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Feedback please, DB conveniance class extends PDO


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This is a work in progress, its basically a conveniance extension to PDO. I'm just looking for people's thoughts. Obviously there are a few fairly self-explanatory classes that go along with this so I won't include them. Thanks in advance.

(My coding standard is Zend with C influence in case your curious)


Mainly I want feedback on DB::getDOM() as I'm not really satisfied with it and undecided what I want to change.



namespace MPL;

class DB extends \PDO

     * Flag to format JSON output as human readable
     * @see MPL\DB::getJSON()
     * @var int
    const JSON_READABLE = 1;

     * Constructor
     * Initializes the connection.
     * @see   PDO::__construct()
     * @param DB_Options $Options
    public function __construct(DB_Options $Options)


        case 'mysql':
        case 'pgsql':
            $strDSN = "$Options->type:host=$Options->host;dbname=$Options->name";
            if ($Options->port)
                $strDSN .= ";$Options->port";

            throw new DB_Exception("Unsupported type, $Options->type");


        parent::__construct($strDSN, $Options->user, $Options->pass);


     * Execute an insert statement
     * @see    PDO::query()
     * @param  string $strSQL The SQL statement
     * @param  bool   $bDeep  Set to true if the SQL doesn't start with INSERT
     *                        but still creates a new record.
     * @return int    Last insert ID, if there was one. Or NULL on fail.
    public function insert($strSQL, $bDeep = false)

        if (!$bDeep && substr(trim(strtoupper($strSQL)), 0, 6) != 'INSERT')
            throw new DB_Query_Exception(
                'MPL\DB::insert(): Require INSERT statement'

            return $this->lastInsertId();

        return null;


     * Get results as object
     * @see    PDO::query()
     * @param  string       $strSQL SQL statement
     * @return PDOStatement
    public function queryObj($strSQL)

        return $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);


     * Get results an XML format
     * @see    \PDO::query()
     * @param  string $strSQL     The SQL statement.
     * @param  string $strRoot    The XML root element.
     * @param  string $strRow     The row element
     * @return string
    public function getXML($strSQL)
see todo on getDOM regarding pointer to root node
        $Dom = new DOMDocument;

        if (!$this->getDOM($Dom, $strSQL, null, $strRoot, $strRow))
            return false;

        return $Dom->saveXML();

     * Execute An SQL Statement
     * @todo   Able to specify a pointer to the root node to fill the results
     *         into.
     * @todo   Might be better to accept an array or structure of options. This
     *         may be the single argument or substitute $oRoot onwards.
     *         Backwards compatibility would be preferable.
     * @see    \PDO::query()
     * @param  DOMDocument $oDoc     The DOMDocument, or derrived object.
     * @param  string      $strSQL   The SQL statement.
     * @param  DOMElement  $oRoot    The root element, defaults to the
     *                               document's firstChild. Technically could
     *                               be a member of a different Doc?
     * @param  mixed       $mRes     The tag name of the container element,
     *                               defaults to 'dataset' for <dataset />. Or
     *                               a DOMElement attached to the DOMDocument.
     * @param  string      $strRow   The tag name of the result row element,
     *                               defaults to 'data' for <data />.
     * @param  string      $strResID The container elments id, optional.
     * @return bool
    public function getDOM(\DOMDocument $Doc, $strSQL, \DOMElement $oRoot = null, $mRes = 'dataset', $strRow = 'data', $strResID = null)

        $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);

        if ($res->columnCount() < 1)
            return false;

        if (is_string($mRes))

            $oRes = $Doc->createElement($strRes);

            if (!$oRoot)


        elseif ($mRes instanceof \DOMElement)

            $oRes = $mRes;


            throw new DB_DOM_Exception(
                "MPL\DB::queryDOM() Fouth argument must be either a DOMElement"
                    . " or string name of an element"


        if ($strResID)
            $oRes->setAttribute('id', $strResID);

        foreach ($res as $row)

            $oRow = $Doc->createElement($strRow);

            foreach($row as $e => $v)
                $oCol = $Doc->createElement($e, $v);



        return true;


     * Get Results As JSON
     * @todo   Should also be possible to explode dsv columns like sets or
     *         compiled columns.
     * @param  string $strSQL       SQL statement
     * @param  int    $iFlags       Flags, only DB_Conn::JSON_READABLE
     * @return string
    public function getJSON($strSQL, $iFlags = 0)

        $bReadable = ($iFlags & self::JSON_READABLE);

        $res = $this->query($strSQL, parent::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if ($res->rowCount() < 1)
            return '[]';

        $out = $bReadable ? "[\n" : '[';

        foreach($res as $row)

            $out .= $bReadable ? "\n\t{" : '{';

            foreach($row as $col => $val)
                $out .= ($bReadable ? "\n\t\t" : '') . "\"$col\":\"$val\",";

            $out = substr($out, 0, -1) . ($bReadable ? "\n\t}," : '},');


        return substr($out, 0, -1) . ($bReadable ? "\n]" : ']');


     * Get A Single Column From A Single Row
     * Assumedly your SQL statement will fetch only a single column from a
     * single row, otherwise you will simply get the first column from the first
     * row.
     * @param  string $strSQL The SQL statement.
     * @return string Data, or FALSE on failure.
    public function getVar($strSQL)

        if (!$oRes = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_COLUMN, 1))
            return null;

        if ($oRes->rowCount() < 1)
            return null;

        $mResult = $oRes->fetchColumn();


        return $mResult;


     * Get A Single Row Object
     * If multiple rows are selected only the first row will be returned.
     * @param  string $strSQL  The SQL statement.
     * @param  int    $iFlags  Flags
     * @param  object $oObject Generic object to fill results into
     * @return string Data, or FALSE on failure.
    public function getRow($strSQL, $iFlags = 0, $oObject = null)

        if ($oObject)
            if (!($iFlags & self::FETCH_INTO))
                $iFlags = self::FETCH_INTO;

        elseif (!$iFlags)
            $iFlags = $iFlags | self::FETCH_OBJ;

        if ($oObject)
            $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_INTO, $oObject);

            $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);

        if ($res->columnCount() < 1)
            return false;

        foreach($res as $r)
            return $r;


    public function getCol($strSQL)


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IMO this is just bad practice. You are mixing business logic with representation (XML, JSON)



        case 'mysql':
        case 'pgsql':
            $strDSN = "$Options->type:host=$Options->host;dbname=$Options->name";
            if ($Options->port)
                $strDSN .= ";$Options->port";

            throw new DB_Exception("Unsupported type, $Options->type");



There are design patterns for this kind of behavior. cf Adapter pattern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapter_pattern). Plus your constructor should never do real work only initialization. Your collaborators if any should be lazy-loaded (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazy_loading).


What I also don't like is the usage of mixed hungarian notation. Don't use it on and off. You might aswell just drop it as it has no value in a dynamic programming language like PHP. $txt.. may aswell be an object.

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I had wondered about making the DB class abstract and then creating a DB_MYSQL class. This seems like a logical approach. That said there is only one PDO. Where do you think the connection string should be constructed?


Regarding lazy loading I think that is a good idea, however I have also constructed a seperate container class that can hold a collection of connections, that functions to initialize the connections when required not when defined. Do you think I should still add it to DB?


What do you think of including the getDOM, getJSON, etc methods in the class?


I'm aware of how PHPs dynamic type system functions, however I have found hungarian notation to be quite useful in improving script readability. What I have done is not use it in any interfaces because I know many people would not like it. That said overall I'm still undecided if I will use it or not.

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I had wondered about making the DB class abstract and then creating a DB_MYSQL class


First of that Db_MySQL should be Db_Adapter_MySQL (cf Adapter Pattern). Second you need something to build the appropriate adapter Db::factory(..) (cf Factory Pattern) I highly recommend you stop trying to build your own DBAL. Because:


1) pre-made solutions are already available (PDO, ODBC, Zend_Db, Doctrine 2)

2) They will turn up rather complex quite fast


What behavior do you wish to add to PDO?

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Ok so I have removed the constructor but decided against the Adaptor pattern. DB is now simply PDO with conveniance helpers tacked on. There is a connection manager that simplifies creating a connection. Granted some of your valid complaints still haven't been addressed but I'm just working through it one thing at a time.



namespace MPL;

class DB_Conns

     * Connection already exists exception
    const ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR = 1;

     * Connection doesn't exist exception
    const DOESNT_EXIST_ERR   = 2;

     * Invalid adapter type exception
    const INVALID_TYPE_ERR   = 3;

     * There is no default connection exception
    const NO_DEFAULT_ERR     = 4;

     * DB Connections
     * @var array Array of DB objects
    protected $aConns             = array();

     * Default Connection
     * @var DB Default DB connection, if specified
    protected $oDefaultConnection = null;

     * Constructor
     * Optionally initialize a default connection
     * @param  string     $strConnName The connection's name, defaults to NULL.
     *                                 If this is specified the second argument
     *                                 must also be present.
     * @param  DB_Options $DB_Options  Options for the connection, defaults to
     *                                 NULL. If this is specified the first
     *                                 argument must not be NULL.
    public function __construct($strConnName = null, DB_Options $DB_Options = null)

        if ((string)$strConnName && $DB_Options)
            $this->connect($strConnName, $DB_Options, true);


     * Create A Connection
     * @param  string     $strConnName The connection's name.
     * @param  DB_Options $DB_Options  Options for the connection.
     * @return DB
    public function connect($strConnName, DB_Options $DB_Options, $bDefault = false)

        $strConnName = (string)$strConnName;

        if (isset($this->aConns[$strConnName]))
            throw new DB_Conn_Exception(
                "A connection named $strConnName already exists",


        case 'mysql':
        case 'pgsql':
            $strDSN = "$DB_Options->type:host=$DB_Options->host;dbname=$DB_Options->name";
            if ($DB_Options->port)
                $strDSN .= ";$DB_Options->port";

            throw new DB_Conns_Exception(
                "Unsupported type, $DB_Options->type",


        $this->aConns[$strConnName] = new DB(

        if ($bDefault)
            $this->oDefaultConnection = $$this->aConns[$strConnName];

        return $this->aConns[$strConnName];


     * Destructor
     * Close connections
    public function __destruct()

        foreach($this->aConns as $strConnName => $DB)


     * Close Connection
     * @param  string     $strConnName The connection's name.
     * @return void
    public function disconnect($strConnName)

        $strConnName = (string)$strConnName;

        if (isset($this->aConns[$strConnName]))

            throw new DB_Conns_Exception(
                "There is no connection named $strConnName",


     * Magic Get Connection
     * @param  string     $strConnName The connection's name.
     * @return DB
    public function __get($strConnName)



     * Get Connection
     * @param  string     $strConnName The connection's name.
     * @return DB
    public function get($strConnName)

        $strConnName = (string)$strConnName;

        if (isset($this->aConns[$strConnName]))
            return $this->aConns[$strConnName];

            throw new DB_Conns_Exception(
                "There is no connection named $strConnName",


     * Magic Call Method On Default Connection
     * Threr must be an explicit default connection set.
     * @param  string $strMethodName The method name.
     * @param  array  $aArguments    Arguments
     * @return mixed
    public function __call($strMethodName, $aArguments)

        if (!$this->oDefaultConnection)
            throw new DB_Conns_Exception(
                'There is no default connection',)
        return call_user_func_array(
            array($this->oDefaultConnection, $strMethodName),


     * Magic Set Connection
     * @param string $strConnName The connection's name
     * @param DB     $DB          The DB
    public function __set($strConnName, DB $DB)

        if (isset($this->aConns[$strConnName]))
            throw new DB_Conn_Exception(
                "A connection named $strConnName already exists",

        $this->aConns[$strConnName] = $DB;





namespace MPL;

class DB extends \PDO

     * Flag to format JSON output as human readable
     * @see MPL\DB::getJSON()
     * @var int
    const JSON_READABLE = 1;

     * Execute an insert statement
     * @see    PDO::query()
     * @param  string $strSQL The SQL statement
     * @param  bool   $bDeep  Set to true if the SQL doesn't start with INSERT
     *                        but still creates a new record.
     * @return int    Last insert ID, if there was one. Or NULL on fail.
    public function insert($strSQL, $bDeep = false)

        if (!$bDeep && substr(trim(strtoupper($strSQL)), 0, 6) != 'INSERT')
            throw new DB_Query_Exception(
                'MPL\DB::insert(): Require INSERT statement'

            return $this->lastInsertId();

        return null;


     * Get results as object
     * @see    PDO::query()
     * @param  string       $strSQL SQL statement
     * @return PDOStatement
    public function queryObj($strSQL)

        return $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);


     * Get results an XML format
     * @see    \PDO::query()
     * @param  string $strSQL     The SQL statement.
     * @param  string $strRoot    The XML root element.
     * @param  string $strRow     The row element
     * @return string
    public function getXML($strSQL)
see todo on getDOM regarding pointer to root node
        $Dom = new DOMDocument;

        if (!$this->getDOM($Dom, $strSQL, null, $strRoot, $strRow))
            return false;

        return $Dom->saveXML();

     * Execute An SQL Statement
     * @todo   Able to specify a pointer to the root node to fill the results
     *         into.
     * @todo   Might be better to accept an array or structure of options. This
     *         may be the single argument or substitute $oRoot onwards.
     *         Backwards compatibility would be preferable.
     * @see    \PDO::query()
     * @param  DOMDocument $oDoc     The DOMDocument, or derrived object.
     * @param  string      $strSQL   The SQL statement.
     * @param  DOMElement  $oRoot    The root element, defaults to the
     *                               document's firstChild. Technically could
     *                               be a member of a different Doc?
     * @param  mixed       $mRes     The tag name of the container element,
     *                               defaults to 'dataset' for <dataset />. Or
     *                               a DOMElement attached to the DOMDocument.
     * @param  string      $strRow   The tag name of the result row element,
     *                               defaults to 'data' for <data />.
     * @param  string      $strResID The container elments id, optional.
     * @return bool
    public function getDOM(\DOMDocument $Doc, $strSQL, \DOMElement $oRoot = null, $mRes = 'dataset', $strRow = 'data', $strResID = null)

        $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);

        if ($res->columnCount() < 1)
            return false;

        if (is_string($mRes))

            $oRes = $Doc->createElement($strRes);

            if (!$oRoot)


        elseif ($mRes instanceof \DOMElement)

            $oRes = $mRes;


            throw new DB_DOM_Exception(
                "MPL\DB::queryDOM() Fouth argument must be either a DOMElement"
                    . " or string name of an element"


        if ($strResID)
            $oRes->setAttribute('id', $strResID);

        foreach ($res as $row)

            $oRow = $Doc->createElement($strRow);

            foreach($row as $e => $v)
                $oCol = $Doc->createElement($e, $v);



        return true;


     * Get Results As JSON
     * @todo   Should also be possible to explode dsv columns like sets or
     *         compiled columns.
     * @param  string $strSQL       SQL statement
     * @param  int    $iFlags       Flags, only DB_Conn::JSON_READABLE
     * @return string
    public function getJSON($strSQL, $iFlags = 0)

        $bReadable = ($iFlags & self::JSON_READABLE);

        $res = $this->query($strSQL, parent::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if ($res->rowCount() < 1)
            return '[]';

        $out = $bReadable ? "[\n" : '[';

        foreach($res as $row)

            $out .= $bReadable ? "\n\t{" : '{';

            foreach($row as $col => $val)
                $out .= ($bReadable ? "\n\t\t" : '') . "\"$col\":\"$val\",";

            $out = substr($out, 0, -1) . ($bReadable ? "\n\t}," : '},');


        return substr($out, 0, -1) . ($bReadable ? "\n]" : ']');


     * Get A Single Column From A Single Row
     * Assumedly your SQL statement will fetch only a single column from a
     * single row, otherwise you will simply get the first column from the first
     * row.
     * @param  string $strSQL The SQL statement.
     * @return string Data, or FALSE on failure.
    public function getVar($strSQL)

        if (!$oRes = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_COLUMN, 1))
            return null;

        if ($oRes->rowCount() < 1)
            return null;

        $mResult = $oRes->fetchColumn();


        return $mResult;


     * Get A Single Row Object
     * If multiple rows are selected only the first row will be returned.
     * @param  string $strSQL  The SQL statement.
     * @param  int    $iFlags  Flags
     * @param  object $oObject Generic object to fill results into
     * @return string Data, or FALSE on failure.
    public function getRow($strSQL, $iFlags = 0, $oObject = null)

        if ($oObject)
            if (!($iFlags & self::FETCH_INTO))
                $iFlags = self::FETCH_INTO;

        elseif (!$iFlags)
            $iFlags = $iFlags | self::FETCH_OBJ;

        if ($oObject)
            $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_INTO, $oObject);

            $res = $this->query($strSQL, self::FETCH_OBJ);

        if ($res->columnCount() < 1)
            return false;

        foreach($res as $r)
            return $r;


    public function getCol($strSQL)



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