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Hi there,


I am trying to do the following, but getting confused along the way (php / mysql newbie):


I have 2 queries - one from this month and one from last month. I need to show last months values as a tool tip (or perhaps as a second row) for this month (in order to be able to compare the values)


Here is my current code - I am aware where the mistake is - but no idea how to fix it (i think th emistake is that there is no relationship between the 2 queries):


query for this month:

$qryArea = "SELECT * FROM payments WHERE area='$area' AND month='$month' ORDER BY ag_nr";
	$resultArea = mysql_query( $qryArea );


query for last month:

 $qryAreaLast = "SELECT * FROM payments WHERE area='$area' AND month='$previous' ORDER BY ag_nr";
	$resultAreaLast = mysql_query( $qryAreaLast );


data extraction from q this month:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultArea))
$agNr  = $row['AG_nr'];
$id      = (isset($row['id']))? $row['id'] : "";
$Size   = (isset($row['Size']))? $row['Size'] : "";


data extraction from q last month:

while($rowLast = mysql_fetch_array($resultAreaLast))
$agNrLast      = $rowLast['AG_nr'];
$idLast          = (isset($rowLast['id']))? $rowLast['id'] : "";
$SizeLast = (isset($rowLast['Size']))? $rowLast['Size'] : "";

// and lastly - here is the part where I TRY to do what I need:

<input type="text" name="Size" id="<?php echo 'Size'.$id; ?>" title="<?php echo $SizeLast ?>" value="<?php echo $Size ?>" />


At the moment, the $SizeLast is the simply repeated for each of the $Size - in other words, it is exactly the same on each $Size -

I think I need to say something like -> title=" $SizeLast where $agNrLast = agNr " but am unsure where to do this - in the mysql query (by having one query run, then somehow separating the months) or in the php

There are more than just one column I want to do this on - it's not just the Size column.

Any help greatly appreciated



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Hi AikenDrum,


You'd probably be best creating two arrays, indexed by the common value for each (i'm guessing ID, but this could be date?) and calling from each, such as:



// Initialise arrays
$resultsThisMonth = array();
$resultsLastMonth = array();

// Loop through first result set
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultArea)) {
    // Add row to array by using unique value, shared by both result sets, as the index
    $resultsThisMonth[$row['id']] = $row;

// Loop through second result set
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultAreaLast)) {
    // Add row to array by using unique value, shared by both result sets, as the index
    $resultsLastMonth[$row['id']] = $row;

// Loop through first array again to output HTML
foreach ($resultsThisMonth as $id => $row) {
    echo '<input type="text" name="Size" id="Size' . $id . '" title="' . $resultsLastMonth[$id]['Size'] . '" value="' . $row['Size'] . '" />



If you don't need the full row with each ID (for instance, you just want the size), then you could use:



// Initialise arrays
$resultsThisMonth = array();
$resultsLastMonth = array();

// Loop through first result set
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultArea)) {
    // Add row to array by using unique value, shared by both result sets, as the index
    $resultsThisMonth[$row['id']] = $row['Size'];

// Loop through second result set
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultAreaLast)) {
    // Add row to array by using unique value, shared by both result sets, as the index
    $resultsLastMonth[$row['id']] = $row['Size'];

// Loop through first array again to output HTML
foreach ($resultsThisMonth as $id => $size) {
    echo '<input type="text" name="Size" id="Size' . $id . '" title="' . $resultsLastMonth[$id] . '" value="' . $size . '" />



I'm guessing a lot at the purpose of this, but hopefully that should help somewhat. If you're stuck approaching it one way, try going back to the beginning, and write out in plain english what it is your trying to do, then convert the plain english to php.



Hi there,


many thanks for the speedy reply -


when you say "indexed by the common value for each (i'm guessing ID, but this could be date?) and calling from each " - do you mean "using a value that each array has in common" ?


They share an ID -  it is not the row ID , but another ID ( seen as $agNr  = $row['AG_nr']; )


Would I be able to use this ?

As in :


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultArea)) {
    // Add row to array by using unique value, shared by both result sets, as the index
    $resultsThisMonth[$row['agNr']] = $row;


If so,

it seems relatively simple :-)

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