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Hi all,


I use the following script to resize my images to either 150 high or wide and 800 high or wide


What I need to do, is set the thumbnail to be 150 x 150 and take a crop of the main image and resize the main to 800px high or wide.


how can I alter the below to do this?

function saveThumb($gal,$fn) {
define("MAX_XY_SMALL", 150); // maximum width or height of thumbnail image
define("MAX_XY_LARGE", 800); // maximum width or height of thumbnail image
$fpath = "categories/$gal/$fn";
//print $fpath."\n";
/* GetImageSize returns an array:
 * $info[0] - horizontal size of image in pixels
 * $info[1] - vertical size of image in pixels
 * $info[2] - type of image (1=GIF, 2=JPEG, 3=PNG)
$info = GetImageSize("$fpath");

// do we need to resize image?
if ($info[0] > MAX_XY_SMALL || $info[1] > MAX_XY_SMALL) {
	// is image landscape?
	if ($info[0] >= $info[1]) {
		$width = MAX_XY_SMALL;
		$height = $info[1]*MAX_XY_SMALL/$info[0];
	// or portrait?
	} else {
		$height = MAX_XY_SMALL;
		$width = $info[0]*MAX_XY_SMALL/$info[1];
} else {
	// use original dimensions
	$width = $info[0];
	$height = $info[1];

if ($info[0] > MAX_XY_LARGE || $info[1] > MAX_XY_LARGE) {
	// is image landscape?
	if ($info[0] >= $info[1]) {
		$width_large = MAX_XY_LARGE;
		$height_large = $info[1]*MAX_XY_LARGE/$info[0];
	// or portrait?
	} else {
		$height_large = MAX_XY_LARGE;
		$width_large = $info[0]*MAX_XY_LARGE/$info[1];
} else {
	// use original dimensions
	$width_large = $info[0];
	$height_large = $info[1];

// create new thumbnail image
//echo "<br>$width - $height<br>";
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
$im_large = ImageCreateTrueColor($width_large, $height_large);

/* determine image type and load original image. Notice new tests for image
 * types. The GD extension has changed a lot over the years, dropping GIFs
 * and adding PNG support. By testing, we avoid trying to process an image
 * PHP can't deal with
$im_big = ""; // default is no image
switch ($info[2]) {
	case 1 :
		if (ImageTypes() & IMG_GIF) // test for GIF support 
			$im_big = ImageCreateFromGIF("$fpath");
	case 2 :
		if (ImageTypes() & IMG_JPG) // test for JPEG support 
			$im_big = ImageCreateFromJPEG("$fpath");
	case 3 :
		if (ImageTypes() & IMG_PNG) // test for PNG support  
			$im_big = ImageCreateFromPNG("$fpath");
	case 4 :
		if (ImageTypes() & IMG_BMP) // test for BMP support  
			$im_big = ImageCreateFromBMP("$fpath");

if ($im_big) {
	/* resize original image into thumbnail - see PHP Manual for details on
	 * the arguements ImageCopyResized takes
} else {
	// couldn't load original image, so generate 'no thumbnail' image instead
	$width = 150;
	$height = 150;
      	$im = ImageCreate($width, $height); // create a blank image
      	$bgc = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); // background color = black
      	$tc  = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); // text color = white
      	ImageFilledRectangle($im, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bgc); // draw rectangle
      	ImageString($im, 3, 9, 36, "No thumbnail", $tc); // add text
		ImageString($im, 3, 17, 48, "available", $tc);  

/* save our image in thumb directory - if the second argument is left out,
 * the image gets sent to the browser, as in thumbnail.php
ImageJPEG($im, "categories/".$gal."/t_".$fn);
ImageJPEG($im_large, "categories/".$gal."/".$fn);

// clean up our working images



Thanks in advanced!

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function imagesdir($picref,$filein,$fileout,$imagethumbsize_w,$imagethumbsize_h,$red,$green,$blue,$white,$username,$password,$dbase,$email,$fname,$lname,$bday,$link,$gender,$id,$form0,$form1,$form2,$form3,$form4,$refNum1){


$target = "../Images/".$picref;

$target = $target.time().basename($picref) ;



$dbase =  basename("../sourcepics/".$picref) ;


//echo "The picture has been uploaded";




$filein = '../sourcepics/'.$dbase; // File in

$fileout = '../Images/'.time().$dbase; // Fileout - optional

$imagethumbsize_w = 204; // thumbnail size (area cropped in middle of image)

$imagethumbsize_h = 151; // thumbnail size (area cropped in middle of image)




// Get new dimensions

$format = 'image/jpg';


  if(preg_match("/.jpg/i", "$filein"))


      $format = 'image/jpg';


  if (preg_match("/.gif/i", "$filein"))


      $format = 'image/gif';


  if(preg_match("/.png/i", "$filein"))


      $format = 'image/png';





          case 'image/jpg':

          $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filein);


          case 'image/gif';

          $image = imagecreatefromgif($filein);


          case 'image/png':

          $image = imagecreatefrompng($filein);




$width = $imagethumbsize_w ;

$height = $imagethumbsize_h ;

list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($filein);


if ($width_orig < $height_orig) {

  $height = ($imagethumbsize_w / $width_orig) * $height_orig;

} else {

  $width = ($imagethumbsize_h / $height_orig) * $width_orig;



if ($width < $imagethumbsize_w)

//if the width is smaller than supplied thumbnail size


$width = $imagethumbsize_w;

$height = ($imagethumbsize_w/ $width_orig) * $height_orig;;



if ($height < $imagethumbsize_h)

//if the height is smaller than supplied thumbnail size


$height = $imagethumbsize_h;

$width = ($imagethumbsize_h / $height_orig) * $width_orig;



$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($width , $height); 

$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($thumb, $red, $green, $blue); 

ImageFilledRectangle($thumb, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bgcolor);

imagealphablending($thumb, true);


imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0,

$width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig);

$thumb2 = imagecreatetruecolor($imagethumbsize_w , $imagethumbsize_h);

// true color for best quality

$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($thumb2, $red, $green, $blue); 

ImageFilledRectangle($thumb2, 0, 0,

$imagethumbsize_w , $imagethumbsize_h , $white);

imagealphablending($thumb2, true);


$w1 =($width/2) - ($imagethumbsize_w/2);

$h1 = ($height/2) - ($imagethumbsize_h/2);


imagecopyresampled($thumb2, $thumb, 0,0, $w1, $h1,

$imagethumbsize_w , $imagethumbsize_h ,$imagethumbsize_w, $imagethumbsize_h);



// Output

//header('Content-type: image/gif');

//imagegif($thumb); //output to browser first image when testing


if ($fileout !=""){

imagejpeg($thumb2, $fileout); //write to file


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