jacko310592 Posted November 28, 2009 Share Posted November 28, 2009 hey guys i downloaded the 'Content Slider v2.4', and this has a feature which will save a cookie used to remember and recall the last content viewed by the user when they return to the page. (click here for more information on the script.) the only thing is that this is made for pages with URLs such as: www.mysite.com/gallery_album_1/content.php but my URLS are set out like: www.mysite.com/content.php?gallery_album_1 is there a way to make to so the cookie remembers the page via the "php?gallery_album_1" part instead of the "content.php" part. i need it to be like this simply because i have multiple galleries coming from the oe page, eg: www.mysite.com/content.php?gallery_album_1 www.mysite.com/content.php?gallery_album_2 www.mysite.com/content.php?gallery_album_3 the main code of the js is as follows: //** Featured Content Slider script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com. //** May 2nd, 08'- Script rewritten and updated to 2.0. //** June 12th, 08'- Script updated to v 2.3, which adds the following features: //1) Changed behavior of script to actually collapse the previous content when the active one is shown, instead of just tucking it underneath the later. //2) Added setting to reveal a content either via "click" or "mouseover" of pagination links (default is former). //3) Added public function for jumping to a particular slide within a Featured Content instance using an arbitrary link, for example. //** July 11th, 08'- Script updated to v 2.4: //1) Added ability to select a particular slide when the page first loads using a URL parameter (ie: mypage.htm?myslider=4 to select 4th slide in "myslider") //2) Fixed bug where the first slide disappears when the mouse clicks or mouses over it when page first loads. var featuredcontentslider={ //3 variables below you can customize if desired: ajaxloadingmsg: '<div style="margin: 20px 0 0 20px"><img src="../images/loading.gif" /> Fetching slider Contents. Please wait...</div>', bustajaxcache: true, //bust caching of external ajax page after 1st request? enablepersist: true, //persist to last content viewed when returning to page? settingcaches: {}, //object to cache "setting" object of each script instance jumpTo:function(fcsid, pagenumber){ //public function to go to a slide manually. this.turnpage(this.settingcaches[fcsid], pagenumber) }, ajaxconnect:function(setting){ var page_request = false if (window.ActiveXObject){ //Test for support for ActiveXObject in IE first (as XMLHttpRequest in IE7 is broken) try { page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){ try{ page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){} } } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, Safari etc page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() else return false var pageurl=setting.contentsource[1] page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){ featuredcontentslider.ajaxpopulate(page_request, setting) } document.getElementById(setting.id).innerHTML=this.ajaxloadingmsg var bustcache=(!this.bustajaxcache)? "" : (pageurl.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime() page_request.open('GET', pageurl+bustcache, true) page_request.send(null) }, ajaxpopulate:function(page_request, setting){ if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){ document.getElementById(setting.id).innerHTML=page_request.responseText this.buildpaginate(setting) } }, buildcontentdivs:function(setting){ var alldivs=document.getElementById(setting.id).getElementsByTagName("div") for (var i=0; i<alldivs.length; i++){ if (this.css(alldivs[i], "contentdiv", "check")){ //check for DIVs with class "contentdiv" setting.contentdivs.push(alldivs[i]) alldivs[i].style.display="none" //collapse all content DIVs to begin with } } }, buildpaginate:function(setting){ this.buildcontentdivs(setting) var sliderdiv=document.getElementById(setting.id) var pdiv=document.getElementById("paginate-"+setting.id) var phtml="" var toc=setting.toc var nextprev=setting.nextprev if (typeof toc=="string" && toc!="markup" || typeof toc=="object"){ for (var i=1; i<=setting.contentdivs.length; i++){ phtml+='<a href="#'+i+'" class="toc">'+(typeof toc=="string"? toc.replace(/#increment/, i) : toc[i-1])+'</a> ' } phtml=(nextprev[0]!=''? '<a href="#prev" class="prev">'+nextprev[0]+'</a> ' : '') + phtml + (nextprev[1]!=''? '<a href="#next" class="next">'+nextprev[1]+'</a>' : '') pdiv.innerHTML=phtml } var pdivlinks=pdiv.getElementsByTagName("a") var toclinkscount=0 //var to keep track of actual # of toc links for (var i=0; i<pdivlinks.length; i++){ if (this.css(pdivlinks[i], "toc", "check")){ if (toclinkscount>setting.contentdivs.length-1){ //if this toc link is out of range (user defined more toc links then there are contents) pdivlinks[i].style.display="none" //hide this toc link continue } pdivlinks[i].setAttribute("rel", ++toclinkscount) //store page number inside toc link pdivlinks[i][setting.revealtype]=function(){ featuredcontentslider.turnpage(setting, this.getAttribute("rel")) return false } setting.toclinks.push(pdivlinks[i]) } else if (this.css(pdivlinks[i], "prev", "check") || this.css(pdivlinks[i], "next", "check")){ //check for links with class "prev" or "next" pdivlinks[i].onclick=function(){ featuredcontentslider.turnpage(setting, this.className) return false } } } this.turnpage(setting, setting.currentpage, true) if (setting.autorotate[0]){ //if auto rotate enabled pdiv[setting.revealtype]=function(){ featuredcontentslider.cleartimer(setting, window["fcsautorun"+setting.id]) } sliderdiv["onclick"]=function(){ //stop content slider when slides themselves are clicked on featuredcontentslider.cleartimer(setting, window["fcsautorun"+setting.id]) } setting.autorotate[1]=setting.autorotate[1]+(1/setting.enablefade[1]*50) //add time to run fade animation (roughly) to delay between rotation this.autorotate(setting) } }, urlparamselect:function(fcsid){ var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(fcsid+"=(\\d+)", "i")) //check for "?featuredcontentsliderid=2" in URL return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected tab's index }, turnpage:function(setting, thepage, autocall){ var currentpage=setting.currentpage //current page # before change var totalpages=setting.contentdivs.length var turntopage=(/prev/i.test(thepage))? currentpage-1 : (/next/i.test(thepage))? currentpage+1 : parseInt(thepage) turntopage=(turntopage<1)? totalpages : (turntopage>totalpages)? 1 : turntopage //test for out of bound and adjust if (turntopage==setting.currentpage && typeof autocall=="undefined") //if a pagination link is clicked on repeatedly return setting.currentpage=turntopage setting.contentdivs[turntopage-1].style.zIndex=++setting.topzindex this.cleartimer(setting, window["fcsfade"+setting.id]) setting.cacheprevpage=setting.prevpage if (setting.enablefade[0]==true){ setting.curopacity=0 this.fadeup(setting) } if (setting.enablefade[0]==false){ //if fade is disabled, fire onChange event immediately (verus after fade is complete) setting.contentdivs[setting.prevpage-1].style.display="none" //collapse last content div shown (it was set to "block") setting.onChange(setting.prevpage, setting.currentpage) } setting.contentdivs[turntopage-1].style.visibility="visible" setting.contentdivs[turntopage-1].style.display="block" if (setting.prevpage<=setting.toclinks.length) //make sure pagination link exists (may not if manually defined via "markup", and user omitted) this.css(setting.toclinks[setting.prevpage-1], "selected", "remove") if (turntopage<=setting.toclinks.length) //make sure pagination link exists (may not if manually defined via "markup", and user omitted) this.css(setting.toclinks[turntopage-1], "selected", "add") setting.prevpage=turntopage if (this.enablepersist) this.setCookie("fcspersist"+setting.id, turntopage) }, setopacity:function(setting, value){ //Sets the opacity of targetobject based on the passed in value setting (0 to 1 and in between) var targetobject=setting.contentdivs[setting.currentpage-1] if (targetobject.filters && targetobject.filters[0]){ //IE syntax if (typeof targetobject.filters[0].opacity=="number") //IE6 targetobject.filters[0].opacity=value*100 else //IE 5.5 targetobject.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+value*100+")" } else if (typeof targetobject.style.MozOpacity!="undefined") //Old Mozilla syntax targetobject.style.MozOpacity=value else if (typeof targetobject.style.opacity!="undefined") //Standard opacity syntax targetobject.style.opacity=value setting.curopacity=value }, fadeup:function(setting){ if (setting.curopacity<1){ this.setopacity(setting, setting.curopacity+setting.enablefade[1]) window["fcsfade"+setting.id]=setTimeout(function(){featuredcontentslider.fadeup(setting)}, 50) } else{ //when fade is complete if (setting.cacheprevpage!=setting.currentpage) //if previous content isn't the same as the current shown div (happens the first time the page loads/ script is run) setting.contentdivs[setting.cacheprevpage-1].style.display="none" //collapse last content div shown (it was set to "block") setting.onChange(setting.cacheprevpage, setting.currentpage) } }, cleartimer:function(setting, timervar){ if (typeof timervar!="undefined"){ clearTimeout(timervar) clearInterval(timervar) if (setting.cacheprevpage!=setting.currentpage){ //if previous content isn't the same as the current shown div setting.contentdivs[setting.cacheprevpage-1].style.display="none" } } }, css:function(el, targetclass, action){ var needle=new RegExp("(^|\\s+)"+targetclass+"($|\\s+)", "ig") if (action=="check") return needle.test(el.className) else if (action=="remove") el.className=el.className.replace(needle, "") else if (action=="add") el.className+=" "+targetclass }, autorotate:function(setting){ window["fcsautorun"+setting.id]=setInterval(function(){featuredcontentslider.turnpage(setting, "next")}, setting.autorotate[1]) }, getCookie:function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value return null }, setCookie:function(name, value){ document.cookie = name+"="+value }, init:function(setting){ var persistedpage=this.getCookie("fcspersist"+setting.id) || 1 var urlselectedpage=this.urlparamselect(setting.id) //returns null or index from: mypage.htm?featuredcontentsliderid=index this.settingcaches[setting.id]=setting //cache "setting" object setting.contentdivs=[] setting.toclinks=[] setting.topzindex=0 setting.currentpage=urlselectedpage || ((this.enablepersist)? persistedpage : 1) setting.prevpage=setting.currentpage setting.revealtype="on"+(setting.revealtype || "click") setting.curopacity=0 setting.onChange=setting.onChange || function(){} if (setting.contentsource[0]=="inline") this.buildpaginate(setting) if (setting.contentsource[0]=="ajax") this.ajaxconnect(setting) } } as far as i can see, the parts of the code which are about the cookies are labeled "enablepersist" thanks guys Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/183216-help-with-minor-change-to-content-changer-code/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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