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hey guys


can someone please suggest a way in which the following code can be edited so it only picks up .jpg files, and so it only shows 20 of them which where found, in a randomized order


$files = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("./gallery");
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($files) as $files)
$file = basename($files);
echo ''.$file.'<br/>';



thanks everyone

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I'm not sure if this class implements an easier way to do this, there isn't documentation about it in the manual, but I don't think so. Something like this will work:


function grab_files($start_dir, $ext)
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_dir);
foreach($dir->getChildren() as $file)
		$files = array_merge((array) $files, grab_files($file, $ext));
		if(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $ext)
			$files[] = (string) $file;
return $files;

$files = grab_files('../gallery', 'jpg');
array_splice(shuffle($files), 20);
foreach($files as $file)
echo $file . '<br />';


Edit: Added the 20 file limit and randomization, forgot you wanted that as well.

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i now have all my images being listed instead of just 20, with this error at the top:


Warning: array_splice() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in E:\xampp\htdocs\Katies Site 1.0\index.php on line 64


line 64 refaring to "array_splice(shuffle($files), 20);"

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I should stop trying to do 23940748 things at once, sorry.


function grab_files($start_dir, $ext)
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_dir);
$files = Array();
foreach($dir->getChildren() as $file)
		$files = array_merge($files, grab_files($file, $ext));
		if(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $ext)
			$files[] = (string) $file;
return $files;

$files = grab_files('../gallery', 'jpg');
shuffle($files); array_splice($files, 20);
foreach($files as $file)
echo $file . '<br />';


Silly mistake.

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It would probably be easier and more correct to make proper use of the recursible nature of the RecursiveDirectoryIterator; it would save manually recursing the grab_files function and a lot of array merging.


Here is a version the same function with a couple of differences:

1. Recurses using the iterator rather than by calling the function multiple times

2. Does not need array_merge

3. Allows multiple file extensions and checks them case insensitively


The method of getting random keys is different too; instead of shuffling the entire array (which might be huge) it uses array_rand


function grab_files($start_dir, $ext)
$dir   = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_dir));
$files = array();

// Force array of extensions and make them all lower-case
if ( ! is_array($ext))
	$ext = (array) $ext;

$ext = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', $ext));

foreach($dir as $file)
	// Skip anything that isn't a file
	if ( ! $file->isFile())

	// If the file has one of our desired extensions, add it to files array
	if (in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), $ext)) {
		$files[] = $file->getPathname();

return $files;

// Grab all .jpg files recursively
$files = grab_files('./gallery', 'jpg');

// Get random keys
$keys = array_rand($files, min(20, count($files)));
foreach($keys as $key)
echo $files[$key] . "<br>\n";

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