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Need some complicated PHP help please.


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So heres my problem:

im trying to create a level system, so that when people do something on the site they gain XP,

each level is set out in the database as such:


|xp | lvl |

| --- |---|

|100| 1 |

|150| 2 |

|300| 3 |

|450| 4 |

|700| 5 |

etc etc...


So that if you have that amount of xp or greater, then your that lvl (I.E i have 160 xp im lvl 2)


Now, im trying to create a bar underneath it to show the percentage you have completed

I.E. you have 25 xp the bar needs to show 25% of the bar full


ive managed to get it to show the ammount of xp you need untill the next level, but im not sure how to convert that into a percentage and add it to the bar.


Can someone help me with this please.




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Remember,  you need to workout the XP required to level up, for example, if you have these values

Level 1

$maxexp = 100


Level 2

$maxexp = 150


then when you start level 2 it will save 66%, because your XP would be on 100 of 150, (hence 66%)

So you will need to get the differences between your current level and the next,


So $currentexp should be $currentexp - $previouslevelMaxXP

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