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how do i put this into a string


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alright i have another problem, i keep getting a error for this code:

echo "<table border='0' cellspacing='10'>";
echo "<tr> <td>Status</td> <td>IP address</td> <td>Server name</td> <td>Current map</td> <td>Players</td> <td>Connect</td> </tr>";
echo "<tr>";
include 'rcon_hl_net.inc';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
if(fsockopen("udp://".$row['ip'], $row['port'], $errno, $errstr, 2)){
	echo "<td align='center'><img src='./yes.gif'></td>";
} else {
	echo "<td align='center'><img src='./no.gif'></td>";
	$M=new Rcon();
	$status = $M->RconCommand("status");
	$line = explode("\n", $status);
	$map = substr($line[3], strpos($line[3], ":") + 1);
	$players = trim(substr($line[4], strpos($line[4], ":") + 1));
	$active = explode(" ", $players);
	$result["ip"] = trim(substr($line[2], strpos($line[2], ":") + 1));
	$result["name"] = trim(substr($line[0], strpos($line[0], ":") + 1));
	$result["map"] = trim(substr($map, 0, strpos($map, "at:")));
	$result["mod"] = "Counterstrike " . trim(substr($line[1], strpos($line[1], ":") + 1));
	$result["game"] = "Halflife";
	$result["activeplayers"] = $active[0];
	$result["maxplayers"] = substr($active[2], 1);

echo "<td>".$result["ip"]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$result["name"]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$result["map"]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$result["activeplayers"]."/".$result["maxplayers"]."</td>";
echo "<td align='center'><a href=\"steam://connect/".$row['ip'].":".$row['port']."\"><img src='steam.png' border='0'></a></td>";
echo "</tr>";	

echo "</table>";


the error: Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/public_html/test.php on line 35 to 41

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sorry i had removed my mysql connections, lines 35 - 41 are

      $result["ip"] = trim(substr($line[2], strpos($line[2], ":") + 1));
      $result["name"] = trim(substr($line[0], strpos($line[0], ":") + 1));
      $result["map"] = trim(substr($map, 0, strpos($map, "at:")));
      $result["mod"] = "Counterstrike " . trim(substr($line[1], strpos($line[1], ":") + 1));
      $result["game"] = "Halflife";
      $result["activeplayers"] = $active[0];
      $result["maxplayers"] = substr($active[2], 1);



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hello, what i have done is i put a "1" at the end of every variable, $result is an array, but now i have another problem, whenever i look at the echo of print_r($result); it is always being limited of the data, is there a way i can make the limit more, either in the include or my php.ini?

here is the include:


// ************************************************************************
//PHPrcon - PHP script collection to remotely administrate and configure Halflife and HalflifeMod Servers through a webinterface
//Copyright (C) 2002  Henrik Beige
//This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//Lesser General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// ************************************************************************

class Rcon

  var $challenge_number;
  var $connected;
  var $server_ip;
  var $server_password;
  var $server_port;
  var $socket;

  function Rcon()
    $this->challenge_number = 0;
    $this->connected = true;
    $this->server_password = "";
    $this->server_password = 27015;
    $this->server_password = "";

  //Open socket to gameserver
  function Connect($server_ip, $server_port, $server_password = "")
    //store server data
    $this->server_ip = gethostbyname($server_ip);
    $this->server_port = $server_port;
    $this->server_password = $server_password;

    //open connection to gameserver
    $fp = fsockopen("udp://" . $this->server_ip, $this->server_port, &$errno, &$errstr, 5);
      $this->connected = true;
      $this->connected = false;
      return false;

    //store socket
    $this->socket = $fp;

    //return success
    return true;

  } //function Connect($server_ip, $server_port, $server_password = "")

  //Close socket to gameserver
  function Disconnect()
    //close socket
    $connected = false;

  } //function Disconnect()

  //Is there an open connection
  function IsConnected()
    return $this->connected;
  } //function IsConnected()

  //Get detailed player info via rcon
  function ServerInfo()
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //get server information
    $status = $this->RconCommand("status");

    //If there is no open connection return false
    //If there is bad rcon password return "Bad rcon_password."
    if(!$status || trim($status) == "Bad rcon_password.")
      return $status;

   //format global server info
    $line = explode("\n", $status);
    $map = substr($line[3], strpos($line[3], ":") + 1);
    $players = trim(substr($line[4], strpos($line[4], ":") + 1));
    $active = explode(" ", $players);

    $result["ip"] = trim(substr($line[2], strpos($line[2], ":") + 1));
    $result["name"] = trim(substr($line[0], strpos($line[0], ":") + 1));
    $result["map"] = trim(substr($map, 0, strpos($map, "at:")));
    $result["mod"] = "Counterstrike " . trim(substr($line[1], strpos($line[1], ":") + 1));
    $result["game"] = "Halflife";
    $result["activeplayers"] = $active[0];
    $result["maxplayers"] = substr($active[2], 1);

    //format player info
    for($i = 1; $i <= $result["activeplayers"]; $i++)
      //get possible player line
      $tmp = $line[$i + 6];

      //break if no more players are left
      if(substr_count($tmp, "#") <= 0)

      $begin = strpos($tmp, "\"") + 1;
      $end = strrpos($tmp, "\"");
      $result[$i]["name"] = substr($tmp, $begin, $end - $begin);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end + 1));

      $end = strpos($tmp, " ");
      $result[$i]["id"] = substr($tmp, 0, $end);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $end = strpos($tmp, " ");
      $result[$i]["wonid"] = substr($tmp, 0, $end);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $end = strpos($tmp, " ");
      $result[$i]["frag"] = substr($tmp, 0, $end);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $end = strpos($tmp, " ");
      $result[$i]["time"] = substr($tmp, 0, $end);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $end = strpos($tmp, " ");
      $result[$i]["ping"] = substr($tmp, 0, $end);
      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $tmp = trim(substr($tmp, $end));

      $result[$i]["adress"] = $tmp;

    } //for($i = 1; $i < $result["activeplayers"]; $i++)

    //return formatted result
    return $result;

  } //function ServerInfo()

  //Get all maps in all directories
  function ServerMaps($pagenumber = 0)
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //Get list of maps
    $maps = $this->RconCommand("maps *", $pagenumber);

    //If there is no open connection return false
    //If there is bad rcon password return "Bad rcon_password."
    if(!$maps || trim($maps) == "Bad rcon_password.")
      return $maps;

    //Split Maplist in rows
    $line = explode("\n", $maps);
    $count = sizeof($line) - 4;

    //format maps
    for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++)
      $text = $line[$i];

      //at directory output sorted map list
      if(strstr($text, "Dir:"))
        //reset counter
        $mapcount = 0;

        //parse directory name
        $directory = strstr($text, " ");

      } //if(strstr($text, "Dir:"))

      else if(strstr($text, "(fs)"))
        //parse mappath
        $mappath = strstr($text, " ");

        //parse mapname
        //if no "/" is included in the "maps * " result
        if(!($tmpmap = strrchr($mappath, "/")))
          $tmpmap = $mappath;

        //parse mapname without suffix (.bsp)
        $result[$directory][$i] = substr($tmpmap, 1, strpos($tmpmap, ".") - 1);

      } //else if(strstr($text, "(fs)"))

    } //for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++)

    //return formatted result
    return $result;

  } //function ServerMaps()

  //Get server info via info protocoll
  function Info()
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //send info command
    $command = "\xff\xff\xff\xffinfo\x00";
    $buffer = $this->Communicate($command);

    //If no connection is open
    if(trim($buffer) == "")
      $this->connected = false;
      return false;

    //build info array
    $buffer = explode("\x00", $buffer);

    $result["ip"] = substr($buffer[0], 5);
    $result["name"] = $buffer[1];
    $result["map"] = $buffer[2];
    $result["mod"] = $buffer[3];
    $result["game"] = $buffer[4];
    $result["activeplayers"] = (strlen($buffer[5]) > 1)?ord($buffer[5][0]):"0";
    $result["maxplayers"] = (strlen($buffer[5]) > 1)?ord($buffer[5][1]):"0";

    //return formatted result
    return $result;

  } //function Info()

  //Get players via info protocoll
  function Players()
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //send players command
    $command = "\xff\xff\xff\xffplayers\x00";
    $buffer = $this->Communicate($command);

    //If no connection is open
    if(trim($buffer) == "")
      $this->connected = false;
      return false;

    //get number of online players
    $buffer = substr($buffer, 1);

    //build players array
    for($i = 1; strlen($buffer) > 0; $i++)
      $tmp = strpos($buffer, "\x00");
      $result[$i]["name"] = substr($buffer, 1, $tmp);

      //frag count
      $result[$i]["frag"] = ord($buffer[$tmp + 1]) +
                           (ord($buffer[$tmp + 2]) <<  +
                           (ord($buffer[$tmp + 3]) << 16) +
                           (ord($buffer[$tmp + 4]) << 24);

      //online time
      $tmptime = @unpack('ftime', substr($buffer, $tmp + 5, 4));
      $result[$i]["time"] = date('i:s', round($tmptime['time'], 0) + 82800);

      $buffer = substr($buffer, $tmp + 9);
    } //for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++)

    //return formatted result
    return $result;

  } //function Players()

  //Get server rules via info protocoll
  function ServerRules()
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //build info command
    $command = "\xff\xff\xff\xffrules\x00";
    $buffer = $this->Communicate($command);

    //If no connection is open
    if(trim($buffer) == "")
      $this->connected = false;
      return false;

    //seperate rules
    $buffer = substr($buffer, 2);
    $buffer = explode("\x00", $buffer);
    $buffer_count = floor(sizeof($buffer) / 2);

    //build rules array
    for($i = 0; $i < $buffer_count; $i++)
      $result[$buffer[2 * $i]] = $buffer[2 * $i + 1];

    //sort rules

    //return formatted result
    return $result;

  } //function ServerRules()

  //Execute rcon command on open socket $fp
  function RconCommand($command, $pagenumber = 0, $single = true)
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //get challenge number
    if($this->challenge_number == "")
      //send request of challenge number
      $challenge = "\xff\xff\xff\xffchallenge rcon\n";
      $buffer = $this->Communicate($challenge);

      //If no connection is open
      if(trim($buffer) == "")
        $this->connected = false;
        return false;

      //get challenge number
      $buffer = explode(" ", $buffer);
      $this->challenge_number = trim($buffer[2]);

    //build command
    $command = "\xff\xff\xff\xffrcon $this->challenge_number \"$this->server_password\" $command\n";

    //get specified page
    $result = "";
    $buffer = "";
    while($pagenumber >= 0)
      //send rcon command
      $buffer .= $this->Communicate($command);

      //get only one package
      if($single == true)
        $result = $buffer;

      //get more then one package and put them together
        $result .= $buffer;

      //clear command for higher iterations
      $command = "";


    } //while($pagenumber >= 0)

    //return unformatted result
    return trim($result);

  } //function RconCommand ($command)

  //Communication between PHPrcon and the Gameserver
  function Communicate($command)
    //If there is no open connection return false
      return $this->connected;

    //write command on socket
    if($command != "")
      fputs($this->socket, $command, strlen($command));

    //get results from server
    $buffer = fread ($this->socket, 1);
    $status = socket_get_status($this->socket);
    $buffer .= fread($this->socket, $status["unread_bytes"]);

    //If there is another package waiting
    if(substr($buffer, 0, 4) == "\xfe\xff\xff\xff")
      //get results from server
      $buffer2 = fread ($this->socket, 1);
      $status = socket_get_status($this->socket);
      $buffer2 .= fread($this->socket, $status["unread_bytes"]);

      //If the second one came first
      if(strlen($buffer) > strlen($buffer2))
        $buffer = substr($buffer, 14) . substr($buffer2, 9);
        $buffer = substr($buffer2, 14) . substr($buffer, 9);


    //In case there is only one package
      $buffer = substr($buffer, 5);

    //return unformatted result
    return $buffer;

  } //function Communicate($buffer)



thank you

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