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I am pulling info from the db and need it to print out the values. My problem is I am not sure how to get what I need.


Here is my table

asian TINYINT(1),
black TINYINT(1),
east_indian TINYINT(1),
mid_eastern TINYINT(1),
hispanic TINYINT(1),
native TINYINT(1),
pac_haw TINYINT(1),
white_eu TINYINT(1),
othr_Ethn TINYINT(1),
othr_Ethn_txt VARCHAR(32) 


each one contains a 1 or null, 1 if true


I want to be able to display all with the value of 1

ie.  Black, Native Indian



I know I need a while loop;


          $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ethn WHERE userId = 'test'");

          while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {



And I am thinking I need an if else statment to get my output


if ($asian == 1){
  echo " Asian \n";}
else if ($black == 1)
  echo " Black \n";}



Am I even close and if so how do I connect them?







If you want to just pull only asians and blacks, or something like that, than I would suggest using WHERE clause. if you just want to list everyone, and say what race they are, than select the columns you needs and leave out the Where clause (since you want every entry) and use the if statements

if you just want to list everyone, and say what race they are, than select the columns you needs and leave out the Where clause (since you want every entry) and use the if statements


That is what I was thinking.


What about using a foreach?

I was just checking out the while loop on php.net and they used a foreach which gives the out put with out a comma at the end. But they also used a nested while loop to get the same results.


All I want is to have my out put so that there is a comma between them and none at the end.





you can do that a fews. The easiest (well easiest IMO) would be to just concatenate (or basically mush together) a string in the loop and just trim the last comma from it.

$string = "";//create an empty string
if (..){
$string .= "Black, ";
if (..) {
$string .= "Asian, ";

//trim last comma and space
$string = rtrim($string, ", ");//use rtrim because we only want to trim from the right
}//end while


but there are multiple ways of doing it (and the method is pretty much the same (or similar) with the foreach or while)


Not shure why ya used tinyints,

but based on your db, i would prolly opt for something like

$ethnics=array('Asian,'Black','East Indian','Mid Eastern','Hispanic','Native','Pac Haw','White EU');
if($row=mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ethn WHERE userId = 'test'")))
   foreach($user_eth as $key=>$val)
       if($val) $string[]=isset($ethnics[$key])?$ethnics[$key]:$row['othr_Ethn_txt'];
   $string=implode(', ',$string);

if(empty($string)) $string="Unknown';

Can anyone help me get this working? I need the data in $othr_Ethn_txt to print out


if ($othr_Ethn == 1)
$string .= " $othr_Ethn_txt, ";


This is the full code:


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ethn WHERE userId = 'test'");

while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

$string = "";

if ($asian == 1)
$string .= "Asian, ";

if ($black == 1)
$string .= "Black/African, ";

if ($east_indian == 1)
$string .= "East Indian, ";

if ($mid_eastern == 1)
$string .= "Middle Eastern, ";

if ($hispanic == 1)
$string .= "Latino/Hispanic, ";

if ($native == 1)
$string .= "Native American, ";

if ($pac_haw == 1)
$string .= "Pacific Islander/Hawaiian, ";

if ($white_eu == 1)
$string .= "White/Caucasian, ";

if ($othr_Ethn == 1)
$string .= " $othr_Ethn_txt, ";

$string = rtrim($string, ", ");

echo " $string \n";


I changed my code to see if I could get it to work but it still will not pull the data from the table for  $othr_Ethn_txt


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ethn WHERE userId = 'kelly'");

while($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

$string = "";

if ($r['asian']) $string .= "Asian, ";
if ($r['black']) $string .= "Black/African, ";
if ($r['east_indian']) $string .= "East Indian, ";
if ($r['mid_eastern']) $string .= "Middle Eastern, ";
if ($r['hispanic']) $string .= "Latino/Hispanic, ";
if ($r['native']) $string .= "Native American, ";
if ($r['pac_haw']) $string .= "Pacific Islander/Hawaiian, ";
if ($r['white_eu']) $string .= "White/Caucasian, ";
if ($r['othr_Ethn']) $string .= "$othr_Ethn_txt";

$string = rtrim($string, ", ");

echo " $string \n";



I know I am missing something but don't have a clue, can anyone help????

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