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help with option lists and submit buttons


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I have a web app using php that helps create a schedule.


Where I click the submit button, nothing happens. I would atleast expect a 404 error since xxxprocessform.php does not exisit.

Do I have my form and select set up correct?




/* Requires the header and the header
   requires config.php */


if($_POST['submit']) {
$db  = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
       mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $db);
echo mysql_error();



<div id="main">

<h3>Employee Search</h3>
<form action="XXXprocessform.php" method="post">

echo 	"<br>";

$fieldavail = mysql_list_fields("sch", "avail", $db);
$colavail = mysql_num_fields($fieldavail);
echo 	"<p>What day ?</p>";
echo 	"<form action=xxxprocess.php method=POST><select name='$avail'>";
for ($i = 1; $i < $colavail; $i++) {
echo "<option value=$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldavail, $i);

echo "</select></form>";
echo "<br>";

$fieldarea = mysql_list_fields("sch", "area", $db);
$colarea = mysql_num_fields($fieldarea);

echo "<p>What area ?</p>";
echo "<form action=xxxprocess.php method=POST><select name='$area'>";
for ($i = 1; $i < $colarea; $i++) {
echo "<option value =$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldarea, $i);
echo "</select></form>";

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search employees">



and this is my header




$db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $db);

4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
   <title><?php echo $config_sitename; ?></title>
   <link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">

<div id="header">
<h1><?php echo $config_sitename; ?></h1>



...again when i clikc submit - nothing, not even an error.

all help would be apperciated. -justin

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u are using as if the submit button is pressed u are selecting the connection and selecting the db after that u closed it and started running commands, obviously it will not show u any error as it has connected to the mysql and selected the db after that it cannot understand ur query

$fieldavail = mysql_list_fields("sch", "avail", $db);


so check ur code again

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so i should keep my tags open is what your are saying ?


the first part sees if it has been submitted, then i close it.

should i get rid of this thne..?

if($_POST['submit']) {
   $db  = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
          mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $db);
echo mysql_error();



thanks for helping.

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Hello,  I have fixed it.


All goes well, acts like I would expect it.


Except during the execution of process.php the results from gettype()  is null;


What I am trying to do is get the selected [avail] from the avail drop down and pass it through to process.php and simply display it. I don't know how to get variables from my options. can you help ?




// Open <html> tag.
echo "<html>";
// Open <header> and <title> tags, close </title>.
echo "<head><title>PHP Info - test2.php</title>";


//echo "</head>"; - Uneccessary, closed in [header.php]

//echo "<body>"; - Uneccessary, opened in the end of [header.php]

// Close php tag, straight into <html>, <body> was opened in [header.php]



<!-- Open main div -->
<div id="main">

<h3>Employee Search</h3>

<form action="process.php" method="post">

<!-- Create drop down for [avail] -->

$fieldavail = mysql_list_fields("sch", "avail", $db);
$colavail = mysql_num_fields($fieldavail);
echo 	"<p>What day ?</p>";
echo 	"<form action=process.php method=POST name='avail'>";
echo 	"<select name='AVAIL'>";
echo "<option value='deef'> Select an avail   </option>";	
for ($i = 1; $i < $colavail; $i++) {
echo "<option value=$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldavail, $i);
echo "</select>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<br>";
<!-- Create drop down for [area] -->
$fieldarea = mysql_list_fields("sch", "area", $db);
$colarea = mysql_num_fields($fieldarea);

echo "<p>What area ?</p>";
echo "<form action=test2.php method=POST name='area'>";
echo "<select name='$area_option'>";
echo "<option value='deeg'> Select an area   </option>";	
for ($i = 1; $i < $colarea; $i++) {
echo "<option value =$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldarea, $i);
echo "</select>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<form id='goat' name='goat' action=process.php method=POST>";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Search employees'>";
echo "<br><br>";

//echo "</div>";

<!-- Close main div--> 

// Close </body> tag.
echo "</body>";
// Close <html> tag.
echo "</html>";
// End.




and here is my process.php file


// Open <html> tag.
echo "<html>";
// Open <header> and <title> tags, close </title>.
echo "<head><title>PHP Info - [schedule Assistant] - process.php</title>";


//echo "</head>"; - Uneccessary, closed in [process_header.php]

//echo "<body>"; - Uneccessary, opened in the end of [process_header.php]

// Close php tag, straight into <html>, <body> was opened in [process_header.php]



<!-- Open main div -->
<div id="main">

<h3>Hello, results.</h3>


$avail = ($_POST['AVAIL']);
echo $avail . '  ';
echo $AVAIL;
echo gettype($avail);
echo "<br>";

echo "<br>";
$area = ($_POST[$area_option]);
echo $area . '  ';
echo gettype($area);
echo "<br>";

<!-- Close main div--> 

// Close </body> tag.
echo "</body>";
// Close <html> tag.
echo "</html>";
// End.



thank you for helping - justin

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i am making some progress, but something is still wrong. I used gettype to tell me what my POST vari are ending up to be set.


I take the selected options and send them through to POST using avail_option and area_option.


When I process it - I assign the post variables to my variables ($area,$avail) but when I gettype them they are returned as numbers but strings.

I would like them to be assigned one of the options names, (availmon, availtue, availwed, etc..)


So I have created a way arond for the mean time...can anyone help me simplfy my processing ?

My code is a bit messy, pardon me.






// Open <html> tag.
echo "<html>";
// Open <header> and <title> tags, close </title>.
echo "<head><title>PHP Info - test2.php</title>";


//echo "</head>"; - Uneccessary, closed in [header.php]

//echo "<body>"; - Uneccessary, opened in the end of [header.php]

// Close php tag, straight into <html>, <body> was opened in [header.php]



<!-- Open main div -->
<div id="main">

<h3>Employee Search</h3>

<!--<form method="post" action="process.php">-->

<!-- Create drop down for [avail] -->

$fieldavail = mysql_list_fields("sch", "avail", $db);
$colavail = mysql_num_fields($fieldavail);

echo 	"<p>What day ?</p>";
echo 	"<form action=process.php method=POST>";
echo 	"<select name='avail_option'>";
for ($i = 1; $i < $colavail; $i++) {
echo "<option value=$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldavail, $i);
echo "</option>";
echo "</select>";
//	$avail = $_POST['avail_option'];
//	echo "</form>";
echo "<br>";
<!-- Create drop down for [area] -->
$fieldarea = mysql_list_fields("sch", "area", $db);
$colarea = mysql_num_fields($fieldarea);

echo 	"<p>What area ?</p>";
echo 	"<form action=process.php method=POST>";
echo 	"<select name='area_option'>";	
for ($i = 1; $i < $colarea; $i++) {
echo "<option value =$i>";
echo mysql_field_name($fieldarea, $i);
echo "</option>";	
echo "</select>";
//	$area = $_POST['area_option'];
//	echo "</form>";
echo "<br>";

<form action=process.php method=POST>
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Search employees'>";
echo "<br><br>";
//echo "</div>";

<input type='submit' name ='submit' value='Search'>

<!-- Close main div--> 

// Close </body> tag.
echo "</body>";
// Close <html> tag.
echo "</html>";
// End.


and this is what my process.php looks like..




// Open <html> tag.
echo "<html>";
// Open <header> and <title> tags, close </title>.
echo "<head><title>PHP Info - [schedule Assistant] - process.php</title>";


//echo "</head>"; - Uneccessary, closed in [process_header.php]

//echo "<body>"; - Uneccessary, opened in the end of [process_header.php]

// Close php tag, straight into <html>, <body> was opened in [process_header.php]



<!-- Open main div -->
<div id="main">

<h3>Hello, results.</h3>


$avail = $_POST[avail_option];
$area = $_POST[area_option];

echo "<h2> Avail </h2>";
echo "<br>";

switch ($avail)
case '1':
$sel_av = 'Monday';
case '2':
$sel_av = 'Tuesday';
case '3':
$sel_av = 'Wednesday';
case '4':
$sel_av = 'Thursday';
case '5':
$sel_av = 'Friday';
case '6':
$sel_av = 'Saturday';
case '7':
$sel_av = 'Sunday';

echo $sel_av;
echo "<br><br>";

echo $avail;

echo gettype($avail);
echo "<br>";

echo "<h2> Area </h2>";
echo "<br>";
switch ($area)
case '1':
$sel_ar = 'Bakery';
case '2':
$sel_ar = 'Dining Room';
case '3':
$sel_ar = 'Dishes';
case '4':
$sel_ar = 'Line';
case '5':
$sel_ar = 'Register';

echo $sel_ar;
echo $area;

echo gettype($area);
echo "<br>";

//echo "$fieldavail";
//echo $colavail;
//echo $fieldarea;
//echo $colarea;

echo 'right here....<br>';


<!-- Close main div--> 

// Close </body> tag.
echo "</body>";
// Close <html> tag.
echo "</html>";
// End.


...thanks for help and input. - justin

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hello friends,


I have finally come to a solution.


here is my code if anyone might find it useful. I thanks for all the help I have recieved from the forums.

echo "<html>";
echo "<head><title>PHP Info - [schedule Assistant] - process.php</title>";



<!-- Open main div -->
<div id="main">
<h3>Hello, results.</h3>

<!-- Open PHP -->

// Assign POST varis to my varis.
$avail = $_POST[avail_option];
$area = $_POST[area_option];

echo 	"<h1> Avail </h1>" .
"<br>" .
"<h2>" . $avail . "</h2>" .

echo 	"<h1> Area </h1>" .
"<br>" . 
"<h2>" . $area . "</h2>" .

$query = "select empname from emp
 join area a using (areaid)
 join avail b using (availid)
 where a.$area = 'y'
 and b.$avail = 'y'";

$result = mysql_query($query)
or die ('Query error in : $query ' . mysql_error());

if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
	echo $row[0];
	echo "<br>---<br>";
	echo $row[1];
else {
echo 'No rows found!!';

//<!-- Close main div--> 
echo "</div></body></html>";


good day - justin

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