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ADD, modify, and delete entries


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I know very little php. I'm hoping I could get some help from experts here. I would like to let users, Add, modify, or delete etries from the database. Right now, I got modify and delete to work. I'm having trouble with the ADD. My friend gave me this to help get me started. I was wondering if anyone can guide me through this step by step so that I no how to apply this to my situation:


require 'lib-hollydb.inc';

//if new enumeration values specified, update database table column definition
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value){
if(preg_match("/^new_/","$key") && ($value!="")){
		$nv =$value;
		$arr_enum = getColumnEnumValues("comcode","$col");
				errorMsg("$nv already exists in the drop down list...");
		$str_enum = implode("','", $arr_enum);
		$q="ALTER TABLE experts CHANGE $col $col enum('$str_enum','$nv')";

$k = array();
$v = array();
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value){
$x = implode(",",$k);
$y = implode("','",$v);

$q = "insert into experts ($x) values('$y')";



<td valign="top">
<img src="images/red_vertical_bar.gif" width=1 height=120 border=0 alt="">
<td valign="top">
<b>PRO input:</b> add | <a href="pred_edit.php">edit</a> | <a href="pred_delete.php">delete</a> <br>
Input a record<br><br>

Thank you.<br>
Your input has been uploaded into the database.<br>
To edit this record, click <a href="pred_edit2.php?comcode=<?echo mysql_insert_comcode()?>"  > here</a>




I would appeciate any help I can get. Thanks!





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  2 things to help you here.


First, put bbcode around your code snippets.  You can use php or code, but php is usually preferred.  (Note that I modified your post for you and inserted these since this is your first post.)


//your php code




The second tip is that you have to supply people with specifics.  What *specifically* doesn't work at present?

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Just glancing at that code, I see a lot of very strange things, and code that is altering the structure of a table for some inexplicable reason.  I don't see how it in any way relates to adding entries, although we don't know among other things:


-what the application is

-what the database structure looks like

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This is something along the lines of what you need to let users add, delete, and modify entries in a database, of course its not anywhere near a full script, but you didn't give us very much information


print "\r\n";
$act_table = 'some_table';
$_GET['act'] = 'die';
if(isset($_GET['act'])) {
	switch($_GET['act']) {
		case 'add': 
			$act_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $act_table . ' (some_field,some_field,some_field) VALUES ("' . $some_text . '","' . $some_text . '","' . $some_text . '")';
			if(@mysql_query($act_sql)) {
				print 'Content added';
			else {
		case 'del': 
			$act_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $act_table . ' WHERE some_field=' . $some_value . '';				if(@mysql_query($act_sql)) {
				print 'Content deleted';
			else {
		case 'mod': 
			print 'Modify content';
			// i'm too lazy to show you how to do this, figure it out.
			print 'Invalid action supplied';
print "\r\n\r\n";

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