(),'output'=>array());
$arrRestaurantsOfferings = array();


Please can anybody explain some of what is happening above thank you.... or give me some reference to where i can read and understand a little bit what's is scripted above

I can see arrays inside arrays


$strSQL = '';


What's the definition of the variable above? what is equal to?

How is that value inside the commas is used later on through the script what for?


$arrRestaurants = array();


Then the $arrRestaurants variable definitions arrays, What understand is that variable will have severals values depending on where the array is in this case. is that corrrect? The value of $arrRestaurants will depend on where the array is... Well May I ask you how does array(); get values for $arrRestaurants?


// place holder form data variables

What is place holder form?


$strName = '';

$strZipCode = '';

$arrFoodTypes = array();

$arrOfferings = array();


Again this variables will be the same as the ones I have questionsd you about above.


// food types and offerings drop down build arrays

What does the author means by drop down build arrays?


$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes = array('values'=>array(),'output'=>array());

The $arrRestaurantsFoodTypes value is an array which contain two arrays right? well what values=>array(); means that 'values' is a variable which will have the array as a value? the same for output? well that I don't understand well..


Well those are my question, I will greatly appreciate your input guys...


Thank you.

$arrRestaurantsOfferings = array();

What's the definition of the variable above? what is equal to?

How is that value inside the commas is used later on through the script what for?


The variable, in that case, would be an empty string.



Then the $arrRestaurants variable definitions arrays, What understand is that variable will have severals values depending on where the array is in this case. is that corrrect? The value of $arrRestaurants will depend on where the array is... Well May I ask you how does array(); get values for $arrRestaurants?


Kind of. You define whatever is inside the array with the array function

$myArray = (1, 2, 3);


I can access the stuff in that array by using the square bracket operators "[]" like so

echo $myArray[0];//echos 1
echo $myArray[1];//echos 2
$myArray[1] = 4;
echo $myArray[1];//echos 4

The numbers inside the brackets are called keys. They determine which value in the array you are accessing

There is a link in my sig that has a tutorial on arrays. I highly suggest you check that link out, or the tutorial i linked to in my earlier post.


// food types and offerings drop down build arrays

What does the author means by drop down build arrays?


I'm assuming he means that he is going to use the array to build an HTML drop down box with some other code. But it's hard to say without seeing the other code. Seeing those few lines out of context can be misleading.


$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes = array('values'=>array(),'output'=>array());

The $arrRestaurantsFoodTypes value is an array which contain two arrays right? well what values=>array(); means that 'values' is a variable which will have the array as a value? the same for output? well that I don't understand well..

Yes it is an array of two arrays. but values isn't really a variable, its an array key. this is called an associative array because the array keys are a string, rather than numbers like in my first example. This means that instead of typing $array[0] to get the first array, you could type



and that would be the inner array. as far as output, if you echoed the line above, it would echo "Array()" because simple echo statements can't echo an array. you can use print_r($arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['value']) to see the structure of the inner array


Hey guys


mikesta this is the whole code...



This is the whole code can you please give an specific or general overview of your opinion and understanding so I can catch some of this complex code.



$strSQL = '';
$arrRestaurants = array();

// place holder form data variables
$strName = '';
$strZipCode = '';
$arrFoodTypes = array();
$arrOfferings = array();

// food types and offerings drop down build arrays
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes = array('values'=>array(),'output'=>array());
$arrRestaurantsOfferings = array();

/* fill food types array - replace with query

$arrResult = mysql_query('SELECT restaurant_food_types_id,name FROM RESTAURANT_FOOD_TYPES');
while($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($arrResult)) {
    $arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'][] = $arrRow['restaurant_food_types_id'];
    $arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['output'][] = $arrRow['name'];

$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'][] = '';
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['output'][] = '--';

$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'][] = 3;
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['output'][] = 'Asian';

$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'][] = 4;
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['output'][] = 'American';

$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'][] = 87;
$arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['output'][] = 'Swiss';

/* fill offerings array - replace with query

$arrResult = mysql_query('SELECT restaurant_offerings_id,name FROM RESTAURANT_OFFERINGS');
while($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($arrResult)) {
    $arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = $arrRow;

$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>56,'name'=>'Delivery');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>23,'name'=>'Eat-in');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>233,'name'=>'Wi-Fi');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>67,'name'=>'Buffet');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>12,'name'=>'TV');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>43,'name'=>'Parking');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>90,'name'=>'Catering');
$arrRestaurantsOfferings[] = array('restaurant_offerings_id'=>51,'name'=>'Take Out');

// reset form
$boolReset = isset($_POST['frmSearch']) && isset($_POST['frmSearch']['reset'])?true:false;

if($boolReset === false && isset($_POST['frmSearch'])) {

    // Extract POST variables and escape
    $strName = isset($_POST['frmSearch']['name'])?/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/$_POST['frmSearch']['name']/*)*/:'';
    $strZipCode = isset($_POST['frmSearch']['zipcode'])/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/?$_POST['frmSearch']['zipcode']/*)*/:'';
    $arrFoodTypes = isset($_POST['frmSearch']['food_types'])?$_POST['frmSearch']['food_types']:array();
    $arrOfferings = isset($_POST['frmSearch']['offerings'])?$_POST['frmSearch']['offerings']:array();

    // WHERE clause filters
    $arrSQLFilters = array();

    // Zipcode filter
    if(!empty($strZipCode)) {
        $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
            "r.zip LIKE '%s'"

    // Restaurants name filter
    if(!empty($strName)) {
        $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
            "r.name LIKE '%s'"

    // Food types filter
    if(!empty($arrFoodTypes) && !empty($arrFoodTypes[0])) {
    $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
          'r.restaurants_id IN
                     DISTINCT restaurants_id
                     restaurants_food_types_id IN (%s)
                     COUNT(DISTINCT restaurants_id) = %u)'
            ,/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/ implode(',',$arrFoodTypes) /*)*/

    // Offerings Filter ie. eat-in, lunch, dinner, etc
    if(!empty($arrOfferings)) {
      $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
          'r.restaurants_id IN
                     DISTINCT restaurants_id
                     restaurant_offerings_id IN (%s)
                     COUNT(DISTINCT restaurants_id) = %u)'
            ,/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/ implode(',',$arrOfferings) /*)*/

    // Build search query and embed filters
    $strSQL = sprintf(
          RESTAURANTS r
     ,empty($arrSQLFilters)?'':' WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$arrSQLFilters)  
    Run search query
    $arrResult = mysql_query($strSQL);
    while($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($arrResult)) {
        $arrRestaurants[] = $arrRow;
<form name="frmSearch" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">
        <legend>Find A Restuarant</legend>
            <li class="restaurants-name">
                <label for="restaurants-name">Name</label>
                <input type="text" name="frmSearch[name]" value="<?php echo $strName; ?>" id="restaurants-name">
            <li class="restaurants-zipcode">
                <label for="restaurants-zipcode">Zip</label>
                <input type="text" name="frmSearch[zipcode]" value="<?php echo $strZipCode; ?>" maxlength="5" id="restaurants-name">
            <?php if(!empty($arrRestaurantsFoodTypes)) { ?>
                <li class="restaurants-food-types">
                    <label for="restaurants-food-types">Food Type</label>
                    <select name="frmSearch[food_types][]" id="restaurants-food-types">
                        foreach($arrRestaurantsFoodTypes['values'] as $intIndex=>$intFoodTypesId) {
                                '<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>'
                                ,in_array($intFoodTypesId,$arrFoodTypes)?' selected="selected"':''
            <?php } ?>
            <?php if(!empty($arrRestaurantsOfferings)) { ?>
            <li class="restaurants-offerings">
                    foreach($arrRestaurantsOfferings as $arrRestaurantsOffering) {
                            '<li class="restaurants-offerings-%u">
                                  <input type="checkbox" name="frmSearch[offerings][]" value="%u" id="restaurants-offerings-%u"%s>
                                  <label for="restaurants-offerings-%u">%s</label>
                            ,in_array($arrRestaurantsOffering['restaurant_offerings_id'],$arrOfferings)?' checked="checked"':''
            <?php } ?>
            <li class="submit">
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="frmSearch[submit]">
            <li class="reset">
                <input type="submit" value="reset" name="frmSearch[reset]">

// print search query
if(!empty($strSQL)) printf('<p>%s</p>',$strSQL);

Dump out all resturants search data
foreach($arrRestaurants as $arrRestaurant) {


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