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<?php include "base.php"; ?>
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<meta name="Author" content="Erwin Aligam - [email protected]" />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="images/CoolWater.css" type="text/css" />

<title>FreeFile :: Home</title>


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	<div id="header-links">
		if(!empty($_SESSION['LoggedIn']) && !empty($_SESSION['Username']))
  	 			<p>Logged in as:<b><?=$_SESSION['Username']?></p>
		elseif(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password']))
		echo' Welcome Guest ';


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<div  id="menu">
		<li id="current"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
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		<a name="TemplateInfo"></a>
		<h2><a href="index.html">Template Info</a></h2>

		<p class="post-by">posted by: <a href="index.html">ealigam</a></p>

		<p><strong>CoolWater 1.0</strong> is a free, W3C-compliant, CSS-based website template 
		by <strong><a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">styleshout.com</a></strong>. This work is 
		distributed under the <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/">
		Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  License</a>, which means that you are free to 
		use and modify it for any purpose. All I ask is that you include a link back to  
		<a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">my website</a> in your credits.</p>  

		<p>For more free designs, you can visit 
		<a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">my website</a> to see 
		my other works.</p>

		<p>Good luck and I hope you find my free templates useful!</p>

		<p class="post-footer align-left">					
		<a href="index.html" class="readmore">Read more</a> |
		<a href="index.html" class="comments">Comments (7)</a> |
		<span class="date">Nov 04, 2006</span>	

		<a name="SampleTags"></a>
		<h2><a href="index.html">Sample Tags</a></h2>

		code-sample { <br />
		font-weight: bold;<br />
		font-style: italic;<br />				

		<h3>Example Lists</h3>

			<li>Here is an example</li>
			<li>of an ordered list</li>								
			<li>Here is an example</li>
			<li>of an unordered list</li>								

		<blockquote><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy 
		nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat....</p></blockquote>

		<h3>Image and text</h3>
		<p><a href="http://getfirefox.com/"><img src="images/firefox-gray.jpg" width="100" height="120" alt="firefox" class="float-left" /></a>
		Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec libero. Suspendisse bibendum. 
		Cras id urna. Morbi tincidunt, orci ac convallis aliquam, lectus turpis varius lorem, eu 
		posuere nunc justo tempus leo. Donec mattis, purus nec placerat bibendum, dui pede condimentum 
		odio, ac blandit ante orci ut diam. Cras fringilla magna. Phasellus suscipit, leo a pharetra 
		condimentum, lorem tellus eleifend magna, eget fringilla velit magna id neque. Curabitur vel urna. 
		In tristique orci porttitor ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec libero. 				

		<h3>Table Styling</h3>

				<th><strong>post</strong> date</th>
				<td><a href="index.html">Augue non nibh</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Lobortis commodo metus vestibulum</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Fusce ut diam bibendum</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Purus in eget odio in sapien</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Maecenas et ipsum</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Adipiscing blandit quisque eros</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Sed vestibulum blandit</a></td>
				<td><a href="index.html">Cras lobortis commodo metus lorem</a></td>

		<h3>Example Form</h3>
		<form method="get" action="#">			
			<input name="dname" value="Your Name" type="text" size="30" />
			<input name="demail" value="Your Email" type="text" size="30" />
			<label>Your Comments</label>
			<textarea rows="5" cols="5"></textarea>
			<br />	
			<input class="button" type="submit" />		

		<br />	


	<div id="sidebar">

		<h2>Search Box</h2>	
		<form action="#" class="searchform">
			<input name="search_query" class="textbox" type="text" />
			<input name="search" class="button" value="Search" type="submit" />

		<h2>Sidebar Menu</h2>
		<ul class="sidemenu">				
			<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
			<li><a href="#TemplateInfo">Template Info</a></li>
			<li><a href="#SampleTags">Sample Tags</a></li>
			<li><a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">More Free Templates</a></li>	
			<li><a href="http://www.4templates.com/?aff=ealigam">Premium Templates</a></li>	

		<ul class="sidemenu">
			<li><a href="http://www.pdphoto.org/">PDPhoto.org</a></li>
			<li><a href="http://www.squidfingers.com/patterns/">Squidfingers</a></li>
			<li><a href="http://www.alistapart.com">Alistapart</a></li>					
			<li><a href="http://www.cssremix.com">CSS Remix</a></li>
			<li><a href="http://www.cssmania/">CSS Mania</a></li>					

		<ul class="sidemenu">
			<li><a href="http://themeforest.net?ref=ealigam"><strong>ThemeForest</strong></a> <br /> Your Choice for Site Templates & Wordpress Themes</li>
			<li><a href="http://www.4templates.com/?aff=ealigam"><strong>4templates</strong></a> <br /> Low Cost Hi-Quality Templates</li>
			<li><a href="http://store.templatemonster.com?aff=ealigam"><strong>TemplateMonster</strong></a> <br /> Delivering the Best Templates on the Net!</li>
			<li><a href="http://tinyurl.com/3cgv2m"><strong>Text Link Ads</strong></a> <br /> Monetized your website</li>
			<li><a href="http://www.fotolia.com/partner/114283"><strong>Fotolia</strong></a> <br /> Free stock images or from $1</li>
			<li><a href="http://www.dreamstime.com/res338619"><strong>Dreamstime</strong></a> <br /> Lowest Price for High Quality Stock Photos</li>
			<li><a href="http://www.dreamhost.com/r.cgi?287326"><strong>Dreamhost</strong></a> <br /> Premium webhosting</li>

		<h2>Wise Words</h2>

		<p>"To have a quiet mind is to possess one's mind wholly; to have a calm spirit is to 
		possess one's self." </p>

		<p class="align-right">- Hamilton Mabie</p>

		<h2>Support Styleshout</h2>
		<p>If you are interested in supporting my work and would like to contribute, you are
		welcome to make a small donation through the 
		<a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">donate link</a> on my website - it will 
		be a great help and will surely be appreciated.</p>


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	© 2006 <strong>Your Company</strong> | 
	Design by: <a href="http://www.styleshout.com/">styleshout</a> | 
	Valid <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">XHTML</a> | 
	<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a>   		


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what is this, a quiz?  this sounds like a question i'd have gotten back in highschool.


seriously, you gotta figure that people are going to need a little more information that "Syntax errors .. fix this".


luckily for you, the error was sticking out like a sore thumb.


seems you're not closing your elseif:


elseif(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password']))
{ //no closing } for this.
     echo' Welcome Guest ';


this might be it, way down the script:


font-style: italic;<br />
} //<-- right here?

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