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Ok, i want to make it so if a person don't upload an photo of them selfs it will load the default in there profile instead of leaving itempty.
I wantedtoknow how toacomplish this.

Here is my call function:
<img name="<?$row1["quote"]?>" src=" <? echo $PRODUCTIMAGES.$photo?>" alt="<?$row1["quote"]?>" border=0 width=180 height=215 align=absmiddle>

Do i just and and "else $images.$default.gif?
Any help wouldbe great. caust it looks horible when no default pic is loaded.
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Is the $photo hold the path to thier picture. You can probably do this:
$photo = (isset($photo) && !empty($photo)) ? $photo : 'path/to/defualt/image/here.gif';

That checks if $photo is set and that its not empty. If is int i'll use the $photo. Otherwise it set $photo to "path/to/defualt/image/here.gif" Change path/to/defualt/image/here.gif to the location of your defualt profile image.
Well i placed it but it dident load eather pic. I tested a profile that had a photo and it was there but blank error and the default was the same.

I use the product images to determin the path to the members pics.
<img name="<?$row1["quote"]?>" src=" <? echo $PRODUCTIMAGES.$photo?>" alt="<?$row1["quote"]?>" border=0 width=180 height=215 align=absmiddle>

My default "No Photo" is located in:
images/No_Photo.gif, is there any way to ad this to the exsisting code??
Under else=
Whats the path that $PRODUCTIMAGES holds?

You might want to do this:
[code]$photo = (isset($photo) && !empty($photo)) ? $PRODUCTIMAGES.$photo : 'images/No_Photo.gif';

<img name="<? echo $row1['quote']; ?>" src="<? echo $photo; ?>" alt="<? $row1['quote']; ?>" border="0" width="180" height="215" align="absmiddle">[/code]
Haha, well its pulling the  members photo fine now but sill comes up empty when there is no pic?

Heres how i placed it.
[color=red][b]<?[/b][/color] $photo [color=blue]= (isset[/color]($photo) [color=blue]&& !empty[/color]($photo)[color=blue]) ?[/color] $PRODUCTIMAGES[color=blue].[/color]$photo [color=blue]:[/color] [color=red]'images/No_Photo.gif'[/color][color=blue];[/color][color=red] [b]?>[/b][/color]

<img name="[b][color=red]<?[/color][/b] [color=green]echo[/color] $row1['quote']; [color=red][b]?>[/b][/color]" src="[color=red][b]<?[/b][/color] echo $photo; [b][color=red]?>[/color][/b]" alt="<? $row1['quote']; ?>" border="0" width="180" height="215" align="absmiddle">

I check the images/ folder and the pic is there? why wont it pull the default image....

I got it working lol, i looked at the head code and it said:

  $sql="select * from users where identity='$UsErCoOkIe'";

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