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Connecting three tables from the database


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Before I start, I'll point out that I'm a newbie and trying to do most of the coding myself, using a previously working search function.  Anyway, I'll explain the predicament as best as I can.


In a bit of pickle on this current task.  My cart program has three different tables that it uses to complete an order.  The tables are orders, cart, and cartoptions.  My client wants to be able to search a phone number and a 6 digit pin and have it pull certain information.  Only problem is that the 6 digit pin is on the cartoptions table and the phone number is on the orders table.  The only reason I need the cart table is because he wants other information to display, and it's located on the cart table.


The only way these tables have similar values is as follows:

ordSessionID from the orders table matches cartSessionID from the cart table.

and then cartID from the cart table matches coCartID from the cartoptions table.


Hopefully I haven't lost everybody.  Anyway, I've started with code that I used from a different search function that does work.  And I'm able to search on the orders table and post the results perfectly.  But, when it pulls information from the cartoptions and the cart tables it is displaying every single value from whatever field I attempt to display, when I'm only wanting to display the ones that match up with the correct variables.  So I've managed to pull information from the appropriate tables, but I haven't figured out how to connect all three tables together appropriately... I've seen online there are ways to join two tables, but that doesn't help me because I'm using three tables.  Anyway, here's the code:




// Search Form Processor
$ordPhone 	= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ordPhone']);

$sql = "";
$sql2 = "";
$sql3 = "";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE ordPhone LIKE '{$ordPhone}%'";

}//end if

$query = $_GET['query'];
$sql = "SELECT ordPhone, ordSessionID FROM orders WHERE ordPhone = '{$query}'";
$sql2 = "SELECT cartSessionID, cartID FROM cart WHERE cartSessionID = '{$ordSessionID}'";
$sql3 = "SELECT coCartID FROM cartoptions WHERE coCartID = '{$cartID}'";
}//end if

<form name="searchordPhone" method="post" action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>">
Enter Phone Number:<br />
<input name="ordPhone" type="text" id="ordPhone" size="20"><br />
<input type="submit" name="searchordPhone" id="search" value="Search">
</form><br />
<br /><br /><br />
if($sql !== ""){$result = mysql_query($sql);
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
			echo $row['ordPhone']."<br>";
			echo $row['ordSessionID']."<br>";
	}//end wh	
		print "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"description\">There are no results to 
display</td><td> </td></tr>";
	}//end if

}//end if
if($sql2 !== ""){$result = mysql_query($sql2);
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
			echo $row['cartSessionID']."<br>";

	}//end wh	
		print "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"description\">There are no results to
display</td><td> </td></tr>";
	}//end if

}//end if
if($sql3 !== ""){$result = mysql_query($sql3);
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
			echo $row['coCartID']."<br>";
	}//end wh	
		print "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"description\">There are no results to
display</td><td> </td></tr>";
	}//end if

}//end if


I'm probably way off here by declaring extra sql variables.  I just didn't know how else to take this, so if anybody has some pointers I would be in their debt.

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I forgot to mention that I've left out some of the fields from the tables, because my first goal is simply to get this thing to function... and display the correct value from each of the three tables.  I'll worry about the semantics like getting it to display the specific values later.  I'm only concerned about making it work for now.

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You can query more than one table at a time within a single query using joins. Trying  to stitch together results from separate queries is not recommended.


The following is your three queries combined into one

$ordPhone    = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ordPhone']);

$query = "SELECT O.ordPhone, O.ordSessionID, C.cartSessionID, C.cartID, Co.coCartID FROM orders O
LEFT JOIN cart C ON C.cartSessionID = O.ordSessionID
LEFT JOIN cartoptions Co ON Co.coCartID = C.cartID
WHERE O.ordPhone = $ordPhone
GROUP BY O.ordPhone";
$result = mysql_query($query);

if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    while($row = mysql_num_rows($result))
        printf("<pre>%s</pre><hr />", print_r($row, true));
        prinft("Error with query: <pre>%s</pre>Reason: <pre>%s</pre>", $query, mysql_error());
        echo "No results!";

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add ' around $ordPhone in your query

$query = "SELECT O.ordPhone, O.ordSessionID, C.cartSessionID, C.cartID, Co.coCartID FROM orders O
LEFT JOIN cart C ON C.cartSessionID = O.ordSessionID
LEFT JOIN cartoptions Co ON Co.coCartID = C.cartID
WHERE O.ordPhone = '$ordPhone'
GROUP BY O.ordPhone";

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