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Left Join count resulting rows per attribute where blah = blah


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hi, I was wondering if there's a function which allows me to do this.  Basically, I have the following query


  $query = "SELECT #__jt_banners.id
                , #__jt_banners.title
                , #__jt_banners.img_location
                , #__jt_banners.impressions
                , #__jt_banners.start_date
                , #__jt_banners.expiration_date
                , #__jt_banners.published
                , #__jt_banner_clicks.id
                , #__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id
          FROM #__jt_banners
            LEFT JOIN #__jt_banner_clicks ON
           (#__jt_banners.id = #__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id)";


Depending on the id of the banner, some will have entries within the banner_clicks table, some will have none.  I need a way of counting the resulting clicks per banner, is there an easy way of doing this?  Sort of like mysql_num_rows() except I would specify two required columns, an "id" entry within __jt_banners and an entry "banner_id" within banner_clicks.

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alright, maybe I should clarify this.


I have the following query.


  $query = "SELECT #__jt_banners.id
                , #__jt_banners.title
                , #__jt_banners.img_location
                , #__jt_banners.impressions
                , #__jt_banners.start_date
                , #__jt_banners.expiration_date
                , #__jt_banners.published 
          FROM #__jt_banners";


I need to count the number of times each (#__jt_banners.id = #__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id)


Some banner entries will have clicks, some won't.  I'd like to limit this to one query if possible, how should I go about doing this?

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  $query = "SELECT #__jt_banners.id
                , #__jt_banners.title
                , #__jt_banners.img_location
                , #__jt_banners.impressions
                , #__jt_banners.start_date
                , #__jt_banners.expiration_date
                , #__jt_banners.published
                , #__jt_banner_clicks.id
                , #__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id
                , COUNT(#__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id) as bann_cnt
          FROM #__jt_banners
            LEFT JOIN #__jt_banner_clicks ON
           (#__jt_banners.id = #__jt_banner_clicks.banner_id)
           GROUP BY #__jt_banners.id";

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:slams head on keyboard:


alright, this one's kind of weird.  when i plug the query into phpmyadmin I can clearly see that there is in fact an id associated with each row, however when I run it through mysql_fetch_array or the joomla semi-equivalent "JFactory::loadObjectList", the only row which has an id is the first "0".  if I use var_dump the results returned by msql_fetch_array there's only one ID of 0 and the other entries have an ID of NULL.  Any idea what would cause this?


$query = "SELECT jos_jt_banners.id

                , jos_jt_banners.title

                , jos_jt_banners.img_location

                , jos_jt_banners.impressions

                , jos_jt_banners.start_date

                , jos_jt_banners.expiration_date

                , jos_jt_banners.published

                , jos_jt_banner_clicks.id

                , jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id

                , COUNT(jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id) as bann_cnt

          FROM jos_jt_banners

            LEFT JOIN jos_jt_banner_clicks ON

          (jos_jt_banners.id = jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id)

          GROUP BY jos_jt_banners.id"

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so you guys know I'm not making this up


vardumped results.  This is for loadObjectList. 

array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#90 (9) { ["id"]=> string(1) "0" ["title"]=> string(4) "Test" ["img_location"]=> string(73) "http://darkerprojects.dreamhosters.com/images/TheFalconBanner-PodCast.gif" ["impressions"]=> string(1) "0" ["start_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-21 09:33:24" ["expiration_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-21 09:33:24" ["published"]=> string(1) "1" ["banner_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["bann_cnt"]=> string(1) "2" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#88 (9) { ["id"]=> NULL ["title"]=> string(11) "Flag Banner" ["img_location"]=> string(56) "http://www.si.edu/encyclopedia_Si/nmah/images/banner.jpg" ["impressions"]=> string(1) "0" ["start_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-20 14:06:04" ["expiration_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-19 14:06:04" ["published"]=> string(1) "0" ["banner_id"]=> NULL ["bann_cnt"]=> string(1) "0" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#85 (9) { ["id"]=> NULL ["title"]=> string(16) "Make that Dollar" ["img_location"]=> string(63) "http://www.makethatdollar.com/images/462/banners_mtd_728x90.gif" ["impressions"]=> string(1) "0" ["start_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-21 14:09:58" ["expiration_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-21 14:09:58" ["published"]=> string(1) "0" ["banner_id"]=> NULL ["bann_cnt"]=> string(1) "0" } }


mysql_fetch_array(after second run.  notice the id is null here as well)

array(19) { [0]=> string(1) "1" ["id"]=> NULL [1]=> string(11) "Flag Banner" ["title"]=> string(11) "Flag Banner" [2]=> string(56) "http://www.si.edu/encyclopedia_Si/nmah/images/banner.jpg" ["img_location"]=> string(56) "http://www.si.edu/encyclopedia_Si/nmah/images/banner.jpg" [3]=> string(1) "0" ["impressions"]=> string(1) "0" [4]=> string(19) "2009-12-20 14:06:04" ["start_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-20 14:06:04" [5]=> string(19) "2009-12-19 14:06:04" ["expiration_date"]=> string(19) "2009-12-19 14:06:04" [6]=> string(1) "0" ["published"]=> string(1) "0" [7]=> NULL [8]=> NULL ["banner_id"]=> NULL [9]=> string(1) "0" ["bann_cnt"]=> string(1) "0" } 

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nevermind, there was an extra id attribute I didn't notice


SELECT jos_jt_banners.id

                , jos_jt_banners.title

                , jos_jt_banners.img_location

                , jos_jt_banners.impressions

                , jos_jt_banners.start_date

                , jos_jt_banners.expiration_date

                , jos_jt_banners.published


                , jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id

                , COUNT(jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id) as bann_cnt

          FROM jos_jt_banners

            LEFT JOIN jos_jt_banner_clicks ON

          (jos_jt_banners.id = jos_jt_banner_clicks.banner_id)

          GROUP BY jos_jt_banners.id

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