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PLEASE HELP! PHP get line from file and compare it not working.


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Hi. Can someone please make it so that this code that I made reads through every line in a file, and checks it against the $myvar variable to see if its equal to what its reading in the file?


PHP Code:



/*** make sure the file exists ***/
$file = 'my_file.txt';

$myvar = "b";
$couponcode = readLine($file, 2);

//2nd line of the text file should be b

if( file_exists( $file ) && is_readable( $file ) )
if($myvar != $couponcode){ //if b!=b
    echo $myvar."!=".$couponcode;
    echo $myvar."!";
    echo "Cannot read from $file";


* Read a line number from a file
* @param    string    $file    The path to the file
* @param    int    $line_num    The line number to read
* @param    string    $delimiter    The character that delimits lines
* @return    string    The line that is read
function readLine($file, $line_num, $delimiter="\n")
    /*** set the counter to one ***/
    $i = 1;

    /*** open the file for reading ***/
    $fp = fopen( $file, 'r' );

    /*** loop over the file pointer ***/
    while ( !feof ( $fp) )
        /*** read the line into a buffer ***/
        $buffer = stream_get_line( $fp, 1024, $delimiter );
        /*** if we are at the right line number ***/
        if( $i == $line_num )
            /*** return the line that is currently in the buffer ***/
            return $buffer;
        /*** increment the line counter ***/
        /*** clear the buffer ***/
        $buffer = '';
    return false;


ANY HELP is GREATLY appreciated!



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you are not reading every line in the file. only one. you need to use a while loop on the readLine result to read all the lines in the file.

also, your flow could be failing on the logic if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)). But you should be getting an the error message if that's the case.

while ($couponcode = readLine($file, 2))
check that the value of the line you are retrieving is correct by printing it

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and if i wanted to make $myvar an array, and make the variable that reads the file into an array and compare them, how would i do that? and NO smartass answers please, if u DO have a smartass answer, please just completely ignore this thread. I don't hijack YOUR threads..

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I hear the best way to get help is to be a jerk and ignore the people that already answered the question. You need to be in a freelance forum since you don't want to even try to code this yourself. You're being silly and frankly are making an @ss of yourself :)


Hope that helps

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well.. from what i read of your code, doing the while() loop with readLine in it should work AFAIK just like i displayed in my first reply... but failing that, if you want to read an entire file to an array just use the pre-included function file(): http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.file.php


And examples of use:

// Get a file into an array.  In this example we'll go through HTTP to get
// the HTML source of a URL.
$lines = file('http://www.example.com/');

// Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too.
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
    echo "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n";

// Another example, let's get a web page into a string.  See also file_get_contents().
$html = implode('', file('http://www.example.com/'));

// Using the optional flags parameter since PHP 5
$trimmed = file('somefile.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);

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ok, now how can I use $myvar to compare it to every string in my_file.txt and return whether or not it matches the text in the file?


// Get a file into an array.  In this example we'll go through HTTP to get
// the HTML source of a URL.
$lines = file('my_file.txt');

$myvar = "b";

// Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too.
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
if($myvar = htmlspecialchars($line)."<br \>\n"){
//    echo "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n";
    //echo $myvar." "."matches ".htmlspecialchars($line)."<br \>\n";
      echo trim($myvar." "."matches ".htmlspecialchars($line)."<br />\n");
    //echo $myvar." doesn't match ".htmlspecialchars($line)."<br />\n";

// Another example, let's get a web page into a string.  See also file_get_contents().
$html = implode('', file('my_file.txt'));

// Using the optional flags parameter since PHP 5
$trimmed = file('my_file.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);





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