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LOOKBOOK's Search Function


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Hi everyone :D, consider the case below:




I want to build a search function like that for my ecommerce website but I've been getting lots of Search Engine tutorials on the web instead (eg. using a query string) while I had in mind displaying results based on categories.




I know lookbook uses $_GET to query their database, but how do they put the different options into 1 query string?


(eg. how does the script recognize it should be mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clothes WHERE gender = girls && material = cotton && colors = 000000 SORT BY date DESC")?


And another thing that puzzles me as well: Once you have selected on an option (eg. Gender: Girl), the link knows that it is selected and clicking it again will deselect it


(eg. http://lookbook.nu/search?gender=girls&material=cotton&colors[]=000000




Any advise? Thanks ;D

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to create a link you would/could do something like this for the following url:


url: http://lookbook.nu/search?gender=girls&pattern=argyle


$query = ltrim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '?');
$query = ltrim($str, '?');

echo '<a href="/search.php?newVal=myval&'.$query.'">Link</a>';


Then for your query you could do something like this:



$query = ltrim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '?');
$query = ltrim($str, '?');
$where = '';
foreach(explode('&', $query) as $pairs){
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $pairs);
$key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
$where .= "$key = '$value',";
$where = rtrim($where, ",");
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE $where");

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Hi The Little Guy,


Thanks for your reply! I believe it opened up a dead end for me.


I understood most of your awesome solution but I have some point of doubts:


1) $str


$query = ltrim($str, '?');


In this code, where do you get the $str from?


2) The link


echo '<a href="/search.php?newVal=myval&'.$query.'">Link</a>';


In this code, how does the link detects that its option has been selected and will change to "deselect" mode?


(eg. Current url on browser is http://lookbook.nu/search?gender=girls&pattern=argyle

Hovering on 'Agryle' gives you <a href="/search.php?gender=girls">Agryle</a> instead of <a href=?/search.php?gender=girls&pattern=agryle)


PS: Will credit you on my website!

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1) Oops sorry, in both of my codes line 2 should be deleted.


2) to remove/change a value in the string, you could do something like this:


to change:

$str = 'gender=girls&color=red&pattern=pattern1';
$info = array(
'gender' => array('guys', 'girls'),
'color' => array('red', 'white', 'blue'),
'pattern' => array('pattern1', 'pattern2', 'pattern3')

$arr = array();
parse_str($str, $arr);

$opt = '';
echo "<p>$str</p>";
foreach($info as $key => $val){
foreach($val as $item){
	$newStr = $str;
	if(preg_match("~$key~", $newStr)){
		if(in_array($item, $arr)){
			$newStr = preg_replace("~$key=.+?(&|$)~", "", $newStr);
			$newStr = preg_replace("~$key=.+?(&|$)~", "$key=$item&", $newStr);
	echo '<div>';
	echo "<span style='display:block;float:left;width:100px;'>item $item:</span> ".trim($newStr, '&');
	echo '</div>';

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